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US Propaganda makes americans forget about Usama
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US Propaganda makes americans forget about Usama

"a man with a beard and mustache"

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Comments for: US Propaganda makes americans forget about Usama
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 06:14PM

so fuck it i hate them all fuckin' nuke 'em they are the foulest life form on the planet
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 06:32PM

Cant argue with that.Would definately send a message.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 06:36PM

A message that would come back to haunt the US.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 07:02PM

Duane and Beast go drinking
Duane and Beast wanted to go out drinking, but they only
had $2.00 between them. Duane said, "Hang on, I have
an idea." He went next door to the butcher's shop and
spent the $2.00 on one large sausage. Beast said, "Are
you crazy? Now we don't have any money left at all!"
Duane replied, "Don't worry - just follow me."
They went into the pub where Duane immediately ordered
two double shots of Jack Daniels. Beast said, "Now
you've lost it! Do you know how much trouble we will
be in? We haven't got any money to pay for this!"
Duane replied, with a smile,"Don't worry, I have a
plan. Cheers!" They downed their drinks. Duane said
OK! I'll stick the sausage through my zipper and you
get on your knees and put it in your mouth."
Said and done, the barman noticed them, went berserk,
and threw them out.
They continued this, bar after bar, getting more and
more drunk, all for free. At the tenth bar, Beast said,
"Duane - I don't think I can do this anymore. My mouth
is sore! and my knees are killing me!" Duane said,
How do you think I feel? I lost the sausage back at the
third bar!"

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 08:37PM

LOL !!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 09:30PM

Nice one. But .... what`s it got to do with Bin Laden?
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 10:24PM

Absolutely nothing,thats the beauty of it.
destructor Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 11:04PM

Freedom fighter? That's sort of like calling child rapist a child liberator. Are you that kind of person? I think you are.

I think you're a sick man full of hate and paranoia who desperately wants to stamp his boot in other people's faces and justify it in the name of bullshit Islam.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 12:37AM


Why should it ?


Nope .. just giving you the truth ..obviously Jack was right. You can't handle it.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 12:47AM

Hey beast,hows the sausage?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 01:55AM

Duane the Tard

You must have missed the alternate ending to the joke.

At the tenth bar, who I thought was Beast but really my mom said, "Duane - I don't think I can do this anymore. My mouth is sore! and my knees are killing me!" Duane said, How do you think I feel? I lost the sausage back at the third bar!"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 03:41AM

While you guys are out there sucking each others sausage, there are a bunch of religeous fanatics out there plotting to turn you into hamburger. And thats worse than Pat Robinson and his PTL Club. Wheather or not anyone from the free world went to war with those mid-eastern, their main purpose in life is to take out at least one non-muslim. Twin Towers made up for a lot of those one on one encounters that could not take place. Now all you pacifists out there that think they will not hurt anyone, pack your ass up, go over there and tell Zarqawi or one of his cohorts Jesus loves you and see what happens. Its ok with me if they pray to Allah five times a day, just don't beat me up if I don't want to. They don't really care about the oil but they do care about their religeon. If you are Muslim, you can have all the oil you want and at a pretty decent price. If you are non-muslim, you will be killed by the price. Oil or not, the struggle is for the control of mens minds. An dictator can become much wealthier by opressing people and take everything they have than he can be by becoming an elected official and give it up in four years. You can be corrupt like a lot of elected officials do in any country, but that happens because the citizens put up with it. They change their constitutions to give up their guns, then the elected officials, change the constitution on their own to remove the right to free speach. Now how are you going to get it back? Are you going to negotiate it? Doubtful! Are you going to fight for it? With what, shovels and rakes and other implements of destruction? Remember, the military is under the command of the leadership. They are sworn to uphold their president. It is not their onus to backup your wants needs and desires. You gave that up when you gave up your right to bear arms. Thats guns, not short sleve shirts. When those folks that are already here want you to bow to the east 5 times a day and learn arabic, what are you going to do. Remember, you elected to keep Christianity out of everything, you didn't think about keeping islam out of anything. Another thing you should remember, peace and freedom have NEVER been won by negotiation. If you think that is not true, ask the thousands killed by Sadam in his own country that wanted to be free. If you give these people an inch they will take a mile, just like the communists. I firmly believe the average Iraqi citizen is a well meaning hard working person not unlike ourselves, its their leadership, and in more recent cases the leadership of the insurgents that need to be eliminated. Stop your bickering about the small stuff, find a common ground to fight this evil and do something for humanity.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 04:21AM

He's still a fucking asshole muslim, die
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 04:37AM


Bullshit. Their hatred of the US has nothing to do with islam. That is just a recruiting tool the same way that conservatives use religion in the US.

The CIA fucked over these people and they are pissed. Invading Iraq has only made their hatred grow. The worst part about it is now more mainstream muslims are seeing what these freedom fighters are talking about.

The US wants to treat people with dark skin like animals to be controlled at their whim. There is no better way to create formidable enemies than to educate them with western ideas then piss them off. The same way the american colonists got pissed off and did something about it.

We are only seeing the fruits of our labor.

Viva democracy !

Saddam was encouraged by the US to oppress every person who would threaten his regime.

Why did Colin Powell urge president Reagan not to respond to the report that Saddam had gassed the Kurds ? 2 reasons. 1) CIA and DIA had concluded Iran gassed the Kurds 2) Saddam was necessary to keep Iraq from becoming a bigger Iran. Thus creating a country with the most oil in the world. Iran would become one of the richest nations in the world. Where there is money and an honest distrust of other nations comes NUCLEAR WEAPONS. So Reagan head Colin Powell's advice.


President Bush is a fucking asshole christian. but he doesn't deserve to die. Just do jail time in leavenworth federal penitentiary for treason.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 05:50AM

Hey, aDCBeast, there's a really cool trick, just hold your breath for about 20 minutes, If you don't think you can, just wrap your face in cellophane. When you start seeing darkness, that's just the beginning. Eventually it will get really, really hot. Just check it out, sorry ass!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 07:11AM


Your 14yr old humor is lost on me. Stay in school and don't procreate. Get a vasectomy.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 10:45AM

I'm sure ninepointfiver meant that as a serious suggestion, not humour. =Please= try it and make us all happy.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 05:56AM

What?, No Response.....Let's hope he did us the favor!!!!!!!
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 10:21AM

I dont know if Beast is mad his mom sucked my cock or proud of it because he posted it.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 03:42AM

Duane the tard

Did you ever take english grammar ? You told the joke as if you were telling it first person. Read it again and see who's mom it really was.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:25AM

Pots and kettles again, beast. Your grammar is nothing to boast about. In that post alone, English should have had a capital letter and it's "whose mom", not "who's"
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:01PM


Jumping in midstream is lame.

I didn't claim to have gret grammar. I did say however that Duane the tard missed the meaning of the joke told above. The meaning stupid.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:54AM

haaa ha haa haaa!! "jumping in midstream is lame" haaaahahahaha haaaaa! hoo! ha! whew... - hellooOOoooo, this is /ahem/ where anyone can post anything anytime. ha ha ha hah !!!
duane Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 02:04AM

The whole point was you sucked my cock,I lost the sausage!Oh well,you can retell it if you want but it will not be that funny because no one will understand you with my dick in your mouth.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:18PM

Jumping in midstream (though rather a strange metaphor - did you make it up?)isn't lame, it's wet.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:36PM

See DCBeast's 23-y-o wife at:

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 08:07PM


She's my scag so keep your eyes off her!