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The King
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The King

"a man and child sitting on a couch"

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Comments for: The King
Boneless_Sausage Report This Comment
Date: June 08, 2005 03:53PM

Ok dood, so I'm the one who's been lumbered with commenting first on the above picture......Why doesn't the uploader comment first? What message is he or she trying to get across here, by posting a picture of Elvis with a young boy? Are they suggesting that Elvis needed a bit of help
from the young lad for his "69 cumback special?!!!" Ahh...what the fuck! If it wasn't me who said it, it would have been someone else!

Boneless_Sausage Report This Comment
Date: June 08, 2005 04:01PM

PS: By the way, Elvis is not the king of rock n' roll. The king of rock n' roll is still alive and well. The king is not some overweight drug fucked pedo who blows away TV sets among other things! Yes, the king has had his ups and downs, but don't we all. Iggy Pop....say no more.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 08, 2005 11:47PM

2 words, you moron
Boneless_Sausage Report This Comment
Date: June 09, 2005 05:39PM

It's a shame that you believe your own so called intelect 94144. If you were paying attention to your own stupidity, you would have noticed that you have actually produced "one number" and "three words"! Boneless - 1 94144 - 0 Game Over.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 09, 2005 10:01PM

nice foto! i have not a bad word to say about the king! a ahah..
katalyst Report This Comment
Date: June 10, 2005 01:56AM

iggy pop king of rock n roll? bah. great artist n all but hes not the reason why rock n roll became so popular and respected. elvis is the reason for those words rock n roll..his music defines it...but has more of a blues influence. led zeppelin, acdc, jimi hendrix etc are probably a better of example of bands that have shaped rock n roll into what it is today.
Boneless_Sausage Report This Comment
Date: June 10, 2005 03:59PM

Well said Katalyst. A fair and just reply. It's just a shame how his career wound up, where as Iggy (who accepted help from close friends etc, in which Elvis refused) was able to deal with and treat his afflictions and keep on kicking ass on stage - to this day! Anyone who is willing deal with there own weakness like Iggy has, is a king in my book. *** Keeping in mind that the majority of Elvis' material was written and composed by other musicians and then sold on to Elvis eg: Tony Joe White etc. Elvis was talented but he also was just an end product of a long line of just as talented musicians who were supplying him with some really great songs. The truth is that Elvis was marketable, the others were not. It does makes me wonder, who really is "the king?"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 12, 2005 11:05PM

katalyst, has hit the nail on the head rock and roll and elvis are like milk from a cow! one and the same, if there was no elvis would there be a work rock and roll. iggy pop, oap shit on a stick! elvis and the word rock and roll were a time in history that can't be changed no matter who people think there king of r&r is. that will always go to elvis..
Boneless_Sausage Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2005 02:23PM

If Rock n' Roll and Elvis are like milk from a cow 1608, where was the farmer who raised and looked after the cow? A: In the back ground away from the public eye overfeeding the cow and fattening it up, getting it ready to send to the slaughter house so he would get as much profit as possible. Using a cow as an example is a bad analogy 1608! Elvis was a true talent who was taken advantage of and turned into a SHOW PONY! Remember this, Elvis wasn't the only performer around at the beginning of Rock n' Roll! There were hundreds of talented and just as worthwhile musicians who were there as well. And as I said before, a lot of them were writing and composing songs and then selling them to Elvis because they were convinced by their own managers that this would be the only way that their song(s) could become a hit. You don't have to believe me, just do some basic research and you'll find out the truth. My whole point about Iggy was that he has stayed true to himself, so did Chuck Berry and Little Richard and the list goes on. But those guys were not "market material" so they did not get the same kind of exposure as Elvis. Of course there are many who could wear the "crown"! It comes down to personal taste. Though, when you put someone on a pedestal......they are bound to fall.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2005 07:18PM

Ah well, at least I got your interest.I just thought I would share a rare picture of Elvis to you all. In reply to the first guy, sometimes you don't need to say anything to describe a picture.The king just looked relaxed and happy. He was going through a period of rediscovery,and this is backstage at his NBC TV special(68 comeback)Iggy Pop is obviously a great talent, but no one even comes close to Elvis. You can't argue with the facts.
Boneless_Sausage Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2005 08:57AM

Thanks for posting your rare pic 2137,Yes, Elvis was great, but no one here wants to acknowledge how he became an icon and how he earnt the label "the king". He did not do it by himself. Unfortunately for all those avid Elvis fans, that is the truth......and as you said 2137, you can't argue with the facts.
Rival Report This Comment
Date: June 20, 2005 02:55PM

all u guys r dumbasses. ur arguing who is the king of rock n' roll is... its almost as stupid as these other people were arguring wut a hoe wuz! they thought it wuz a garding tool!... thats just retarted
Boneless_Sausage Report This Comment
Date: June 22, 2005 01:45PM

Get a life Rival! We're just having a friendly debate. If you don't want to have a say on the topic, that's ok, just go away.....and find someone who is tolerant enough to listen to you moan and whine.......ho hum................
Papazombie Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2006 01:25AM

Bwahahaha! Elvis is so stoned in that pic.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2006 05:50PM

Wow, Elvis was such a HOMO!!!