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Lost Patriotism - Wallpaper
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Lost Patriotism - Wallpaper

"a painting of a boy with a flag and a group of men"

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Comments for: Lost Patriotism - Wallpaper
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 06:08AM

Definitions of True Patriotism
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 06:15AM

What did you see on 911?

Bush's Answer
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 07:52AM

Google - Tim Osman
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 12:27PM

I thought the same thing he did when I saw the news after the first plane hit the tower. He just phrased the words wrong which is a mistake anyone can make especially after the tape of the first planes surfaced. Just conspiacy theorists nit picking at words and wishful thinking.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 02:46PM

Put Turbans on their heads and replace the flag with an iraq flag. Same ol Shit to me.
brokntoad Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 04:13PM

jgoins Wrote:
> I thought the same thing he did when I saw the
> news after the first plane hit the tower. He just
> phrased the words wrong which is a mistake anyone
> can make especially after the tape of the first
> planes surfaced. Just conspiacy theorists nit
> picking at words and wishful thinking.

OH... I see... He is just an idiot.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 07:27PM

jgoins, what a joke you are, you're always going on and on about conspiracy theory crap, what are you going to do as all of the conspiracy theory stuff becomes more and more real, deny it, do you know what you are with all of the denial you spew out, a conspiracy theorist, so what you're saying is it's all a conspiracy against Bush, allllrightythen. Your support for Bush is a weakness not a strength, the way you see it is, if you actually say how wrong you are it will make you look stupid and you'd rather be wrong than admit stupidity, the old fashioned way hard at work.

Do you believe in coincidence, how much coincidence is to much, when do you stop and say, hey, wait a second, ever?

What about the WTC 7 BBC thing, that was just a silly coincidence?

At first you deny things, you seen the WTC 7 video of it falling and you said, that's not the WTC 7 building, I've seen demolition and that's demolition but that could be any building anywhere, then you couldn't deny it so then you started with your weak explanations, the well, so what, it's no big deal attitude, if it wasn't a big deal at all why did you deny it in the first place.

What about "the story", look at how fast after 911 "they" already had "the people who did it and the mastermind" all over the news worldwide. If they knew who did it RIGHT AFTER it happened, gee, why haven't they even charged Osama (Tim Osman) with anything?

It's just like that other crazy conspiracy theory JFK, RIGHT AFTER the shooting they already found the guy who did it in a movie theater, (you have to start selling to the people immediately) were did they get the info from, probably the same place the BBC (Samson Building) got their info, oh yeah, he supposedly didn't pay for his movie ticket and the whole police force came and arrested him for JFK's asssassination.

I know you're to old but here you are, again, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Acceptance.

The more you deny, the weaker you become.

Just an opinion of course, but the next generation will look down on you for your transparent support.

You love Bush so much, I wish I knew where you lived so I could come and sell something to you, easy money.

Learn the US media (structured propaganda)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 08:01PM

Open your eyes.

A LOT of money for "them", money that takes away from us, bigtime.


Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2007 08:13PM

You can't deny "The Commision" when it's on video.

Behind the back
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2007 12:17PM

Well I am not like so many of you who voted for him in the last election and later changed your minds because to going gets tough. I voted for him in the last election and I still support my vote. I do differ with him in the way he conducted the war with Iraq, in that we should have just moved on to Iran and Syria after taking out Saddam and not rebuild any of them. The only way I will drop my support for him would be if he tried to remain in office after his term has ended or if absolute proof was provided that he orchestrated 911 and was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in court. None of that will occur so all the suposistion about it is just talk and means nothing.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2007 09:48PM

Wow. I can't believe you just said we should have created an anarchy in three different countries, and just leave.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2007 11:05AM

Absolutely. By doing that it would be years before either country could threaten anyone else.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2007 12:40PM

butleave them wide open to attack, take over, civil war, beast you can take over from here.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 12:50AM

Maybe the ones who take over will be better.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 01:36AM

that possibility matches the name of my new (adopted) cat....slim
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2007 12:11PM

Even if someone else takes over there will be no threat from those countries while they are rebuilding.