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Ubuntu on OSX Parallels Emu
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Ubuntu on OSX Parallels Emu

"a screenshot of a computer"

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Comments for: Ubuntu on OSX Parallels Emu
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 04:43AM

Ok Z, I'll bite. How'd you take a screenshot of a page that wasn't yet loaded on 613 and then post it showing it already loaded .... inquiring minds wanna know cool

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 11:53AM

Didn't you know the Mac has a time travel option? Future or past at the click of the mouse.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 11:56AM

it is a screenshot from the users online 613 page, nothing special there, but zoom in and look at the details of my connection. You will see that the entire Ubantu OS is emulated on the mac OS, meaning I have a choice of OS, including windows should i choose to load it, all on one computer without rebooting.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 12:15PM

I've had 2 virtual OS's on my flashdrive for about 3 years now, nothing new there. Getting unsuspecting machines to boot on my choice of OS is a good way to circumvent password protection. But I have no need to have multiple OS's on a PC. It's an excellent tool for developers however.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 01:33PM

I had a Nintendo emulator on a pc 10 years ago, Woberto, point is that one reason people do not like mac is that they won't have all the same programs they had on their old pc, and booting into windows requires slicing up the hard drive as well as time for switching between OSes. I just wanted to show how nice it was to learn a new OS without buying a new computer smiling
smiley This is not a Macworld keynote speech. grinning smiley
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 02:17PM

It's pretty cool and I think I want one now just because.
I hope you PAID for both of the OS's...
pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 03:04PM

Ubuntu, like the vast majority of Linux flavours, is free smiling
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 03:24PM

Yep, anyone who would pay for Ubuntu should have CHOOM tatooed across their forehead smiling bouncing smiley

So Z, you're usin an emulated version of Ubuntu through your Mac or is it actually a fully loaded OS separate of your Mac OS? I guess what I'm askin is it inside our along side your Mac OS?

I'm gonna hafta put together a dual boot Ubuntu/XP configuration so I can house all my companys XP crap on the new machine I built for the office. If I knew how to do it I'd emultae XP within an Ubuntu system, but I ain't near that slick with a keeboard.

Honestly I dunno how to even import the old XP system onto the new machine due the the friggin security key crap. I do have a corporate XP disc layin around a buddy gave me that is fully legal and has a valid key and all but I dunno if I can even import all the stuff from the old XP system into a fresh install without borgin it all.

If all I needed was the files, that's a no brainer but with all the MS based programs like Quick Books and such I am stuck with runnin a full blown XP OS to be able to run the stuff. I HATE proprietary programs for this very reason .... arrrrggghh hot smiley hot smiley

zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 05:08PM

the mac OS is paid for and the reason i tried out Parallels with Ubantu, 64 bit smiling
smiley , was because it was free and I did not feel like spending time with parrots, cutlases and unusually named bearded men.

The Ubantu installation is fully installed so it can save and load files & programs, it is launched from the Parallels application. The Parallels app creates a 35-ish Gb virtual drive (don't ask me how that works, it has not changed any of the available drive space numbers confused smiley ) and instals there. The people over at Parallels are naturally not making any mention of Linux, instead opting for a marketing strategy that promotes their product as an alternative to the mac dual boot system.
Ubantu has been a bit slow to react sometimes, maybe because it has to share resources, (on a macbook with 4GB RAM and 2.1 Ghz processor) but switching from one OS to the other is as easy as ctrl+tab - Ubantu is in reality running as an application within the mac OS.

I will add MS to the mix at some point but i have to get a copy first and I want a legal one, I only pirate when I can justify it smiling
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2009 11:14PM

sudo -s
apt-get install wine
nic Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 05:41AM

i'm sure k knows about wine by now...
is a bitch to configure, i find, but then again i never really had very much interest in ms shitty programs

now i have ps3, just got for xmas, and tried install ubuntu 8.10 and wound up with a broken system... was really easy to fix (like pushing a button) but was still disappointed and still kinda shaky from thinking i was gonna have to somehow manage to fix 8.10 and then access the kboot to get it to boot the xmb again, but no, didn't have to deal with that headache... i'm gonna trie install 7.10 next, i suppose, or use 'nother distro... has anyone here ever fucked with this before?
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 06:41AM

ps3 uses old EPROM tech me thinks.
Let us know it it work out.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 07:35AM

Actually, I got to thinkin about another way to do what I need and figure I'll bounce it off you cats.

My current XP office machine and all it's damned XP required programs all exist on its C Drive, right? How about just removin the drive and poppin it into the new Ubuntu machine and then simply using a dual boot set up to log into Ubuntu for email and web surfin then log outta Ubuntu and boot into the XP system as needed for the MS only programs, which really isn't all that often.

The XP system already has IE disabled, at least as well as I can, and the XP system will really need no web access, so I figure if I just uninstall the Firefox and Opera browsers it now has, that should keep it off the web for good, right? Or would I need to just fark up the network setting to insure it just CAN NOT get on the web at all?

I'm not well versed enough in XPs intricasies to know if there are any hidden snags or tricks I'd need to do for this to work, so anyone know if this is really as simple as it sounds or is there some big whammy just waitin for me if I try and do it this way?

I've fiddled with Wine a few times but never had a lot of success with it and sure don't wanna risk totally snockerin my XP data. Whatever I do really needs to be as safe as possible since blowin up my bookkeeping program, customer/vendor database, etc. would be disasterous.

If anyone has any ideas or could point me in the direction to find out more about all this, it would be a big help grinning smiley

woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 08:50AM

If you have made a Ubuntu install CD then when you install from that CD it will give you the option of creating a partition and installing Ubuntu as a dual boot system without affecting your XP installation. Ubuntu will not run at it's optimum but on a modern processor you may not notice any slack.
DarkKlown Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 09:56AM

You can stick old drives into current hardware and use vmware to emu the booting of them from the drive inside your current OS. I kinda collect OS's and have a drive with 20-30 of them all setup inside images that i can either mount and tweak or mount and boot them in a *NIX based OS. Whenever we've had to run windoze machines at work i've always set them up inside a linux box, for a number of reasons least not that windows <whatever> is a POS to try and workout hardware problems. If you emu the OS ontop of a OS that is good a debugging problematic hardware you have less headaches. Just let windows run it's pretty clicky stuff and let a real OS handle the underbelly of the hardware.

I highly recommend OS emulation rather than dual booting with modern hardware. I always recommend VMWare ( over pretty much anyone else, most of their stuff is free nowadays due to them focusing on the corporate market.

Some other emu software that is kinda cool is []
DarkKlown Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 09:57AM

Also woberto, yes any modern flavour of linux will let you resize an existing partition table and setup dual boot with windows nicely. But remember to always defrag a few times before resizing your partition tables and always backup!
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 12:04PM

I had troubles with the original VMware some years back but it still beats any of the others I tried. I used to construct demonstration databases for other consultants around the globe and due to setup variables & hardware miffs it was not very reliable or consistent. However since vitualisation came into mainstream I just virtualise my entire demo machine and they download that (gotta remember to supply passwords). Virtual servers are the future, clients I'm not too sure about yet.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2009 09:22PM

vmware player is pretty good if you're downloading VM appliances, though with vmware server (2.0 out now) being free you'd be mad to use anything else. It's excellent.

Sun Microsystem's VirtualBox is coming along in leaps and bounds too, there were some issues in earlier ones with getting networking running but I think they're fixed now. I think I'll play around a bit more with that today, as it seems happier supporting my monitor's resolution at work than VMware does with a linux guest for some reason.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2009 02:32AM

VirtualBox has come a long way, its networking support is MUCH better than it was, and it's FAST - at least with Linux.

Happily running Ubuntu 8.10 w/X11 on my external monitor plugged into my work laptop which has all the windows shite on its own screen and the other external monitor.

Works a treat!
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2009 07:29AM

so why is it not possible to buy a machine with all 3 OSs preloaded and a good virtual machine to run them all from a primary almost featureless OS?
What I mean is - why can't the OSes just learn love one-another? smiling bouncing smiley
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2009 12:26AM

That's easy to answer, z. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!