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A grieving mother of a fallen soldier.
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A grieving mother of a fallen soldier.

"a woman kneeling on the floor with shoes and flowers"

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Comments for: A grieving mother of a fallen soldier.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 05:56AM

Her son volunteered for service assholes, and gladly accepted the risk associated with his duty, so fuck you and fuck Cindy the left wing media whore Sheehan.
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 07:14AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:14AM

So Anonymous@542 and Ninepointfiver@79212 why do you hate mothers of fallen soldiers? Have you teenage boys consider a career in the army? [] I think the army would be good for you. And there is porn you can download and lots of free beer.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 08:18PM

I don't hate mothers of fallen soldiers, I hate attention grabbing media whores and their leftist supporters. BTW, I served my country in Desert Storm, and if asked to return to duty, I would.
So go sip on your fuckin' double caramel skinny latte and complain some more about the evils of war.
anonomus Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:03PM

so return to duty Anonymous@542. They are accepting even 60 year olds and if you say you can not because of work, family or other obligations then think of those who are thre now dying for you! YOu chicken shit!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:22PM

YOU are the chicken shit. I have a titanium plate in my shoulder as a a result of my sevice, so lick my sweaty balls.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:23PM

YOU are the chicken shit. I have a titanium plate in my shoulder as a a result of my service, so lick my sweaty balls.
anonomus Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:25PM

Hell Anonymous@542! I know of soldiers returning with artifical legs! So go you fuckin chicken Shit!!! Go! Go! Go! Go! Be a man! Prove to us you are not just another Bush coward hiding behind a computer. I know I know you would rather hide in the shadows where evil is and it the army came for you I think you would hide and fart in the corner! Gee your glorious leader went AWOL so maybe you can convince him to go between barbeques and million dollar plate luncheons! You are not even people you chicken shits!
anonomus Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:29PM

anonomus Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:30PM

Anonymous@542 this is for you
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 13, 2005 09:39PM

I'm sitting here in front of my computer laughing at you and "people" like you.
USAmerican Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 04:32AM

Anonymous@542 you sit there in front a computer while American soldiers die or are injured in Iraq and Afghanistan. You are the typical FUCKIN Asses that make the world hate America.

Why do people around the world hate Amerikans! it not because they can buy a house (with lots of debt.. hell everyone in the world can do that). It is because Americans laugh while others suffer even other Americans. Anonymous@542 please do not waste anymore air and get a gun!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 05:55AM

Didn't hate us very much when we saved your weak european asses from total anihilation during WW2, did you? And don't forget, America is a composite of all of the peoples on this planet from every nation, and has been for more than 200 years. I know many Brits, French, and Italians among many others who make this their home and are proud to call themselves Americans, so PISS OFF.
USAmerican Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 06:21AM

Anonymous@542 why do you inbreds always how the world loves us during WW2? I agree many Europeans were happy that a democratic president like FDR sent fought fascism. I hate fascism too. My grandparents fought fascism too. So why are you now a fascist, Anonymous@542? because that is what Bush and the NeoCons are.. fascists.
USAmerican Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 06:24AM


FDR sent troops and supplies and fought fascism!

Let me add FDR did the new Deal something Bush-Cheney have systematicaly destroyed or are trying to destroy.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 08:56AM

Liberals are the true fascists, and the very reason this once great country is as fucked up as it is now.
And as far as the "inbred" remark goes, I've got a dog at my feet with a longer pedigree than you have.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 08:58AM

NeoCon. Ahahahaha!
USAmerican Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 10:58AM

first off dickweed real liberals are not fascists! the people you think are "liberals" like the Al Gores and Hilary and Bily Bob Clinton are not liberal at all. You are right those pseudo liberals are soft fascists and the NeoCons (that is what they call themselves) are hardcore fascists! But look at this real conservatives believe in smaller government, financial responsiblity and governement out of the private lives of the citizens. So if that is the case then how come these NeoCons spend more money, create bigger government (Faith based Organiztion Department is theirs) and enter more into private matters then amy other American government (the Shivo case for example)? The fact is the the two parties are both lies! The rely on an American population too busy trying to pay bills, raise kids and not loose their jobs. Too busy to see the counterdictions that both parties are and the fact both parties are really the same party with two different colors (red and blue).

As for fucking up the country .. well lots of reasons. One is the military-industrial complex which buys political offices of both parties. Second is that the two party system is a fascade and is really a two headed corporatist party. We do not have a a democratic republic any longer we have a corporatist republic with corporations designing politicians who will not look after the publics better interests, but instead seek the most profitable of any company willing to line their pockets including from foriegn companies (Clinton-Gore got Indonesian money.. Bush-Cheney got Saudi, Japanese and Chinese money). Face it the American democratic system is bankrupt because big companies and politicians of both parties chose money over people everyday.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 14, 2005 05:43PM

Proof once again how difficult if not impossible it is to talk to a liberal without resorting to name calling, branding and finger pointing! Military-industrial complex(!)...Blah, blah blah. The one thing I know for sure, is Liberals are pretty good at complaining about everything, but not taking the initiative and actually doing something about the "problem".
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 15, 2005 09:27AM

Would like to enlighten you Anonymous@252166; I feel for the mothers of our fallen comrades. Don't try to make yourself feel good by talking in the "let me help you son" voice. I have served my time as an Army soldier during the first Gulf War, Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia. No, I did not suffer any disabilitating wounds, but I have done my time; PERIOD. I think you are completely misled if you think that every Veteran should run and join back up after being out for 7-10 years when something new comes up. Dude, it's the roll of the dice....if this shit that's going on now happened when I was in; I'd proudly fought. I fought the battles that were presented to me while I was a young buck doing what I swore to do. I can at least say that what we're fighting for now has a lot more cause than the shit we were doing under Clinton in Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 16, 2005 05:43AM

Semper fi!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 04:42AM

Dear Ms. Sheehan;

Why must you act like a dumb cunt?


Someone who is very grateful for your honorable son's sacrifice.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2005 10:45AM

79212,542,they dont get it and never will.They never served and will not.They love loosers,Kerry,Gore,Sadam and Alqueda.They dont know what it is to be a soldier.They have know faith,morals,pride,or hope.They suffer from paranoia,and are delusional.They say you cant trust the media,internet or government,but they take what they need to create the stories and neglect every other piece of information as wrong or part of a conspeiracy.I guess I should not be surprised with the rise of prozac and retalin.