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santa vs easter bunny
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santa vs easter bunny

"a painting of a rabbit and santa claus fighting"

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Comments for: santa vs easter bunny
Thanatos Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2009 05:14AM

Who knew Kris Kringle was a southpaw?
I Wonder how good his change-up is, my Cubs could use a good middle reliever!(*facepalm*)
PrOpHeT Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2009 02:57PM


This is a war between two characters representing the life of Jesus, on the left or Christian left we have the resurrection, on the right we have the birth.
The Daffodils are oft synonymous with narcissism showing vanity on the part of the socialist Christian left.

Humpty dumpty is confused because he believed after all the effort trying to save him from himself that the left stood for something different, this is further illustrated in the dichotomy of the tulips vs the daffodils, tulips being for love of others opposed to self centered daffodils . That and the fact that he has always believed the Easter bunny may be his father, he has however suppressed this emotional area because he was never speckled like the other eggs, in the end he just wanted to be loved, that is why he is placed near the tulips.

From a psychological view, baby Jesus is normal because he started with the chocolate bunny's ears, however he is on Santa's side, this side being the right of course representing the Christian right. Being the conservatives, they want Jesus to themselves. This compiled with the fact the Easter bunny must shit out millions of huge painted eggs every year left Mr. bunny pretty pissed.

Rudolph is of course the zombie he always is, with a coke habit so bad it makes his nose red enough to glow, he seems at peace with the violence before him. And of course what better way to subliminally push coke that to have their Santa and a fluffy little coke head in the same picture!

Santa will unfortunately loose due to his portrayed bad luck (He tried to get a rabbit foot to rectify this, but it ended up being a flesh wound)

So this begs the obvious question, who is the person so bored they have dedicated their life to decorating the north pole with giant candy canes.confused smiley

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: November 07, 2014 01:29AM

didn't credit artist at the time I posted as I didn't know who to credit...

Clash of Holidays - Todd Schorr