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Union Flag
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Union Flag

"a flag with a cross with Great Britain in the background"

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Comments for: Union Flag
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2005 03:52PM

Tiw Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2005 04:20PM

Britains never, never, never will be slaves tongue
sticking out smiley

PS: We also rule the waves winking
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2005 07:53PM

An ancient relic from a once great empire. Wonder what ever happened to them.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2005 08:21PM

meat pies and fish and chips i love the British. Always felt welcome in there great country!
Anonymous238253 Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2005 11:21PM

Keep taking your fantasy tablets 108164 you dumb bastard. The UK is still a world power...who chairs the G8 summit right now?

Who bailed you rednecks in Iraq....especially the Scottish troops? 700 troops did the job of 20,000 wanks, sorry, Yanks.
Point made, no arguments.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2005 11:33PM

I worked with the black watch in Northern ireland they were the worst troops in the world fucking jocks moaning all the time instead of getting on with the job. Wankers and always will be.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2005 05:29AM

Kick the Muslims out and Britain might be a decent country again.
Jumbo Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2005 01:59PM

Yeah, and why not kick out the Danes (Vikings), French (Normans), etc. Get a life, racist scum
Jumbo Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2005 02:01PM

P.S. The song doesn't say that Britannia rules the waves. It say "Britannia rule the waves" It's a command not a statement. (I hate jingoism, too)
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2005 03:03PM

I think gruff is a member of the BNP or possibly more likely the National Front. It's shits like him that left Britain and invaded, sorry colonised America and helped the Indians become 'civilised'.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 03:33AM

No sorry fellows, it's time you woke up to the reality of Islam. I'm not against West Indians or non-Muslim Asians or any other group - they want to join British society and culture. The Muslims want to destroy it and replace it with Islam. If you're happy having your wife wear a bin liner and praying to Saudi Arabia five times a day, then go right ahead and keep thinking "National Front".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 11:01PM

Bobs a nob
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2005 04:19PM

I think the Union Jack is one of the most beautiful flags in the world....and I am not british!
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2005 05:23PM

Gruff maybe where you come from that might be true but I live in Scotland which is 1% muslim and they sure as hell don't want to take over the country. Many of my friends are Muslim and they would rather they had the space to have their own culture rather than a british one imposed on them but they are a lot less paranoid than British people are against them
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2005 08:52PM

Yes, Islam is a religion of peace when they are not:

- flying aircraft into buildings

- bombing Aussies in Bali

- bombing trains in Madrid

- killing shoolchildren in Beslan

- sending their children on suicide bombing missions to kill Jews

- Beheading people in Iraq

- Rioting and killing Christians in Nigeria

- Burning Christian Churches in Kosovo

- Murdering Film directors in Holland

- Threatening Dutch politicians with murder

- Gang raping women in the suburbs of France

- constantly shouting 'death to America, death to Israel'

- suicide bombing compounds in Saudi Arabia

- bombing synagogues in Turkey

-brutal slaying of a Coptic Christian Egyptian American family in New


As native born americans we need to get all islamic muslims out of

america before it is to late, and we lose all are freedom.

Looks like God kicked Allahs muslum ASS with (Tsunami) big flush of dead

muslums. how many 200,000 dead ragheads, so much for ALLAH you dick

heads. Cut some more heads off you scumbags and see what God does to the

rest of you. You hate everyone, but sure love a hand out, go burn some

more flags while your at it. Muslums are the worst of liars.

Violent jihad or holy war against unbelievers. Murder, stealing,

torture, slavery and rape against unbelievers is acceptable if couched

in terms of jihad.

Christians and Jews allowed to live in Muslim dominated lands provided

they pay a special tax and accept their status as second class citizens.

The status of polythiests is tenuous at best, they will eventually be

eliminated either by persecution or death.

My dear brother, please read Chronicles of Islamic Wisdom.

Here are a few excerpts from the book of one of Islam s' supreme
spiritual leader: Ayatollah Khomeini: "A man can have sexual
pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he should not
penetrate, sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and
damages the child then he should be responsible for her
subsistence all her life. This girl, however does not count as
one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to
marry the girls sister" - From Khomeini's
book, "Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran,

"A man can have sex with animals such as sheep?s, cows, camels
and so on. However he should kill the animal after he has his
orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own
village, however selling the meat to the next door village
should be fine". From Khomeini's book, "Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth
volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990
"If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel,
their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their
milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed
and as quickly as possible and burned." The little green book,
Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini, Political, Phylosophica, Social
and Religious with a special introduction by Clive Irving, ISBN
number 0-553-14032-9, page 47"It is better for a girl to marry
in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her
husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father
marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in
heaven" - From Khomeini's book, "Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth
volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990 REMEMBER IRAN CONTRA?
Eleven things are impure: urine, excrement, sperm...non-Moslem men and

women...and the sweat of an excrement-eating camel.Ayatollah Khomeini


I'm so scared i have a wart on my penis. Is it a penis sucking muslim ?
93% muslim males have anal and/or genital warts. ALLAH!! Homosexuality

is widely practised in Islamic countries. To please the

homosexuals,Muhammad (the evil perverted prophet) promised his followers

pre-pubescent boys in Paradise. So after committing plunder, loot, rape

and murder in this life, the male followers of Islam get "rewarded" by

untouched virginal youths who are fresh like pearls. (72 Virgins, 28

young boys and the virility of 100 men...) dead Warrios of Allah

(suicide bombers and the like) believe that today.

The most important information to know about Muslims,is that they will

smile to your face and cut your throat from the back. Muslims are EVIL,


Like Muhammad, Ayatollah Khomeini and most other Islamic clerks, Iranian

Mullahs and American Catholic Priests, are perverted mentally and


WAR WAR. Booooom!! You get to meet that ass wipe allah smiling

World Hope, Freedom, Peace, Love, free speech
Lets make America safer from Muslim Killers,Rapist,and liars.
(1) Seal our borders, and ports. No illegal immigrants allowed to enter

america. (2) Deport all but native born muslims to the middle east

countries. (3) Out law the Islamic religion. Declare it a threat to

national security. (4) Convert islamic Mosque into public recreational

facilities for young people. (5) Double the sizes of our military. (two

year military service mandontory after high school, Starting pay, twenty

thousand a year )
(6) Remove Islamic dictators that do not promote civil rights!


.................. (Vote World Freedom Fighter for President.)

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2005 01:54PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2005 09:19PM

IRA - Undefeated army...