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OH&S issue?
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OH&S issue?

"a yellow sign with black text"

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Comments for: OH&S issue?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 06, 2006 05:23AM

They will slip on the grass?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 06, 2006 05:44AM

for anyone who might be a little confused
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 06, 2006 08:15AM

Walk too close to the telly and these bastards dive.
aussie_frank Report This Comment
Date: July 06, 2006 11:55AM

Between the Italians and the French I think we will see a lot of Oscar winning performances.
an_italian Report This Comment
Date: July 06, 2006 12:46PM

Envy.. 100% envy... and BTW french, portuguese, spanish, and all latin teams do the same...
we are in the final, so you can all suck our big italian sausage dry
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 06, 2006 03:25PM

my god... australians are now pretending to be the gods of football... please go back playing cricket you morons....

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2006 12:36AM

at least the aussies don't have a match fixing scandal in their own backyard. no aussies diving out of windows or on the field.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2006 08:30AM

the fanniest thing is that in the match Australia-Italy the italian player Grosso didn't dive at all, there is a big difference between diving and falling because you have a man between your legs while you are running, and you australians, who never plaied football in your life dannot distinguish between the two things...basically this is your problem, not ours if you don't know the difference between football and rugby! football you are not allowed to obstruct a player who is going straight into the goal with the ball, and if while doing so you stop him and make him fall it is penalty, even if you didn't want to hit him.

mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2006 08:30AM

beside this, the picture is nice smiling
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2006 08:42AM

Taken from the official laws published on the fifa web site:
"A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following four offences:

* tackles an opponent to gain possession of the ball, making contact with the opponent before touching the ball
* ...

I just rewatched the higlights of the match, and it is clear that this is exactly what the australian plaier did, and in fact he wasn't even able to touch the ball, he did touch only the italian plaier who actually fooled him bringing the ball away...basicaly this shows mainly how the italian player was superior to the australian player, and not a cheater. And according to this rule it was penalty.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2006 08:45AM

One final remark, if australians were so honest, why didn't they protest when the referee sent the italian player Materazzi out? According to the rules that was a mistake to send him out, so if the australian players were so honest they should have protested, but they didn't simply because they are like all the other pleyers, if something positive for them happens, they are simply happy with it, and they were happy to play half of an hour with one man more then the italian team, as this was the only chance they had to try towin the match, so they were happy to receive such a present from the referee. But unfortunately they weren't able to exploit the present....again this is an australian problem, not an italian one.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2006 08:56AM

I am from England (the country that invented the game, also the country with good players but a shite manager)and yes, the Italians are divers and cheats as are most countries at the world cup. It is also starting to creep into the English game and if it isnt stopped it will end up ruining the beautiful game.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2006 02:39AM

england invented the game?

shit my history books and education has lied to me all my life! (i was using the new sarcasm font obviously).
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 09, 2006 05:44PM're a wanker.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2006 07:17AM

dear dishonest mkcerusky, the aussies didn't 'trick' the ref into red carding the italian player, big difference. how do u link honesty with protesting a foregone conclusion? once the red card is shown, it cant be undone.
it was a dishonest dive that won italy that game.
wow italy's national team needed to resort to cheating to beat aussie minnows, what world champions they must be (NOT).
it will never be the beautiful game whilst shit like that is allowed to happen
crowbarclassic Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2006 07:54AM

England didnt invent soccer you wanker. Japanese did by playing with a ball made of pig skin. Bollocks to you english poof, bollocks.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2006 08:42AM

630 you forgot that Grosso was REALLY hit by the australian player and DID NOT dive, there is a big difference between falling and diving.

And also for a penalty, as you say "once it is shown it can't be undone". From this point of view, Italian and australian players did exactly they same thing: they accepted a decision of the referee which was good for them. I don't think that if the australians where in the shoes of the italians would have asked the referee not to give the penalty.