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$9 is loose change now
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$9 is loose change now

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Comments for: $9 is loose change now
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2024 10:57PM

woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2024 11:24PM

pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2024 12:34AM

I'm sitting in a coffee shop, no doubt rocking my man bun (customer not barista though, is that allowed or would I be culturally appropriating barista attire?) And ordered a coffee and a plain croissant. And I might have misheard her, but I'm sure that just cost me $17.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2024 08:11AM

It may have. Where I am, the cafes in the CBD are doing it very hard - open only five days a week and not late with higher prices or small portions. With the virus people sold out of Sydney for prices they couldn't believe, bought here for prices the vendors couldn't believe (+20%ish), invested the rest at dividends, don't want to work (a lot of people here have two jobs and there's still vacancies), watch the dividends pile up in the bank and wait for another stockmarket slump, when they'll invest. It's not secret. But they're not spending at the cafes or gyms at anything near the rate the former residents did.

If the government really cared about inflation they would scrap the treaty allowing yanks to invest bypassing the FIRB, scrap the Double Taxation Bill (that allows foreign investors to be tax free), watch the money flood out of Australia, lowering inflation, whilst the vast sums in our banks financed this by flooding into our stockmarket. It's not hard and would be the most popular thing this lot did.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2024 09:52PM

Yeah nah, not reading any of that but let me say thus.
You are eating RENT.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2024 07:26AM

No Woberto, the CBD cafe's are down to two or three staff and have lot's of spare time. Another cafe has six staff who are non-stop. They are between an old middle class region and the medicals in one direction, and on the road to the industrial area on the other, plus morning walkers. Location, location.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 28, 2024 10:20PM

I assume when you say CBD you mean Sydney or Melbourne?
Rule of thumb $200 per square meter for ground floor retail.
That's monthly, so your average little cafe is paying up to $200k per year.
So they need to clear $800 per day just to make rent.
Plus council rates especially if they have "outdoor dining"licenses.
That's a lot more than staff and "materials" so yeah, you are mostly eating rent.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2024 12:53AM

No woberto, the dying CBD where I am.

There are almost no residential rentals available, house prices have held or, for larger houses, slightly risen, the banks are bulging with cash (it's no secret) and no one's spending like the former residents who sold out to refugees from Sydney fleeing the virus, lockdowns, forced jabs that had failed their clinical trials (but carried profit), sadistic politicians (a known infected cruise ship was allowed to disembark its passengers in Sydney so the virus could be used to confiscate all guns, NSW police were briefed on this and refused) and Chief Health Officers who had medical qualifications, no medical career, but long career in political activism. It was a total failure of the system.

There's a perfectly good smash repair shop that's closing or has just closed, despite the number of kangaroo strikes, as the owner couldn't find a buyer. The refugees are mostly retirees, academics and teachers (various sorts) former hospital staff who wouldn't take the jab and were sacked, and office staff from Sydney's CBD who know nothing about smash repairs.

I assume from your posts work is mucking you around with more bits of paper you have to sign, or someone actually believes in what's on the paper?
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2024 01:01AM

Man the AI bots are getting good pulse, well done mate.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2024 01:03AM

Man the AI bots are getting good pulse, well done mate.

It almost seems believable doesn't it?
pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2024 01:05AM

The smash repairs business is worthless to people who don't know smash repairs. If I was looking for a business to invest in, I certainly wouldn't buy something like that.

My wife's uncle will be retiring soon. He's been trying to sell his business, which is a good earner, for a couple of years. The problem is, HE is the business. Yes he has a few staff etc but at the end of the day it's his very particular skills which means there's any form of ongoing income. One of two companies in Melbourne, if not eastern Australia, that does this kind of stuff.

Without him, it's a lease on a small factory and some staff that follow instructions. Ie; it's not a business that can be sold.

Smash repairs would be more or less the same. If you're the main guy there, you can't sell the business to anyone other than another "main guy" who knows how to do everything and guide some apprentices or basic engineering staff. The little smash repairs shops are disappearing because most of the large insurers do their own now, in massive factories on the outskirts of the city. It's not profitable to compete unless you're doing boutique work. The small ones are all disappearing everywhere; just like most other "small guy" businesses. It's not the influx of teachers and foreigners into an area. ALL businesses which require unique skills are dying.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2024 05:00AM

This is well away from a city so he gets the insurance work. But otherwise you're right - from well before the virus. Here, the specialist antique book dealer, the electronics shop that could repair anything and had knowledgeable staff, the ABC bookshop that could order in anything and the jeweller who could repair anything.

Add the uniform and dress shop the catholic church knifed (waited until she bought over $100k worth of material for the catholic school uniforms, then told the parents they could only buy from the school shop), a computer shop closed by doubling the rent every six months, then vandalising the home it was run out of, for competing with one owned by a catholic, that closed anyway (a staffer would tell you about her love of the "patron saint of throats" and that she used to work at the abattoir... cutting animals throats), and the dry cleaners who were evicted for the most petty reason - it was thriving. But if catholicism seizes control of the businesses there's more tithes, to fund the priest who drove 30km every Wednesday to visit a woman who kept giving birth, and the monk who visited 'daddysearch' on the library computer. See! It's to the glory of God... This place has gone downhill in ways not immediately obvious. So it is for the country - and here comes a war.

On that note, I know the vast sums in Australia's bank accounts are the subject of geopolitical considerations, as they can fund a British Commonwealth war effort, and what various countries might do about it. Proof we are sleepwalking into war is that we are doing nothing about it - reality conforms with fads within your favoured political group, if it calls itself a party or a religion.

There's no attempt at prohibiting future foreign investment and making buying out foreign shareholders attractive for a company, thereby moving some of that money (a third will make us a much smaller target, and if the yanks want to use inflation to reduce vast numbers of their people to poverty, that's where it can come from), giving government emergency control of production without threats to security; no attempt at reinstating protective tariffs, so all supply lines are within the borders, despite any naval officer able to show you pictures of civilian container ships with a 40' container whose roof lifts up and there's one or two missiles, and what looks like a stack of containers houses anti-satellite missiles, again for what look like cruise ships, and all ships can give false ID - it doesn't matter if there's 4-5 thousand people on board - they will be sunk without warning. So will all super yachts, as both the yanks and Russians offer their elites torpedoes and anti-shipping missiles. Yes, on private yachts, that can also carry special forces. The same goes for what looks like civilian aircraft. Nothing will be imported.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 10:28PM

Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2024 01:07AM

Yes, quantitive easing creates inflation. You can get rid of the extra money in three ways:

1 pretend to solve the problem by slowing the movement of money, by raising the interest rates on new mortgages;
2 punish everyone with a mortgage by raising interest rates, when not all of them got the extra money (what happens in Australia, taxes on interest repayments are used to cancel the money);
3 order the banks to increase their deposit lending ratios - holding back money - squeezing businesses instead (less spending). It affects the largest companies the most, and therefore the wealthiest who own shares in them. The Australian Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, is currently trying to limit this option;
4 do without foreign investment, buying them out removes money from your economy, so it's the same effect.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2024 10:34AM

Update, the smash repair shop just sold, so the staff keep their jobs, the town keeps the business and what it does and the former owner looked happy today.