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This thing will bring the victory in Iraq
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This thing will bring the victory in Iraq

"a machine on a carpet"

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Comments for: This thing will bring the victory in Iraq
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 07:06PM

It's Mr. Jonny 5!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 08:10PM

Aint nothin gonna bring victory in Iraq. We don't want to be there and they don't want us there. It's that simple.
ganjaking Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 08:24PM

Iraq war was lost from the moment it started, You may have killed islamic fanatics that wanted to do harm to america , but now you have created a whole new breed of them , WITH a reason to kill americans.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 08:34PM

It's a T-1, first generation Terminator series, manufactured by a company called Skynet.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 08:38PM

ganjaking, apparently that REASON is getting rid of a murdering dictator and allowing the people to choose their own accountable government. Whatever you think US motivations are, that is actually what is happening there. I guess this is very un-Islamic. Islamic fanatics would like an all repressive nightmare government where they execute teenage girls for having sex before marriage. i.e. Iran
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 10:29PM

This thing will bring the death in Iraq.

...And hatred of the cowardly US that sends machines to kill without the loss of soldiers.
No more honor in war, is there.

As to 208121: Yes, getting rid of Saddam was a good thing. However since the US *supported* him previously, when it was convenient to us, and helped him gas the Kurds (etc.) it's rather hypocritical to try to take the moral high ground now and say we invaded Iraq to do the Iraqis a service. Follow the money, my friend. Democracy is not lucrative.

However, you are also right that Islamics tend to choose religious govt's that murder women for have premarital sex. And gays, and whomever doesn't follow their Code.
But military invasion is not going to change their minds that "our way" (of immorality and online porn?) is better than their system. Go check out the Spengler debates on [] , in the forums.

However however, are we going to bring "democracy" to Iraq? Or are we going to bring "capitalism" to Iraq? I think it's the latter, not the former.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 10:50PM

I think we Americans should plot to make all the muslims fight each other just like they have been for thousands of years,but let's pull out first/all we have to do is tell the opposing religious finatics how come the other side always has more than you do & vice versa works every time,try it on blacks(I've seen them go at it,funny,funny,funny)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 11:24PM

LOL, cowardly US huh? Yet another armchair political opinionist. I would like to see how brave you would be when any pop can lying on the ground can blow up in your face. this thing's purpose is very likely to examine potential road side bombs and destroy them. Talk about cowardly acts, how brave are those "Islamic jihadist lions" that remotely detonate road side bombs. They are too scared to confront the US soldiers. Or the jihadists that kidnap and execute women who have volunteered to help humanitarian projects in Iraq. And you have interesting logic there about how the US has no moral right to remove a murdering dictator because they once help financed his war against Iran. Every anti-American jumps on this fact. So-fukn what??? At the time Iran was the greater evil and Iraq was best placed to contain it. It was the right call at the time. MANY nations were involved in supporting Iraq, not just the US. I guess it shouldn't matter that he later invaded a sovereign nation called Kuwait and executed thousands. I've read some stories about that invasion that were horrifying. Who cares that he practiced genocide on ethnic minorities. No, the world should just sit blindly by and watch it happen. Just like the Europeans did with Hitler when he broke the treaty of Versailles and re-armed. Europeans will always be appeasers at the expense of their principles. And just how exactly did the US help him do this to the Kurds???? Yet another unsubstantiated rumour that you typical anti-american jump on. Who needs facts huh? Even when the US ostensibly is supporting something the west values such as freedom and democracy, people still say "oh yeah, I bet there some financial reason behind it, there HAS to be. We will find this reason even if there are no facts to support it"
yamon Report This Comment
Date: January 25, 2005 11:46PM

For anyone that thinks Iraq hates us: []
ganjaking Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 01:15AM

Iraq war is about money and oil. Freedom? How about giving the iraqis the right to live however they damn well please? Now I think that Iraq is safer after the war , but is the U.S.A.? NO. How about the rest of the countries in Africa , South East asia, Cuba and etc.. with oppressive goverments, how come the US has not drawn up the invasion plan to free the rest of the politically imprisoned and suffering people? You know why ,because they dont have shit for them in return. War for oil. Iraq is a mistake.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 02:23AM

OK, gabjaking, you must be a economics genius or something, the way you figure out the real motivations of international diplomacy. Please bestow on us a mere nugget of your amazing insight: how exactly does the US get the "money and oil" that they couldn't get off the free market before invading Iraq? Surely you aren't suggesting that the US is secretly building a pipeline to New Jersey and sucking Iraq dry for free are you. No, you wouldn't subscribe to such a crude idea as that. You must know some more subtle, yet ingenious method. Yes, Iraq had a UN embargo before the invasion and could only export oil for money to be used for food and medicine. The thing is, the U.S. was the major impetus behind that resolution, and it was the Europeans that were sneakily making huge profits by circumventing it (documents have been found in Iraq substantiating this). So the argument that the invasion was to allow Iraq to export oil doesn't seem reasonable. So far, the only money transfers I have heard about are from the US congress that keeps passing huge expenditure bills to pay for Iraqi infrastructure improvements, like powerplants and sewage plants that were neglected for decades so that Saddam could pay for his massive military. (that the Russians and French were all to happy to sell him). So by all means, tell me how the US is making huge money from this invasion?
As to your question about the rest of the oppressed world: well the US did stop the government in Serbia and help put Slobodan Milosevic on trial for genocide of, oh my god, Muslims! In Somalia, they sent troops so that food aid would get through to the starving people. Well, pretty much the entire population of Mogadishu attacked them and killed something like 15 soldiers, so they left. With limited resources, I don't think the US is going to send 10 divisions to every hot spot in the world. That should be the responsibility of a unified United Nations that is resolved to fight tyranny. With conflicting self interests though that is never going to happen. For example, both France and Russia PROFITED hugely from Saddams regime, and therefore did not want their cushy deals to be disrupted.
duuuuuuuuuuuuude Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:45AM

nothing can bring true victory unless we destroy the place. it's illogical, but true.

quote from 16852 "I don't think the US is going to send 10 divisions to every hot spot in the world. That should be the responsibility of a unified United Nations that is resolved to fight tyranny" the U.N. has no real power. all they can do is pass resolutions "strongly urging" military action. they can't force anyone to do anything
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 10:24AM

16852: "this thing's purpose is very likely to examine potential road side bombs and destroy them. Talk about cowardly acts, how brave are those "Islamic jihadist lions" that remotely detonate road side bombs. They are too scared to confront the US soldiers"

your reply is 100% bovine excrement.
first of all you don't examine roads with a machine gun. Second, it's a tough coward race, you bomb them with planes and cruise missiles, they have the right to respond as they want.
Third, i'll be scared as shit too if i see a US marine with all new weapons n technology approaching me when all i can have to defend myself are knives and stones, or if i'm real lucky, a 30 years old kalashnikov.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 02:20PM

A comment on the picture now....doesn't look very impressive to me. What good is a 30 million dollar weapon that some kid can just kick over and make useless?
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 03:23PM

What's the battery life like on this thing?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 05:40PM

To poster who signed his post as "Asshole": Hmmm, "100% bovine excrement" huh. What a witty, intelligent comeback. I feel totally humbled, now that I have witnessed true excellence in the art of debate. You have systematically disected every argument I presented with incisive, undeniable truth and unambiguous use of the English language.
FIrst, I'm not exactly sure what you mean with your statement "you don't examine roads with a machine gun". No, the machinegun is not used to examine anything. I thought that was obvious. It is the cameras that would do the examining. The machinegun would be used to disable or destroy the object of interest.
Second, I'll take your last two statements as actually having the same meaning. When you say "all I can have to defend myself...", I assume that you are implying that the average Iraqi is being attacked by US soldiers, and that those attacks are unjustified. However, those that are being attacked by the soldiers are basically criminals by every accepted definition of the word, not average Iraqis. They are a group that are indiscriminately killing hundreds of innocent Iraqis. They are a group that is trying to sieze power disproportionate to their public support by using terror and fear. Basically, exactly the same characteristics of the Baathist regime or an Islamic fundamentalist regime. They are sabatoging reconstruction projects in order to prevent any evidence that the US is actually helping the average Iraqi. I am sure that if the average Iraqi is in fact reasonable and has some foresight beyond that what is provided by religious fervor, they do not want this group to seize power. Therefore I do not accept the argument that the US is unjustifiably attacking anybody.
And no, this group is not the poorly equipped common people that you are trying to characterize them as. They are well financed terror group and they have more rocket propelled grenades and Kalshnikovs and explosives than they know what to do with.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 09:08PM

info about robot: []
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2005 01:40AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2005 10:09PM

nuke ur mother
MAILERDAEMON Report This Comment
Date: April 17, 2005 01:54PM

Hommingberger Gepardenforelle: []