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bitch of the year!
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bitch of the year!

"a man with a headset on his head"

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Comments for: bitch of the year!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2005 05:00AM

Good One.. Wish I would have posted it, so true!!
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2005 05:04AM

Fuckin' bull shit. Did you even read the Patriot Act? NO. I didn't think so. Neither did congress the fist time they passed it. That's exactly why it was extended 6 months,(not to just cancel it) so much needed revisions can be made.

Here's the Patrion Act

ah fuck it Socilism is better anyway.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2005 02:27PM

read it the day it was published, and yes it was b.s.
madmex Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2005 04:47PM

THIS IS DUMB>>>>>>>>>>>
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2005 09:15PM

it definately was'nt meant to be "high brow"
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2005 12:54AM


It's especially dumb since it left off the 5 REPUBLICAN senators that voted with democrats.

The people are starting to see through the BS of the Bush administration. They enact bad law. Then break the law they enact.

American history is supposed to be a requirement for HS graduation in America but it seems to many people sell their values to benefit themselves.

King George the III enacted all kinds of intrusive and controlling laws to control the colonists.

The bill of Rights was supposed to keep american leaders from ever enacted such intrusive and controlling laws.

But I guess posters to this site have forgotten about american history and what the constitution guarantees us as americans.

I also guess these same posters think the Founding Fathers got it wrong.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2005 01:07AM

no laws are to be correct for the whole existence of any country or people.
why do you think they are constantly being re-written?
ex: hitching your horse outside certain buildings is forbidden by law. when was the last time that one was enforced? 1800's?
i posted a whole list of stupid laws that still exist today a few months ago, go find 'em yourself, I'm laughing too hard at you to do it for you!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2005 07:01PM


The bill of rights seems to have stayed intact for 200+ years. And the intent is that it stay intact for the rest of american history.
The_truths_a_BITCH_aint_it Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2005 08:31AM

Fucking Dumbasses. They wouldn't know what losing their civil liberties was like even if somebody donated a gerbil brain to fill the empty space in their skulls. Very Sad.....
The_truths_a_BITCH_aint_it Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2005 08:36AM

Don't believe me?

Ask an OLD German. Some of the best engineers and thinkers in the world. Duped into Goose stepping for a dumbass with a Big Mouth.

Can't happen here?

Oops. Too fucking late.

Arrogant presumption is the only pre-requisite and right wingnuts have it in spades.

The left might be frustratingly all doubting and questioning, but it's that dedication to a (even theoretical) ideal that makes 'em smarter than
Dumbasses, Inc. Brought back by a failing civics students of three generations.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 30, 2005 12:20PM

"The bill of rights seems to have stayed intact for 200+ years. "

Bullshit. It's been chewed to bits by modern liberals and conservatives who want to keep all the power in their hands instead of the people while claiming to help them. Look at that bitch Feinstein in California. She wants to ban all firearms (like a criminal gives a shit about a firearm ban), yet she's one of the very few people in L.A. with a concealed carry permit. So it's fine if rich assholes like her have the ability to kill plebs like us, but not the other way around.