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Flip flop

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Comments for: Flip flop
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2017 12:40PM

Is Isis not Muslim? What other religions are cutting off people's head, blowing themselves up to kill others or trying to kill the great Satan?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2017 02:29PM

don't forget:
THE Crusades, The Inquisition, The Augustinians, The Council of Clermont, The People’s Crusade, The Knights Templar, Saladin, The Massacre of the Jews of York, Richard the Lionheart, The Teutonic Order, The Livonian Crusade, Pope Innocent III, The Albigensian Crusade,........................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ..............................................................millions have died in the name of their god, and they're still dying today. the hypocracy of religion is a cancer on humanity, and has been for thousands of years and sadly enough, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2017 04:25PM

>Is ISIS not Muslim?

jgoins, Did you have a grandmother that went to church every Sunday? Perhaps a devout Methodist or Presbyterian? If you asked her would she have said she was a Christian?

Now take a look at this fuck-wit in the article below. If you asked him (or anyone else from the still active movement) they would say they are Christians too.

Should dear Granny be lumped into the same category as the guy in the article above? They both call themselves Christians.

Muslim is not the same as Radicalized Muslims. If we allow blanket associations like this to become acceptable then best start locking up most of the Bible belt because of the possibility they might go extremist militia on the rest of us.

Heck the labels of Catholic and Protestant were used frequently during the IRA bombings through the 70's and 80's that killed thousands but I doubt anyone ran in fear from most "Christians" of that era. Religious labels have always fueled division as they make a nice convenient way to throw people into groups. In reality every religion in the world contains a million shades of grey. Fearing everyone who is Muslim is the same as fearing Granny because she worshiped the same God as fuckwit Larry McQuilliams up there.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2017 06:52PM

As one who views all religion as a pox upon the unfettered progression of humanity as a whole, for my $$ they can all pound sand when it comes to trying to coerce me one way or another in how I should live or act. Don't need any, don't want any, plain and simple.

That said, I'm all for you practising however or worshipping whomever or whatever you please ... so long as no one else is harmed mentally, physically or emotionally in the process.

Where the real rub come in with the muslimes is that theirs is not just a faith, but a socio-political-ethocracy that encompasses far more than just worship or devotion to their god. It also encompasses a demand that others obey their social constructs, including their own system of laws and for those unwilling to join in their worship of Allah, offer the choices of paying a tax so they can be left alone, or be killed in the name of cleansing the world. Oh yeah, and if you're a muslime who decides to opt out, that means death too.

Of course in O mans diatribe on how evil Christians are he fails to mention the IRA never came here and walked into a bar or company Christmas party and opened up with automatic weapons on people, attempt to stage attacks on something as innocuous as an Allah coloring competition, nor did they attack innocent people whose only crime against Allah was enjoying a marathon, nor take over airliners and fly 'em into buildings. Yeah, only muslimes have ever done that shit, but hey, we should just throw open our arms and greet any and all people who embrace that faith, all in the name of diversity, right? Uh, that would be a huge FUCK NO!

The US already has allowed more legal immigration than any country on the planet, but anyone who feels we should just let any and all comers in is a lunatic. We have no reason to do so and those who wish to emigrate here have no authority to do so simply because they desire to.

If you Canooks wanna take in all the muslimes we're turning away, feel free to do so. Take all you want, and when you've finally found yourselves in the throws of what most of Europe is currently enjoying from all the lovely peace seeking muslimes they've taken in I'll just have 3 words to leave you with ... Deal With It! (*finger5*)

Onyma Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2017 12:44AM

jgoins: Kim has just made my point better than I could.

He viewed my comment as an "evil Christian diatribe" while completely missing the point that it wasn't about Muslims or Christians at all. My point was that people mindlessly fall into the simplistic rut of applying a label to what they don't understand because it's easy to fear something. Kim rhymes off everything he knows about Radical Muslims and applies it to the generic label Muslims, a religion that encompasses 1.6 Billion people in the world. If 23% of the world practiced what Kim believes the Muslim religion is believe me the world would be 1000x worse than it is. Just like if all Christians practiced radical Christianity, or any such religion for that matter.

Secondly, these "Muslim bans" targeted every country that hasn't attacked the US, while exempting those that did. (Egypt, Saudi, U.A.E, Turkey). Kim, if you think this was about your safety then do tell why all the proven risk countries got exceptions? It's about Trump looking good for his supporters but not risking any of his own or the US's business interests. If it was safety related he would have targeted the known risks... the ones that proved to be sources for the attacks you listed.

That said, I do STRONGLY agree that religion makes the world a mess on all levels. Full support there. But it seems to be somehow ingrained in our psyche to believe in such fallacies to give our lives meaning. My biggest hope for the future is that humanity will grow out of that dependency. Sadly won't be in my lifetime, or probably for many generations to come.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2017 01:54AM

The countries in the ban were determined during the Odamna administration as countries at risk of refugee infiltration. When did (Egypt, Saudi, U.A.E, Turkey) attack us?

I was talking about religions currently practicing the bad behavior of radical Muslims. What has happened in the past is not important other religions have outgrown there bad behavior and most people don't tolerate others in their religion killing other people now for religion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/01/2017 01:58AM by jgoins.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2017 02:53AM

O man, you seemed to have totally missed my central point so let me reiterate it here for emphasis:

Where the real rub come in with the muslimes is that theirs is not just a faith, but a socio-political-ethocracy that encompasses far more than just worship or devotion to their god. It also encompasses a demand that others obey their social constructs, including their own system of laws and for those unwilling to join in their worship of Allah, offer the choices of paying a tax so they can be left alone, or be killed in the name of cleansing the world. Oh yeah, and if you're a muslime who decides to opt out, that means death too.

If the lessons the French, Germans, Swedes and other euro countries that have welcomed unmitigated immigration of these wonderful folks isn't enough to showcase the dangers of their actions I'm quite sure no other logic is likely to help open your eyes either Hi Ho (*facepalm*)

Since your own govt is so compassionate and has made it known they'd welcome these folks, perhaps you'd enjoy putting your $$ where your mouth is and make your digs available to some of 'em. Libs are miraculous at telling everyone else what they should or shouldn't do, but when the rubber meets the road it's altogether different if they're expected to take their own advice handjob

pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2017 03:36AM

The September 11 crew were financed by Saudi Arabia, a number of the involved terrorists were Saudi born and/or citizens, Al-Qaeda itself was funded by Saudis, there's been a number of links over the years, don't try to pretend they're your friends.

Now, I don't give a shit about all of that, but I saw first hand today the step towards making America great again.

I work for a very large Australian company. We've been in discussions with a very large American company the purchase of $20M worth of equipment to do some lifecycle upgrades of some stuff which by all means should've been taken out and shot a long time ago.

Myself, my colleagues, and management, have all made annual trips to the US for the past several years in May to discuss the next round of purchases, and how we can help them to help us. As of this morning, that trip has been cancelled. 8 company reps + 7 vendor reps; all not going. 15 business class return flights with United. 15 hotel rooms for 10 days, plus restaurant meals, bookings companies, hire cars, entertainment; you get the idea.

The entire purchase is now up in the air. I don't know what the outcome will be; it remains to be seen. So far no discussion of alternatives, just cancelled.

But my bosses, bosses boss is a non-practicing Singaporean muslim.

Not saying it's definitely related; but it's one hell of a coincidence. We were all going on Friday afternoon when we had a meeting on the subject.

edit: Or maybe it's also the fact that Trump has signed an executive order meaning there's absolutely no data privacy laws for foreigners in, or dealing with, American companies. To quote a Slashdot article: As a non-American, I find it curious that the person who says he wants to bring jobs to America is simply confirming the post-Snowden belief that America is not a safe place to do business.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/01/2017 03:44AM by pulse.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2017 12:40PM

If a group of people born in Texas were to move to Australia and decided to kill thousands using money from Texas to do it should Texas be held responsible for the act?

I don't know for certain if Saudi government gave Bin Laden money or if it came from individuals or groups in the country nor do I care, they don't appear to be harboring terrorist.

I don't know why your company has cancelled it's trip but I am sure your country is not part of the ban so it may not be cancelled from our end.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: January 30, 2017 01:49PM

Swing and a miss
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 31, 2017 11:39AM

Pulse your company makes me sick. Hiring all those African animals for the advertising campaigns instead of hard working Aussie animals!
Oh and tell your boss to buy all that shit from Israel. Seriously.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 31, 2017 12:34PM

Which is a swing and a miss?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 31, 2017 06:22PM

the uh, so if yada yada yada defenses never work.
if they do, don't bother carrying on, they'll never get it. smiling