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Bush chooses to escalate american death toll in Iraq
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Bush chooses to escalate american death toll in Iraq

"a man standing at a podium"

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Comments for: Bush chooses to escalate american death toll in Iraq
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2007 09:41AM

Fuck off DCBeast.
Dennis_Themenace Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2007 10:37AM

You should know if he is a retard or guys "voted" him into office!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2007 01:04PM

Like it or not, at least he is doing something instead of sitting on his hands like the dems have done for years.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2007 04:32PM

Reagan sent Donny Rumsfeld to meet with Saddam about selling Iraq those WMDs.

Is that sitting on your thumbs?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2007 04:34PM

Vietnam here we come !

make sure you kiss your loved ones goodbye because the death toll for US soldiers is going to rise quickly.

Thanks W.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2007 05:38PM

madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2007 05:49AM

Now,now you liberals...we all know no matter who the republicans send
to washington, Your party always finds someone worse! Be patient.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2007 07:21AM

madfagger ... that was weak

A democrat has been in the WH for onyl 12 of the last 38 years.

During which time republicans dealt with friends; Saddam Hussein, Usama Bin Laden, Ayatolla Khomeni, Manuel Noriega, and the Contras.

Dealing with Usama Bin Laden led to 9-11.

Dealing with Saddam led to the current disastor in Iraq.

Dealing with the Ayatolla Khomeni and the contras led to sending top military planes to Iran to give money to finance terrorists in central america.

Dealing with Manual Noriega led to more terrorist acts in central america.

Republican presidents dealt with these men.

Hmmmmm .. you could have the IQ of a grapefruit or jgoins to figure out that Republican presidents like to deal with terrorists.

Isn't that swell?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2007 12:36PM

Beast you are a bafoon. Sooner or later one of those nut cases in the middle east will get their hands on nuclear weapons and then the entire region will become a glass factory.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2007 12:58AM

A-duh-c beast,

The fact this country has elected a democrat president only 12 out
of the last 38 yrs speaks volumes. Thanks.

But Jimmy Carter has done more in the last 2 weeks to further war in
the middle east than any republican,again...thanks.

If my replys are so weak,why do you reply to them?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2007 04:17AM

Same old stinky Beast's stupid shit!thumbs
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2007 06:21AM

madfagger ... you're right. It does speak volumes.

It says that all of the old fogies that just died like Ford, Reagan, soon to be Bush I, etc. supported the telling the american people one thing and doing another.

It speaks further to common americans that were in the dark about what the leaders they voted for were actually doing in office. The average american thought Reagan was being tough when in fact he was taking it in the ass from Ayatolla Khomeni. Reagan bent over while americans thought he was being tough.

Average americans also learned Reagan sold Saddam the WMDs that Dipshit W accused Saddam of possessing. Ooops.

Bush I bent over and didn't take Saddam out in 91 because the Saudi Toyal family did not want it. I hope they used some top of the line crude oil to grease Bush I's ass.

The average american caught on with Bush II. He was too stupid to read the cue cards well enough like Reagan. The curtain dropped and exposed the wizard of oz as a fucking fraud.

the american people know now that their presidents lie to their faces.

They also know their sons and daughters are dying for a poorly laid out plan by inexperienced morons to control the middle east from Washington, DC.

Americans would have voted Hilary (the anti-christ for NEOCon scum), Charley Rangel, or Ted Kennedy before they would have voted for W or any other W clone.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2007 12:58PM

Beast you give the president too much credit for power he doesn't have. There is really very little he can do alone without the support of congress. So if you want to blame anyone in the past for all that bull shit you spouted then you should be blaming congress as well and maybe even the American voting public who put them in office as well. Don't forget to blame yourself also for your adult voting years too.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2007 08:09PM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

Did you miss Iran-Contra ? Where President Reagan illegally sent arms for hostages? There was no congressional approval required for an illegal act. Ollie North became the poster boy for sending illegal arms to our enemies.

Not going to Baghdad in 91 was the commander and chiefs decision. Schwarzkof cited his disagreement, with Bush I's secretary of state Baker and the President, for not pressing on to baghdad. Congress did not enter into the decision making process because they don't make tactical decisions to be made by the president.

GWI was paid for by other countries so congress didn't even have the opportunity to pull funds.

That was a lame attempt to make excuses for republican Presidential acts. Acts that required no congressional approval because they were ILLEGAL.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2007 12:09AM

Whew! Thre's no arguing with you,is there? Your brilliance so surpasses
mine that I will no longer embarrass myself by presenting another view.
What's your IQ? 200? 210?
To listen to you talk,It must be that high.

Speaking of high...WHAT are you smoking,anyway? TOODLES!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2007 08:59AM


It's about time you pay homage bitch.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2007 12:52PM

Iran contra, I will give you that point. The 91 war though Bush had a mandate to follow and it did not include going to Baghdad. His only requirement was to drive Saddahm out of Kuwait and when he did that he stopped. I didn't agree that he should have stopped at the time but I understand now that if he had continued on after Saddam signed the cease fire then he would have been persecuted by the world.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 14, 2007 11:39PM


You truely are a legend in your own mind.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2007 06:37AM


You've got nothing else so bring it on.

The fact is you (like most americans) don't know jack about politics and government. You would be better served if you did some homework on the subject then opened your piehole.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2007 08:03PM

Yeast- What would you like to discuss? Pick a subject,you choose.
Lets find out who has the higher intellect,shall we.

If you choose politics,you start...I will reply.

That is simple to understand,are you up to the challenge?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 15, 2007 09:50PM

Are you seriously thinking about reasoning with a nutcase that says that only 3 presidents have been elected democratically the last 38 years?, that nutcase does not know what a democratic system is, that piece of shit only wants his side to win.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 01:11AM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: January 15, 2007 03:50PM

"3 presidents have been elected democratically the last 38 years?, "

Who said that ? Certainly not me.

I did say earlier in this thread. Look up bitch.

"A democrat has been in the WH for onyl 12 of the last 38 years."

That states a fact without judgement.

You must be hitting the sauce.


I have provided an abundance of material for you to comment on.

Stop being lazy Troll.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 02:20AM

it's too hard to type when you're laughing your ass off, smiling bouncing smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 03:13AM


You must be looking in your pants again.

It's ok. You'll find someone who likes a shorty.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 04:52AM

Yeast- I will explain again,more slowly.

As a courtesy,I will let you pick any topic...You start the ball rolling
and I will pick up where you leave off.

That means you get to go first,DUMB ASS!
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 04:57AM


What time and date will your biography be on the comedy channel?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 05:05AM


For the learning impaired.

I have already gone. You could take the closest source of my material on this page. I know reading is tough for you but give it a try.

My biography will be on after I get done boning your mom. That should give you a few hours to formulate at least one sentence to rebut my earliers comments.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 08:08AM

my mom is deceased, but that's about the only way you could score.

You bore me,goodnight,yeast.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2007 01:09PM

I knew it. Beast is a necrophiliac.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2007 03:41AM

And this surprises you?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2007 03:49AM

dead chicks don't know any better. smiling bouncing smiley
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2007 01:38AM

I'll bet Clinton gives beast his leftovers.
Aaron price Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2007 03:29AM

hell yeah lets invade canada next!!!!!!!!!!!!aaronp8& #48;