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Checklist for The War in Iraq
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Checklist for The War in Iraq

"a notepad with a checklist on it"

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Comments for: Checklist for The War in Iraq
Anonymous1234567890 Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 02:57AM

Free_dumb_Fighters Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 02:57AM

If this nation continues rewarding baldfaced self-delusion, I'm moving the fuck outta here before it glows like the heart of Sun. If we don't wake up it's on it's friggin' way. You can't keep fucking with people inside their own borders just because you don't like them. Without them deciding that what's sauce for the goose.......
Katsuraki Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 03:09AM

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

"The tree of liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of tyrants."
gruff Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 03:27AM

Of course they had a reason. The cartoon is intensely naive.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 03:53AM

How about the fact that all of a sudden democracy is being seriously discussed in gathering places all over the middle east? Could that have been a reason?
And yeah, you shouldn't fuck with people inside their own borders, unless of course those people tend to step outside theirs and invade, rape and pillage other countries. Remeber Kuwait? How short (or selective) some peoples memories are huh?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 04:11AM

Hey, "dumb_fighter" seems like you're out-numbered here. Go check out another site...I heard "Phish" just opened up a log. Besides, the arabs fucked with the wrong kid on the playground. That's why they're getting pummeled daily.
duuuuuuuuuuuuuude Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 04:48AM

gruff is right, there was a reason. the liberation of the oppressed iraqi people just wasn't it. i read some very interesting articles about this in a book called "Censored 2004, the top 25 censored stories" (media coverage-wise). it's obviously and blatantly biases, like farenheight 9/11, but it does get you thinking.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 11:56AM

GVT lied...all GVT always lie... all human being lie... and use their power for their own good. America is not different. So unless some entity tries to stop America, there's no point of discussion. They are #1 military power, so they got the motive to use thier power now that there r no commies around with Nukes.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 05:49PM

hopefully the reason was oil
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 06:51PM

The reason democracy is being seriously discussed across the middle east is because they've realized that unless they start humoring the world's bully, they're going to get invaded too. It's not about the sudden spread of democracy at all. It's about a country that's wildly out of control trying to enforce its will on everyone else. bush hasn't done anything to advance the cause of peace in the middle east except terrorize and threaten everyone over there into following his line. Name one breakthrough in the past two years over there that came about as a result of diplomatic negotiation and mediation. You can't, because there hasn't been one. Scare them enough, and they'll tell you what you want to hear. Only problem is, just like with the 'confessions' that have been extracted from 'enemy combatants', forced peace isn't peaceful. One day the suicide bomber's going to be waiting outside your door, and we'll have only ourselves to blame.
jumbo Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 07:42PM

french_guy Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 08:22PM

fuck Bush
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 11:10PM

The reason why there hasn't been one breakthrough in the past two years over there that came about as a result of diplomatic negotiation and mediation is because violence is what gets things done in the middle east. It is an unfortunate characteristic of the Arab mentality. That is how business is done, that is how the people in power got that power. It is a stagnant, repressive ideology that has no place in the modern global village. One theory is that Islamic militancy and fanaticism is a result of this cultural and economic stagnation. When young men have no jobs to preoccupy themselves with, they can afford to think about religion all day and focus their energy on destructive endeavors in the name of an imaginary entity. I have watched shows about the start of radicalism in Egypt, and militant leaders basically conceded this fact.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 11:17PM

I believe that the 9/11 attack gave carte blanche to the United States to take whatever measures deemed necessary to counter the Islamic fanaticism already growing in the middle east. War is not a pleasant thing, some ideals are sacrificed in the pursuit of the greater good. This was also the case in World War 2. If the prevalent attitude towards war today was the accepted ideology during the 1940's, then we would all be bowing to the master race of the Nazis. Eastern Europe would have been cleansed of undesirables and untermensch such as slavs (such as Poles, Russians and Ukranians) and jews, gypsies. In a tough world, pacifists are subjugated, raped, and defeated quickly.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 11:32PM

"One day the suicide bomber's going to be waiting outside your door, and we'll have only ourselves to blame."
Interesting statement. I always thought that terrorism doesn't really work. I can't think of a time where it achieved it's political objective. Bin Laden has always extolled the virtues of suicide bombing as he claimed it strikes fear into the hearts of the godless and weak western mind that is so preoccupied with enjoying "LIFE" and "LIVING". Well apparently it is working as people are now saying "we better stop fighting Islamic militancy because one day a suicide bomber is going to blow you and your family up".
jose Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 11:38PM

bush sucks but hes almost gone for good. Democrats....listen up. Get someone worth a fuck to run next time please.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 04:05PM

He's almost gone, but he still has time to invade Iran, and Syria, but only if they have oil.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 01:12AM

You forgot North Korea
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 22, 2005 03:31AM

You forget hes to "coked up" in his own ambition of "security"...if he really is worried about us americans. Why the fuck does he maked it hard for the little people to even make it passed every day?