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Ron Paul or Mitt Romney? Vote!
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Ron Paul or Mitt Romney? Vote!

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Ron Paul or Mitt Romney? Vote!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2007 01:37AM

One day on Kolob equals 1000 earth days.............

jgoin, I see where you get your shit from.
Judy Ruleyanni Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2007 03:24AM

The entire Republican lineup (as per usual) is a slow, sad parade of greed and paranoid jingoism. Of course, the precedent is now well established that if they can't bullshit their way to a clear victory they can steal it and/or call in chits from their whore buddies on the Supreme Court.

Movin' to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycooon.........

Of course, the Democrats all want us to drive some very ugly analog to those dumbass RC controlled cars you get at "Droids R Us".......

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2007 11:16AM

Anonymous Wrote:
> One day on Kolob equals 1000 earth
> days.............
> jgoin, I see where you get your shit from.

No, nothing to do with this. Just common sense. If God created everything including the sun then why would we think his time is based on the revolution of our planet? One day is longer on Jupiter than it is on Earth so why would we believe God's day is only 24 of our hours. If we take our beliefs out of the constriction of our world many things could be explained. The Earth is not the center of the universe so everything shouldn't be explained by our standards.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2007 07:40PM

"Just common sense."

Is that what that was? That explains a lot about your way of thinking.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2007 11:25AM

Well your way of thinking is very limiting. If you only think inside the box you will never accept the possibility of life outside the earth,
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2007 03:49PM

jgoins and the Earth Conspiracy.... News at 11
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2007 04:18PM


Man Wrote The Bible! When Man Wrote "7 Days", He Was Talking About 24 Hours = 1 Day!

Who wrote about God creating the Earth, did God dictate the creation of Earth to an angel secretary that passed it on to whoever you want to make up and how were there Angels (Satan for instance) before God ever created man, if that shit is true, then it is true, we came from lifeforms on another planet in another Universe or.... something like that (I don't believe that either), that is way more believable than..... were did God come from? He's always been here... always? yep! for-ev-er! What a joke.smiling bouncing smiley

Answer some real questions and quit giving some conspiracy theory answers. So all of that Religious shit really did happen, but, the Government only does good? Hopefully you're an alcoholic or a drug addict because if your not, most of your generation shares your fucked up reality.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2007 06:08PM

why are you compeled to inflict others with your beliefs?
that's the mark of a very sad and pathetic individual buddy.
get a life
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2007 06:06AM

"why are you compeled to inflict others with your beliefs?
that's the mark of a very sad and pathetic individual buddy.
get a life"
- fossils beliefs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2007 12:15PM

Anonymous, I am only open to all possibilities. You evidently are closed to all. An open mind is a wonderful thing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2007 04:10PM

It's about time you opened your mind to..... 9/11 was an inside job, congratulations.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2007 07:31PM

there is no proof, only speculation
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 01:02PM

Which indicates anon's mind is closed to the truth.
TDKent Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2007 06:25PM

Well, since everyone's throwin' their ignorance about.

I am an X-Mormon; did the whole 2-year mission and all.

That notion of Kolob... it should be 1,000 earth years to one day there.

The use of "days" was a euphamism to a more agricultural humans who may not have been able to relate to such a long-lived personality.

Even then, there is dispute over whether it was meant to reflect the human notion of days or seasons. Some suspect that the earth (not the universe) was brought to a point where at least Babel could happen through a series of 'seasons'. They accept that there would be relative-winters.

But all this is really beside the point,...Mitt is not a good value for America. I mean, he doesn't even know his own religion! He must be in it for the money. Even prestige is based in money.