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'nufs enough already...

"a cartoon character with a mouth open and a sign"

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Comments for: 'nufs enough already...
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 06:16AM

We're in 100% agreement !

Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 06:26AM

shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 07:15AM

hmmm, by that logic none of us white folks should have any rights either
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 07:30AM

As a natural born citizen of this country I DO have rights. Being white has nothing to do with my citizenship rights, nor does it to anyone else who is a legal citizen of this country, no matter what their color is. Americans come in every color known on this planet ... again, let me make myself clear on this ....... color is an irrelevent issue in this discussion !

The illegal alien population by the very nature of their title and disposition under our laws are in posession of NO RIGHTS in this country regarding citizenship until they lawfully apply for it. The logic train stops there.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 09:26AM

I agree, the only rights illegals have are the basic human rights all of the species enjoy but other than that they should have no other rights afforded citizens of the United States. Those rights are granted to us by birth or by legaly becoming a citizen and along with those rights comes responsibilities and obeying the law is one of them. Illegals want rights but not the responsibilites which accompany them or they would do it legally. Ship the bastards back before they take back they territories which we won from Mexico years ago. This is what Mexico is trying to do.
Tribucian Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 10:45AM

As a Confederate citizen living inside occupied territory (otherwise known as the state of Tennessee) in which illegal immigrants can actually get a valid state drivers licenseconfused smiley, I have no comment. tongue
sticking out smiley
The Ghost of George Washington Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 10:46AM

I don't consider anyone who isn't White a citizen.
When I see a non-White, I want to get my gun! I'm
like, what the fuck are you doing in our country
you parasitical piece of shit! I don't care how
long they've been here, they don't belong here!

Oh, and fuck the Indians and anyone who says this was
their country first! Eat it!

This is our country, we stole it fair and square.
Any White who disagrees with this is a traitor who
should be hanged! the
finger smiley
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 12:31PM

Now there's an informed opinion. eye
rolling smiley
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 03:29PM

Yeah, the "ghost" guys opion then says that if anyone just shows up in the Americas and takes it it is ok? So is that not what Mexico is/has been doing? Also People Born in this country for generations who are not white have been neglected in this conversation.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 03:29PM

downOh and Jgoins..... Right on man!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 03:44PM

NO Justice No Peace Fuck the Illegal Bandidos!
If your a mexican and dont understand!
Se Abla bla bla bla bla ! the
finger smiley
The Ghost of George Washington Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 04:01PM

Placelowerplace, I'm detecting a note of treason
in your post. If the spics conquer this land then
they deserve it. It'll be the jobs of patriots to
try to stop them, then drive them all back to
that shithole, Mexico.

The non-Whites who have been here a long time are
not citizens, just guests for now.

There will be no compromise with White traitors.
Traitors will have to be delt with even more harsher
than with the non-Whites.

The problem is the traitors in Washington who don't
give a fuck either way. Then you have the mass of White
traitors who don't give a fuck about anything and are
actually our worst enemies.

More than likely, the country will break up along
racial lines with Whites giving up much land
to the savages. Then, once Whites get their house in
order, they can go about reconquering lost land. the
finger smiley
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 10, 2007 07:34PM

this is all just a repeat of the past when europeans were comin' here... just xenophobia and racism
and as far as jobs being taken go... bullshit! it is the bourgeois who are outsourcing our jobs, then when put under pressure for their actions they blame it on the beaners...
yeah i remember the good old days before the spics came here, i used to be able to stand in front of home depot and land a job building someone's deck for $1 per hour... lmao
and then there is the threat of terrorists... do i even need to iterate on the idiocy of that? too lazy to type now, just see how it goes from here lol
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2007 11:23AM

Thr color of the skin is not an issue. It is merely a question of legality. The only people who should be allowed to stay here are the ones who are born here or came here legally though the proper channels. All who just walked or swam across the border should be sent back or shot, whichever is easiest. My stance on this issue is not race based and it applies to people of all races, if they are here illegally then they should leave.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2007 01:23PM

The Ghost of George Washington Wrote:
> I don't consider anyone who isn't White a
> citizen.
> When I see a non-White, I want to get my gun! I'm
> like, what the fuck are you doing in our country
> you parasitical piece of shit! I don't care how
> long they've been here, they don't belong here!
> Oh, and fuck the Indians and anyone who says this
> was
> their country first! Eat it!
> This is our country, we stole it fair and square.
> Any White who disagrees with this is a traitor who
> should be hanged! the
finger smiley

Dude, that's like a waaay extreme attitude/position to take in all this and an outdated stance by at least a hundred years thumbs
up While I like my own race and typically prefer to associate with 'em I'm not about to recommend or agree with a campaign to erradicate people of other races here.

America has always been a melting pot of races and cultures and that has been what has always set us a bit apart from many other places in the world. The mingling of religeons, cultures and various races is ingrained into the very fabric of our nation and to suggest racial genocide against all non whites only points up a weak, smallminded and somewhat paranoid position which places you squarely the company of all the other wack jobs of the world !

While I can go along with staunch protection of our borders, attention to the myriad of immigration laws already on the books and expulsion of any illegals already in our country, to suggest what you recommend above is really too fanatical for me to abide or agree with.

So .... I guess you can go ahead and put me on your "traitors" list grinning smiley

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2007 01:41PM

"Ship the bastards back before they take back they territories which we won from Mexico years ago. This is what Mexico is trying to do."

Shit .... we stomped their asses over 150yrs ago and it STILL wouldn't take any more than the National Guard/Reservist contingency here in Texas to do it again smiling bouncing smiley

The real problem is the politicians who tie the hands of law enforcement agencies in simply implementing the laws we already have against illegal immigration. If they were allowed to use the letter of the law in enforcing our immigration/border policies it would be a different scenario RIGHT FUCKING NOW !

What all Americans who are tired of the waffling and BS positions our elected officials are taking on this issue need to do is to remember we have a national election coming up and excercise our rights by voting out those who are in favor of giving away amnesty (not to mention TONS of the taxpayers $$$$$!) to the illegal immigrant population here by offering them amnesty !

Anyone who supports such amnesty will NOT be getting a vote from me on that day next November smileys with beer

The Ghost of George Washington Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2007 04:25PM

Mrkim, you're not a man, you're a punk.

I don't want to exterminate anyone, I want
to deport them or seperate us. You're the
reason why the U.S. will self-destruct and
why Western Civilization will fall, because
eunuchs like you have become so pussyfied
that we can't take measures to defend ourselves
from invaders or hostile minorities.

This country was founded for Whites, not every
race in this world. Until 1965, this was a 90%
White country.

You've made my point about many Whites not giving
a fuck about anything. You defend your pussyness by
calling real men, extreme. You traitorous piece of shit!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2007 05:39PM

Somebody shut this worthless piece of shit the fuck up!
The Ghost of George Washington Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2007 06:20PM

BlahX3, your mother is a worthless piece of shit, and so are you!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2007 01:05AM

Good to hear we agree on my status relevent to your list there dude.

Best of luck choom grinning smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2007 11:46AM

You go Mr. Kim. We do have sufficient laws on the books to deal witht the illegal alien issue but I think it is more than politicians tying the hands of law enforcement, it is also the businesses who hire these illegals and landlords who rent to them. If there were no jobs for them and nowhere for them live they would leave quickly. They come here for money and we allow them to stay for money, it is a never ending circle and no one is brave enough to break the circle. Mexico has successfully invaded our country without firing a shot.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2007 01:56PM

There are plenty of regulations on the books to deal with illegal immigrant workers already and stiff federally mandated penalties for the employers of these folks, but .... they are rarely and selectively enforced. If a national push were put on by the fed to simply enforce the existing laws many of the avenues for employment of illegals would dry up in a hurry.

An interesting tid bit I recently learned regarding immigrant status in Mexico is that if a foreign national lets their legal immigrant status slip and does not renew it they receive a 10yr sentence for doing so.

In the US that "might" get the individual deported after an opportunity to renew their status is blanketly given out and they have still not complied with the letter of the immigration laws. This is of course IF they are ever put into the hands of the Fed judicial system at all, which is a pretty unlikely scenario to begin with.

Local and state jurisdictions don't communicate the immigrant status of those arrested to the fed, so a federal agency must somehow arrest the individual on a federal charge for that to ever happen at all, again ... highly unlikely !

Foreign nationals within Mexico are also not allowed to own businesses or real estate, unlike here where a business or property owners immigration status plays NO part in their right or ability to own property. If this area were addressed it would also have some impact on the illegal population.

It's actually a bit more difficult to address the illegal immigrants as tenants side of the issue as landlords typically don't have to report whom their tenants are and a new set of laws relevant to that issue would have to be implemented to get this accomplished. Such a set of standards would be hard to address, much less oversee.

I've said it before, but .... bring our troops home, man the borders with STIFF military support, lock down the immigration policies in place, stop playin the world cop card and take care of our own for at least a few decades. There's plenty enough issues within our own borders that concern the average American more than what's goin on 1/2 a world away.

Our public educational system is a sham and much closer to a national babysitting service, we have elderly/poor staving, dying and suffering from the lack of ability to maintain affordable health care, our once great capacities as manufacturing giants are mostly outsourced to places outside our borders leaving millions of workers (some highly specialized) left to find less promising work at typically lower pay and all the while we pump billions after billions of our money to other points across the globe. I say we need those billions and efforts focused HERE !!

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2007 12:08PM

We have the capablility to man the border and fight wars overseas at the same time. I really miss the days prior to the '70s when we had the draft in effect. We should bring the draft back and place them on the border immediately after their training. This would also effect the job market as employers would have to replace those who were drafted. Unemployment was very low during the time the draft was in effect and we had the luxioury of picking and choosing what jobs we wanted to work instead of trying to beg employers to hire us like we do now. I served in the military during the draft and it did not hurt me. Serving in the military would make men out of so many young people who are just wimps now.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2007 01:35PM

Hey Ghost of Shitforbrains,

Take your worthless, bigoted opinions, print them out, wrap the hard copy around a stick of dynamite and shove it up your ass. I'll light the fuse for you. Oh wait, you'll need to get your head out of the way first.

My mom is dead, but if she were here she'd verbally kick your pathetic ass around the block.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2007 10:00PM

What was that I read somewhere about freedom of speech? Ghost of Genghis Khan or whatever may be a worthless piece of shit, as you say, but, while you may disagree with his opinion, he has as much right as you to express why not disagree in a civilised way?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2007 08:58PM

uhhh yeah, i believe that is what he just did, exercised his right to speak freely so uhhh, shut the fuck up