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for the 420 crowd...
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for the 420 crowd...

"a close-up of a newspaper"

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Comments for: for the 420 crowd...
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2007 12:13PM

A fine example of the level of propoganda out there pro, thanks smileys with beer

quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2007 10:50PM

Haven't had a toke in many years and never did drink much, but personal experience and observations of others in varying altered states brought me to the conclusion that pot should be legal and alcohol a controlled substance. I've seen a lot more destruction to lives and property caused by drinking.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2007 11:08PM

quasi Wrote:
> Haven't had a toke in many years and never did
> drink much, but personal experience and
> observations of others in varying altered states
> brought me to the conclusion that pot should be
> legal and alcohol a controlled substance. I've
> seen a lot more destruction to lives and property
> caused by drinking.

Ya. What he said.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2007 08:02AM

absolutely agree also...I get really angry when I hear these old douche bags talking about how evil pot is and of course they have never smoked how can they be so sure???
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2007 12:30PM

Well I have smoked pot before and I found one huge thing wrong with it. It is illegal.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2007 01:28PM

i didn't exhale. grinning smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2007 01:44PM

If you ever smoked my bet is you knew it was illegal BEFORE you did so. With that in mind what exactly IS your point ?

1. You CAN'T overdose or die from weed.
2. Smoking weed rarely leads to violent confrontations with anything but possibly a massive raid on the fridge.
3. I've never seen anyone so stoned that they would be capable of running over and killing someone and never even know it.

Funny though that the perfectly legal use of alcohol can lead to death by multiple causes : alcohol poisoning, psorosis (<-?) of the liver, ulcers, driving under the influence, fights/confrontations while hammered.

Don't really give a fuck if it's legal or not. Some laws just make no sense and the ones surrounding marijuana are fine examples of that concept.

One medical researchers findings I once read related that if alcohol were a recent discovery it would never be legalized due to all the physical and psychological side effects that can arise from its use/abuse. I agree thumbs

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2007 06:54PM

it's illegal to pass on the right too, but people do it all the time...

Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's wrong!!!

lol I just thought of that...think I'll put it on bumper stickers and t-shirts...
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2007 07:08PM

it is illegal because it is too easy to grow it yourself
there is no way that anyone would be able to capitalise off of it
remember, these bourgeois economic goverments want to commodify everything and gain capital off of every transaction
i certainly don't condone the use of marijuana by just anyone... i use the shit myself to help me with stress mainly, rarely ever use it for recreation(i have no friends lol)
but it is a hell of a lot safer than drinking
all drugs should be legal, and awareness(true awareness, instead of propaganda) of the dangers and rehab should be available to all people
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2007 03:48AM

Ah hell man, it could legalized, regulated and taxed pretty easily with individual cultivation regulations being very similar to how home made alcohol is currently.

'Sides, a helluva lot of folks would rather just buy it anyway rather then go through the (little) trouble it takes to grow it. Think about all the folks livin in apartments, row houses and townhouses who wouldn't have anywhere to grow it anyway grinning smiley

But ... I don't see it happenin anytime soon anyway .... Hi Ho disappointed smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2007 11:31AM

Mrkim Wrote:
> If you ever smoked my bet is you knew it was
> illegal BEFORE you did so. With that in mind what
> exactly IS your point ?

My point was pretty clear, I thought. The only thing wrong with it is that it is illegal. What about the health issues as related to smoking cigarettes? Anything that burns has the same by products as cigarette smoke. Only with pot the second hand smoke would be much more fun.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2007 06:52PM

Mrkim Wrote:
> Ah hell man, it could legalized, regulated and
> taxed pretty easily with individual cultivation
> regulations being very similar to how home made
> alcohol is currently.
> 'Sides, a helluva lot of folks would rather just
> buy it anyway rather then go through the (little)
> trouble it takes to grow it. Think about all the
> folks livin in apartments, row houses and
> townhouses who wouldn't have anywhere to grow it
> anyway grinning smiley
> But ... I don't see it happenin anytime soon
> anyway .... Hi Ho disappointed smiley
> smoking

true dude, but would you really want to smoke that shit if it were regulated... grown by big-marijuana companies? all of the shit they would add to it like w/ tobacco? i think not! and most people would agree... and w/ it being easier to grow than friggin' tomatoes, a lot of people would be growing it - trust me
as far as living in town houses and apartments, shit dude, most of the finest crops i've smoked came from that - closet growers(lol there is a pun there)
it is all about capital - trust me... you know how many drug dealers would be royally peaved if green were to be legalized... don't think for a second that the powers that be actually want drug use to stop... it helps keep this twisted economy alive - the black market does, the "war on drugs"disappointed smileyjust like the rest of these "wars"winking
smiley is really the war on the working class...

jgoins, point takin', loud and clear... hahaha

hey did any of yall see the family guy spoofing the propaganda ad where the stoner chick was deflated (meg) and then stui got a contact high and got deflated as well?
kinda points out the ludicrousy(spelling?) of these ads...
and of course there is "reefer madness"disappointed smiley1936) some of yall younger cats may not have seen... smoke a bowl and watch that ridiculous shit lol is great for a laugh

oh yeah, almost forgot:
smiley smoking
smiley smoking
smiley smoking
smiley smoking
smiley smoking
smiley smoking
smiley smoking
smiley smoking

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 21/07/2007 06:54PM by shaDEz.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 12:03PM

I can't understand it when non smokers of cigarettes will still smoke pot. Smoke is smoke and the same things are in it no mater where the smoke comes from. Even the smoke of bbq grills.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 01:40PM

jgoins, buddy, what have you been smokin'? I've never been a cigarette smoker, tried it and thought it sucked, but was once a moderate pot smoker because there was definitely something different in the pot. I have no problem with people who smoke one or the other or both, but there is a benefit to the pot that I just didn't see in the cigarettes besides the nastiness they both impart to ones lungs. Someone who smokes both is just cloggin' the pipes that much faster, but probably in a better mood.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2007 12:49PM

Well I don't smoke pot just cigarettes. I have smoked since I was 14 some 40 odd years. So far cigarettes are stil legal so I will continue to smoke because i enjoy it and it keeps me away from the doctor. I quit smoking for about 2 years and I was seeing the doctor 3 to 4 times a month. I started back to smoking and haven't seen a doctor in over 6 years. The same goes for my wife, neither of us have seen a doctor in over 6 years. If pot were legal and cheap enough we would give up cigarettes and just smoke pot. It might not be any better but we just wouldn't care.