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Evolution or Creation?
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Evolution or Creation?

"a planet earth in space"

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Comments for: Evolution or Creation?
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 03:44PM

I found this link on google,click on the link on the page it takes you to.Post arguements for or against his seminar.Some very logical arguements brought up by a former science teacher.[]
I_fucked_beasts__ASS Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 03:45PM

Just really want to hear both sides.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 04:05PM

in one word: evolution
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 08:50PM

Evolution is the 'How' ... the 'Why' is up for interpretation.
I_fucked_beasts__ASS Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 09:09PM

Did anyone actually check out what this guy said and the scientific arguments he put forth?There are some pretty tough questions for evolution to actually be true.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 09:13PM

If you love science then check out the questions he asks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 10:39PM

Of course evolution exists because the average height of every generation gets taller, that’s evolution. What the evolution people can’t tell you is why it all happened. How did we come to exist? Why did the big bang occur? Life on this earth makes no sense without a belief in God. Without God when we die it’s over - no heaven, no hell, no reward, no punishment - it’s over. If that’s the case why should anyone of us take one second out of our lives to be nice to our own children or anyone else for that matter? We do it because even the people who say they don’t believe in God hope there is an after life.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 10:52PM

Liberals amaze me. Not all liberals are atheists but most atheists are liberal and they want to take from the rich to give to the poor. Why should we do such a thing if there is no God? What’s the fucking point of giving a damn about anybody if there is no God?
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 11:13PM

So I see I must have asked the wrong question because nobody is checking the link.I agree with some of you but check out the arguments on the link damnit.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 05, 2006 11:49PM

i'll get to it prob tommorow night
rogue_1 Report This Comment
Date: March 06, 2006 12:53AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 06, 2006 11:40PM

Yes, I went to the link and found it very interesting. I think the only proof that one life form turns into another is the process of birth. At one point, we are a microscopic organism, so small in fact, that you can not see it unless you have a microscope. As the form grows, or evolves, it looks like a frog or tadpole with an actual tail. Another stage, there are gill slits, and we have to keep in mind, we do do breath actual air, but rather rely on a "life line" so to speak. I am not sure about a big bang theory, but I can not rule out intelligent design. The Bible is sort of a history book, that has been translated over and over again, with some things either being left out, or altered to adjust the meaning entirely to meet their needs. In most churchs, just as an example, the book of Timothy preaches on a womans appearance in church. Do we live by what he says, or do we sort of adjust, just to keep the church funds rolling in. They say you can judge a tree by its fruit, then can we explain why so many preachers lead us astray? Where I live, a minister has been put in jail for gambling away thousands and thousands of the churchs offerings. How did this go undetected? Is this part of the great plan? I guess if there is a God, he knows just how screwed up society is, and as far as violence and sex, well, that goes on in the bible also, and at that time it was percentage wise, the same per population. If you get a chance, I believe it is a great link to debate.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 12:54AM

I have some of the same reservations about organized religion.I dont believe in throwing money at churches and I would have to trust them and thier causes.You know I think to many times people try to define what it is to believe in God but I think he will let you know as time goes on.I dont even rule out that some other religions may send people to heaven also.Good people are good people I dont think he cares what dogma they follow within reason.I think sometimes organized religion is the worst thing for religion.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 12:39PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 12:43PM

In fact, we are still evolving. If you are taller than your parents, you are consistent with a trend
that has been documented over the past 200 years. People are getting taller and maturing earlier. American pioneer clothing is smaller in relation to sizes we wear today. Their beds and other furniture also reflect a shorter stature. Over a half century, two inches in height was gained for the average five-year-old and four inches for 11-year-olds. In addition, the age of puberty has declined three to four years since the turn of the century. This accelerated maturation rate has been occurring world-wide.

That is evolution in action.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 02:38PM

Evolution, is to change from one thing to another. Not height, that is in the gene pool. Did we come from a monkey? No. Why? Monkeys are still monkeys, their offspring are monkeys. Let me use one example of breeding one animal to another. A donkey is a donkey and will always be a donkey. A horse, is a horse, and will always be a horse. Breed the two together. What do you get? A mule. What happens when you try to breed a horse to a mule? Goodluck. Because you cannot do it. The mule is always a female, always sterile. Therefore, a mule is as far as it goes and cannot reproduce. Adaptation vs evolution would be a better guess. Creatures adapt to their surrounding environments. Is there a God? I would like to believe that there is. Can we prove it? Can we prove the wind exists? Yes we can, by seeing the destruction a Tornado causes. But, can we actually see it? No. So, do you have to see God to believe. I think the answer is obvious. I think that like Gods word, man would adapt to it also, slowly, but surely, moving away from it entirely. If God is God, why on earth would he want to reside with a bunch of idiots like us? Why would he tell us not to kill, yet he can? If God can do anything, which the Bible says, Can he make a rock so large and heavy, that even he cannot pick up? There are alot of questions, and we may never know all the anwers. So what do we do? Debate, debate,debate....................
Maximus_Erectus Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 08:11PM

god is nothing more than a tool, used by the church to keep mankind in check, the roman catholic church used gods name for power and wealth in the preceeding centuries to keep control of the political and banking worlds, it may have started out as a faith based religion, but it soon became nothing more than a power play to keep the lesser informed patrons of the church inline, and to keep money flowing to the rich and powerfull, the churches made law, and to keep that power, they kept vital secrets from the public which would have helped the human race evolve at a rapid pace, keeping this information to themselves ensured the church a stronghold on the government and people it protected for a long time to come, to this day, i believe that thier is information that the church has kept hidden from the peoples in order to maintain some sorrt of powerplay in the world today, god dosent live in heaven, he never existed, he lives in your heart, and as long as you can believe in an afterlife, then your days here on earth can be as fulfilling as any to come in this so called afterlife, piss on the church, what exactly have they ever done for you/me lately?do we really need them? i think not.and we damn sure dont need fanaticle assclowns like billy graham. but thats just my opinion, i could be wrong.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2006 03:47PM

Creation and the bible should have been thrown in the trash when people figured out that the Earth isn't the center of the universe, the Earth isn't only 5,000 years old. The Christian religion is gonna go the same way as Zeus, and Ra, and all the other gods we now consider myths. If you want to think about creation, try this...who created god? When you figure out it was man, you have reached enlightenment. Evolution.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2006 09:13PM

My life is nothing,nothing I do matters,I can rape, pillage,murder,and violate anyone because there is no one to answer to.Carpe Diem rules the day.No morals,no rules,no hope!Seems like the people who believe this are enlightened.I just dont agree but thats just my opinion.You know what they say about opinions,they are like assholes everybody has one.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2006 07:27AM

i like 229248's comment. I believe both evolution and creation are matters of faith. We cannot know whether either one is true. When you trace them both back it becomes a simple question of which faith do you subscribe to.
Evolution - how did the matter for the big bang come about out of nothing?
Creation - how did god come about out of nothing?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 04, 2006 05:01PM

Just curious, are any of the debaters even checking out the link to debate his argument?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2008 05:30PM


Ben stein
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 18, 2008 07:01PM

good thread and good link

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 18/11/2008 07:12PM by fossil_digger.