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No Bush there are innocent people there!
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No Bush there are innocent people there!

"a large explosion in the desert"

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Comments for: No Bush there are innocent people there!
AMERICAN Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2004 10:50PM

And I suppose the people in the twin towers weren't innocent, war is hell on everyone,could of been your family on any one of those planes when was it going to stop.DO YOU NO
Truth Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 12:40AM

So why are the americans in iraq??? isnt bin laden saudi arabian???

this whole war is just B.S. they have no right to be in Iraq
AMERICAN Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 01:17AM

There are terroris cells in Iraq, thats what this is about, you tell me what other countries test chemicals on there own people and have no intention of killing people????? . The people over there that don't want us there are the ones doing the killing.
Devast8r Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 01:39AM

Well, be it us or the terrorists, you can't justify the taking the life of another. If we would've made the jump on Afghanistan the week, or even MONTH that we found Bin Laden's links to 9/11, we might've had less american, and foreign casualities. However, the Bush administration made false accusations of links between Al Queda and Saddam's Iraq, which they have yet to provide concrete evidence for.....(Even though Fox News might have pushed the agenda otherwise...)

THAT, is why a good portion of American opposes the "War" in Iraq
tnevlos Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 03:41AM

it is unreasonable to think that to take the life of a man who has taken that of antoher is to show disregard for it. We show on the contrary, and emphatic regard for life by the adoption of a rule that he who violates that right in another forfeits it in himself.

-- John Stuart Mill
hey stupid Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 12:29PM

i don't remember bush using a nuclear bomb. stop being such a pussy.
Dick Cheyney Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 01:19PM

Bush isn't gonna use nukes...that would ruin the oil fields dummy! No...the neutron bomb...that has possibilities...kill the the oil. Oh wait...I mean...this war is about TERRORISM! Did I think that outloud?
TwoSides Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 03:15PM

"it is unreasonable to think that to take the life of a man who has taken that of antoher is to show disregard"

Is that to the relatives of the people who were killed during the attack on the twin towers, that the Afgans and Iraqis have forfeit their right to life? So why shouldn't America go in for justice and make the world a safer place?

Or is that to the relatives of innocent Iraqis and Afgans who have been killed by American bombing, telling them that is it now ok to kill the Americans soldiers there, becuase they have just killed their husband, wife, son, daughter or entire family? Ever wonder where (some) terrorism comes from?

Now, if America had managed to catch the actual terrorists without bombing those innocents(maybe that's not feasible - but is worth the effort), and then proved that they were the one's behind the attack on the twin towers (and pentagon), would there be such an outcry?

And the reasons given for attacking Iraq were because of 'supposed' links with Al Queda, so when then American government comes out and says that there are no links between Iraq and Al Queda, don't bother talking about Iraq testing chemicals on their own people and killing them using many other means too. That had been going on well before the Gulf War, when America had the oppertunity but didn't take out Saddam.

And yes, it maybe a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't, but there was a valid reason for going in during the Gulf War. While no-one can know what will happen in the future, Sadam was not the one behind the attacks on the twin towers.

Anyway, America funded both Sadam and Al Queda, stop complaining when those America set up come back to bite them in the ass. Maybe not a fair comment, but it's time people looked on towards their own actions, as opposed to the actions of others.

There is no justification for terrorists to take any life, and there is no justification in America taking Afgan or Iraqi innocent lives.
Unless they show that each person they have killed was someone who has taken another's life, or is in the process of trying to do so, America becomes no better then the terrorists they are trying to stop.

'Eternal vigilance', as they say.
craig from cymru Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 04:11PM

You thick american w@nkers anyone with half a brain will know that the U.S of A. and Britain should not have gone to Iraq.Who is the war crimanals now...its because we use to much oil and Iraq has loads of it.
lil\'Diablo Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2004 07:53PM

ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2004 09:53AM

you're so smart cause you can say things like "owned", "pwned", and "dumb cunt" ....makes no difference if you said anything intellegent to begin with, but if you end your statement with one of those you'll look really cool...if life was like the internet or this site you would rule ....try saying them things to your Professor, or better yet your'll be owning a pink stop the unemployment office....stupid fuckers.
Your cute when your angry! Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 08:51AM

You know, ho'sbro, maybe spelling 'intellIgent' correctly would be a good start in such a debate. I'm guessing you're in college, using 'Professor' and not 'Teacher', so shouldn't you know how to spell by now?

Regardless, for those who keep their nonstop anti-bush, anti-american rantings up, maybe that picture should show you where it will get you. Yes, we are psychos, and we'll fuckin' kill ya. Press of a button, your life, and the lives of millions around you, are done. Be happy it's only a war right now, and not a nuclear fucking holocaust, cause you know us "stupid fuckers" of americans could give a shit less about any country that is doing more harm than good for us. All we want is our mcdonalds, right? We'll, while I'm wreckin' a big mac or two, I'll be sure to watch some towel-head country get nuked to shit on TV. Maybe they will even set up a camera in the center of a circle of infants so I can watch as they get napalmed to death.

Crpdeth Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 10:42PM

The operative word would be "WERE"

No Bush, there WERE innocent people there...

Goodbye innocent people.

lil\'Diablo Report This Comment
Date: October 24, 2004 09:23PM

Ho's bro: if you have ever read any of my other posts anywhere, you can see that i have at least HALF a brain, but i was just fucking around, fuckwit.
eivl Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2004 10:52PM

that's a good point american
Anonymous666 Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2006 06:41AM

Anyone that thinks the war is bad, is a moron. If we back away, and look the other way, they will come and get up anyway. They are like a bully if you ignor them, they just keep it up. You have to stand up to them and kick their ass!!!!! DUH HUH!!