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It will go down in History
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It will go down in History

"a poster of a movie"

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Comments for: It will go down in History
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2007 06:32AM

Less Than 0.01% Of Homeland Security Cases Are Terrorism Related
So why does the government say terrorism is DHS primary focus?

May 28, 2007
Steve Watson

Records obtained from the immigration courts under the Freedom of Information Act show that only 0.0015 percent of the total number of cases filed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security were terrorism related, despite the fact that the Bush administration has repeatedly asserted that it is the primary focus of the DHS.

A report issued Sunday by independent research group The Transactional Records Action Clearinghouse (TRAC) found that in the last three years there have only been 12 charges of terrorism out of 814,073 cases.

This once again highlights that the terrorist threat to America is vastly over hyped and is being used by a criminally controlled government as an excuse to police the world and foment a domestic police state to crush any dissent amongst the American people.

"The DHS claims it is focused on terrorism. Well that's just not true," David Burnham, a TRAC spokesman told CNN . "Either there's no terrorism, or they're terrible at catching them. Either way it's bad for all of us."

DHS spokesman Russ Knocke called the TRAC report "ill-conceived" and said the group "lacked a grasp of the DHS mission."

Knocke said that, by clamping down on all forms of immigration, DHS has made it difficult for terrorists to come to the United States.

Knocke's comments are clearly absurd as there are still millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the country every year and the borders remain wide open, the very reason why there is currently a heated debate over total immigration reform.

Even more revealing was the fact that the TRAC analysis also found that out of those 800,000 or so individuals charged only 114, or 0.014 percent of the total were charged with national security violations.

This re-emphasizes the fact that the Department of Homeland Security is nothing more than a bloated bureaucratic federal Octopus protruding its lawless tentacles into local government and policing. It has nothing to do with protecting America and everything to do with scaring it into total subjugation.

Earlier this month President Bush signed legislation which declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government, including Congress, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power. A key part of this legislation places the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic "security".

When he announced the creation of a new Department of Homeland Security in 2002, President Bush invoked the fight against "terror" or "terrorists" 19 times in a single speech. Thus the word was used seven more times in one speech than there have been actual terrorism charges brought by the department in the last three years.

Should we be surprised that the DHS has nothing to do with terrorism? Quite frankly no, as we have tirelessly exposed the DHS track record of purely targeting innocent US citizens.

Since 9/11 the PATRIOT Act has been used in numerous cases involving American citizens, including strip club owners , toy store proprietors , the homeless , owners of websites , writers, internet users , artists , journalists and photographers .

Maybe in order to find more terrorists the DHS should investigate itself. In 2004 the DHS employed former East German Stasi head , the 'Silver Fox' Markus Wolfe who had previously been denied entry to the US as he was considered a terrorist. In addition, the DHS also hired Ex-head of the Soviet KGB, General Yevgeni Primakov .
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2007 03:59PM

<Maybe in order to find more terrorists the DHS should investigate itself. In <2004 the DHS employed former East German Stasi head , the 'Silver Fox' Markus <Wolfe who had previously been denied entry to the US as he was considered a <terrorist. In addition, the DHS also hired Ex-head of the Soviet KGB, General <Yevgeni Primakov .

Yeah, they also hired the "MULLAH MOUSE" form Palestinian TV to brain wash the kids in America..
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 01, 2007 12:14AM

so what about the former soviet KGB head? with his expertise in those matters im not surprised.. and you actually implied that hes a terrorist? sorry bud, but its people like you that drag the average US IQ to 99. good luck with that 2 lb brain.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 01, 2007 06:29AM

KGB - "expertise in those matters" and you think it's great that we hire Ex-KGB guys.... the whole point here is that they don't go after much Terrorism, they go after "the people" in general...... just like those guys (three capitol letters here) said that rode on plains all the time trying to catch terrorist ("they" still do), they filed suits because they were sick of having to fuck with regular ole citizens because they had to keep up "averages", they had to report on so many people in so much time, that was the rule, what it comes down to is it doesn't matter if you do any wrong or not, they just take their pick to keep themselves employed in their agency. Gestapo....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 01, 2007 07:59AM

Part 1 - 14
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 01, 2007 02:59PM

ARGH!, Rice is "HOT" thumbs
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 01, 2007 06:47PM

Nice set of tits on Rice
REPUBLIFUCKS!!!!!! Report This Comment
Date: June 01, 2007 08:18PM

Damn fine work. Wish I'd thought of it.

I was right when nobody here had the balls to post with any insight about this fucking mess, I'm right now, and I'll be right when we finally have to tuck our tails and admit we're (at least) fifty one percent greedy, superstitious morons as a nation.

600 dollar fucking tax break my ass......