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"a group of men with heads of men"

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Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 12:44PM

I know it's not perfect, but I couldn't resist a quickie while getting ready for work.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 02:03PM

stupid ass your dumbass....
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 05:51PM

not perfect, but a whole hell of alot better than that troll shit beast posts
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 06:48PM

shaDEz ... getting stoned all day has made you devoid of reality.

Breaking out the troll comment is what people do when they just don't like what you say. Especially since I am on topic every time.

fat boy ORLANDO and Anonymous admit to being trolls.

Get it right stoner !
quasi Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 10:51PM

You're right, shaDEz - at least this is amusing.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 11:16PM

no, you are just a troll...
i don't care if you have an opinion that is different from mine, in fact i encourage you and others to speak their minds
it is the way that you post hundreds of pics on this site of someone you don't like and put the word 'idiot' in text on their forehead... it was cute the first few times, but after a while it just gets... well... boring, and show a real lack of any, or even the slightest, artistic talent
and this being an online gallery, you should post pictures of cool, funny or interesting things... why don't you spend some time with your copy of ps and learn how to do something funny with a pic of bush... i don't know, make him wear a funny hat or something at least... it doesn't even have to be all that great of a shop, at least try
you don't see me uploading a thousand pictures of mr bill gates and put some stupid linux slogans as a caption below it... or some marxist propaganda under it
jesus christ!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 11:22PM

shaDEz ... eat some velvetta stoner boy.

Because you find it boring ... then I'm a troll. Well that logically follows.

Why does every thing posted have to be funny ? Cuz your fucking stoned !

I didn't know there was a funny requirement to post on plus613.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2007 11:43PM

wow... you really are fucking stupid
all you can think of is to attack me for smoking bud, doesn't surprise me a whole hell of alot... seems that's all that dems ever do
spend all their time making attacks on reps(who don't do a whole hell of alot either , other than attack dems) instead of actually doing something to make a difference
also you might take the time to read my reply to you(oh why the fuck am i even wasting my time typing this as you're not even gonna read the whole thing), i said "and this being an online gallery, you should post pictures of cool, funny or interesting things... " and nothing you posts falls into any of those categories, all of what you have ever posted here is just stupid text pasted onto pics you stole off of yahoo... you think anyone that has a brain would find that in the least bit interesting? give me a fucking break!
i even showed your "contributions" to my uncle who is an insane dem that does nothing all day but listen to air america, and actually boos at the tv screen whenever bush is on it, loudly boos like he is at the speech and is interfering with it... lol, anyways i showed him your uploads and even he thought it was stupid and boring
now, i'm gonna say this one last time to you because i really hate repeating myself, but have you thought of maybe doing something at least half assed with the pictures of bush? like make hime wear a funny hat or give him a mustache at least...or maybe that is too much for you to comprehend
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2007 01:27AM

ShaDEz, sorry to criticize you here, but dude, seriously, you are wasting your spirit on something that has no soul. aDCbeast is not a real human being. Might I advise you to say something to others who have the ability to learn and understand and even benifit from what you have submited and contributed.

I'd like to leave you with this thought/question too, did not Thomas Jeferson have the finest hemp fields this side of the Atlantic ocean?
Tribucian Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2007 03:11AM

People! People! If we do not stop this bickering, we'll turn this server around and noone gets any ice cream. I certainly splashed the poo with this one.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2007 04:22AM

how dare you criticize me! what? you disagree w/ me? you're a fucking troll plp! that is all you are!
yeah you're absolutely right, how could i have been so stupid to think i could talk to beast... guess it was all those bong totes, aye beast? oh wait... there i go again... much better things to do like jack off... or just sleeping all day long is a much better use of one's time than to waste breat on beast
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2007 04:53AM

Beast[A.K.A. FAG] I cant wait till june,tell your momma to be ready!
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2007 05:31AM

Beast{A.K.A. FAG] Whats wrong with gonja? Maybe if you smoke a little,you wouldnt act like a little bitch all the time!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2007 08:47PM

ORLANDO ... bring it on Fat Boy !
Make sure you were your tutu!

shaDEz - I saw through your "I'm too cool for you" attitude when I started posting.

You'tr not going to do jack shit to better the world, but would rather sit in the back of the class and make snide remarks in an attempts to make yourself look cool.

Well you're not.

Attack my character by calling me an idiot or low life but calling me a troll shows you to be misusing the term in an attempt to exert control. That's weak.

deliberately bait people in order to provoke a reaction (the definition of a troll)

This web site is one where you DON'T have to comment or look at more than the thumbnail of an image. When your stoned ass takes the time to comment about my posts it is always to saying they are boring. Well fuck. If that is the criteria then this site would have few posters live up to your high standards.

From the Main page of plus613

This social experiment allows people from all over the world to upload interesting images for the rest of the worlds viewing pleasure. We hope you enjoy the show.

* In an attempt to keep the Gallery of high calibre we utilize a voting system whereby the lowest ranking images will be removed periodically and the highest ranking images will be kept.

I guess you hate the plus613 site and it's rules.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2007 09:32PM

did somebody just say my name? i couldn't tell over the bubbling of my bong
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 07:04AM

The bong?You obviously havent been introduced to the super mo fucker shadez!
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2007 09:08AM

i thought vapourisers were the in thing in these health conscious days.