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Child Support
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Child Support

"a couple of women looking through a window"

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Comments for: Child Support
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2007 06:54PM

Child Support = You DNA is ransomed.

Boy I sure love how far Women equality has come in the USofA!!!
Let see how this works.......
1.Man Loves Woman.
2.Woman has child(ren)
3.Woman runs away from man with man's (Friend Cousin or other)
4.Woman sues man for 57% of mans money after taxes
5.woman has own job and Ignores child(ren)
6.woman absorbes man's (friend, cousin or other)'s salary
7.Man loses drivers licence, professional licence, passport, etc
8.Man become second class citizen and crininal
9.Woman does not have to present child(ren) to Man ever no matter what court document has to say
10.Man becomes depressed and loses hope and reason for living (possible suicide)
11.woman thinks it is funny and laughs at man because she did exactly what mommy told her "Take him for everything he has got"
12a.Woman is angry at man because "male" offspring is feminized and blabe man for not "TRYING" harder (paying higher ransom)
12b.Woman is angry at man and teaches "female" offspring to HATE all men and blames Man for not "TRYING" hared (pay higher ransom).

Here here to the "real" woman equality or should I say "agenda"

In the end No one wins with child support, NO one! (not even the goverment)

"Dear weekend daddy, Mommy says you need to send more money so weekday daddy can buy a new DVD player with suround sound or I can't come visit you next month. from Kid"
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2007 07:03PM

exactly why i always pull out... this and the fact that the earth is already way over populated with monkeys
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2007 08:41PM

The child support issue is certainly a multifaceted one and ultimately there are few winners all in all. I hafta agree that men are at the mercy of a lot of women who indeed set out to and do wreck the lives of their spouses as well as their children, but in all fairness, we men are far from saints either, so ....

A cuppla things that certainly make the whole child custody/ child support issue a much less than level playing field for we males is the governments willingness (in most states) to employ free legal councel and bring to bear all legal resources for women while offering no such help for men seeking custody of their children. For a man who wants custody of his children, even when the mother is blantantly inept or incapable of providing a stable loving and safe environment for their upbringing, he can expect to spend every dime he has (or will make for a few years!) in such a fight and the odds of him winning are still stacked waaaaaay against him ever doing so.

Here in Texas the state legislature devoted a whole lot of effort into generating what's called "The Texas Family Code" book. When you open the cover and look inside on one of the 1st few pages, centered in the page is a statement that reads "In Texas there is no gender bias in relation to child support or child custody". My thoughts are that this statement is merely another fine example of the fluff and bullshit that legislatures are prone to pen when put to a task.

The one right I know every Texas father is duly imbued with is the right to pay, and pay and pay some more when it comes to being a father. Here, they don't care if taking care of your children causes you to wind up having no life at all or living under an overpass, so long as you take care of the obligations the courts saddle fathers with. And .... I can guaran-goddamned-tee that when the shoe id put on the other foot, and women are required to pay child support, the women, the courts and the enforcement agencies will make every allowance possible and find every excuse NOT to prosecute a woman who doesn't fulfill her mandated obligations.

This however is most certainly NOT the case when a man falls behind in his child support payments! He'll be labled instantly as a sorry father, a dead beat Dad, will be drug back into court at their earliest convenience and possibly jailed, lose his drivers license, be denied jobs and be hounded mercilessly.

Though the male version of "the pill" would solve a lot of the problem (or at least give men a more secure method of controlling the situation), while there have been rumors of it for years, as far as I know it's never been made available. This odf course leaves men at the mercy of using condoms or depending on his partners methodologies for preventing pregnancies. Neither of these alternatives are secure or sound methods in the long run and neither really have the best interests of males at heart anyway.

I'd LOVE to see a sampling of 1000 women who have children given a truth drug and asked about how each pregnancy they've undergone came to be in the 1st place. My thoughts are that well above 50% of these pregnancies were engineered by the women to achieve the desired result : 1. get a partner who was sitting on the fence to commit to marriage 2. secure a meal ticket for the next 18 or so years 3. have a baby so they would always have someone who would unconditionally love them 4.address the "mothering instinct" in them so they can feel fulfilled as women.

In any case, the man/dad/payee is seldom the one who I would guess implanted the idea that a couple "needed" to have a baby(s) together. From most men I've known in my life there are a helluva lot more of us who could do just fine without havin kids at all and many of the ones who even agreed to having children with a partner did so for fear of losing their partner if they did not acquiesse to her wishes.

Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: April 09, 2007 11:43PM

Thank you MrKim!!! You are also a wise person.

I have delt with the state of Texas for such matters and Found the Laws of Texas to be the closest to "Fair", if there is such a word.

California is second in the nation to Gender "Fair"ness, but also falls severly short as the like of Texas.

Texas and California are the only States in the union that are actually trying to accomodate Justice For All.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2007 12:13AM

Is that why my ex-crazy-bitch-wife ran away to California, refused to let me ever see the kid and when the Circuit in Oregon dismissed my child support obligations the slut went on welfare? I didn't have to pay "child support" but I did have to pay back two county welfare debts in California, which was a hell of a lot more money. Fair, my ass. And no lawyer in Oregon would touch the case, even though the marriage and divorce decrees were in Oregon, not California. No matter what, they try to fuck you one way or another. I was still paying that off long after the little shit was emancipated, and I don't even think he's my kid, he looks like her fuckstick Indian boyfriend, but the courts would not authorize a paternity test, they said it should have been done as part of the divorce action (which is probably true, at least at that time, might be different now). If any state came close to trying to be fair to me it was Oregon, which gave me six months to prove that I got absolutely no contact or any information with or about the child and dismissed my child support obligation.
SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2007 03:49AM

shaDEz Wrote:
> exactly why i always pull out... this and the fact
> that the earth is already way over populated with
> monkeys

Yep. That or wear a condom. It's that simple! You'd be surprised how much money you can save with a few bucks.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2007 05:14AM

If Texas is making any efforts or great strides forward in gender equality it damned sure must really be shitty elsewhere !!

I could relate some tales involving the child support issues relevant to Texas that would curl your hair and generate intense ire from a lot of the male population, but .... this is no place to write/post a novel, so .....

I just last summer finally got custody of my (then 17yo) daughter. The only way that EVER came to pass was my Ex decided not to fight the action. Had she decided to fight it (with full free legal counsel of course) I would have dropped it, knowing full well I didn't have $20,000 to devote to the cause which is the average cost I found after consulting with several lawyers.

My daughter finally told me late last spring on one of her weekends here that she was tired of the abusive behavior of her mom and step dad and wanted to live with me, much to my joy I might add !

She also told me that her mom had told her 5 yrs prior when she had related to her mom that she wanted to come live with me that her mom had told her at the time if she did so she'd have me slammed in jail and would come to my place with a video camera and dance in my yard while they hauled me away in handcuffs. Can I pick 'em or what ?

This threat by my Ex was enough to keep my daughter from moving out as she didn want to cause me any problems. Of course her mom had no way of doing what she promised but my daughter didn know that at the time. When she related this to me last spring I told her it was all a bluff and if she wanted to live with me, at 17, that was certainly her decision and her mom couldn't do anything to me for her making that choice.

Anyone thinking women don't posess the visciousness or meaness to be military combatants must never have been married and divorced, otherwise they'd likely hold a totally different view angry

Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2007 08:24PM

And the scarring continues............... Death to child support and Death to Alimony. Leave with what you came in with, child custody half means 365/2 no exchange of $$$. I spend my money on my kid the way I see fit and she spends her $$$ on the kid the way she sees fit. none of this "joint" custody crap. "joint" custody is a word to get the fathers to roll over in court. "joint" custody means The man pays no matter what and the child(ren) are held hostage with no intention of return.....
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2007 09:03PM

SkullandChains Wrote:
> shaDEz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > exactly why i always pull out... this and the
> fact
> > that the earth is already way over populated
> with
> > monkeys
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Yep. That or wear a condom. It's that simple!
> You'd be surprised how much money you can save
> with a few bucks.

no, there is no or... it is an and... wear a rubber and pull out! lol one time i pulled out and all i had was the ring left around my dick, the rest of it was in her pussy... bitch was fugly as hell too
thank god i pulled out! hahaha
woberto Report This Comment
Date: October 04, 2014 11:46PM

So Kim, 8 years on, how are you sitting now?