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Carl Dix speaking in Jena City Park
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Carl Dix speaking in Jena City Park

"a group of people holding a yellow sign"

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Comments for: Carl Dix speaking in Jena City Park
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2008 06:51PM

lol @ hands off black youth, what was this? a march against white women?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2008 09:54PM

this was a march against the nationalists that wished to come to Jena carrying nooses, guns, and giving hate speeches, and the pigs and reactionaries that supported them... and all of that bourgeois idealogy!
a march against white women, or women in general, would be exactly the type of march that these nationalist would go on; because that would be a march against a group that is oppressed by this system of old that these slime uphold.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2008 11:08PM

shadez, I have to say, you should have been the whiteboy that got his ass beat real well, the guys that did the beating were just average scum, criminal records out the wahzoo with an attitude and would beat your ass for the hell of it, not to mention beat another "bruthas" ass, they don't even care about each other, you're a sick fuck shadez, if you ever find your dad, punch him the fuckin' head.

By the way, you need to move to a ghetto, get the real feel, you know, so you can feel their "pain" and help them, one on one. Quit following professors that live their whole lives in Universities, you are a brainwashed bitch.

When the black man doesn't rise up in society thats their own fault, until they're made to take personal responsibility for their own fucked up ways they'll never get anywhere, guaranteed, no matter how much they cry over anything.

When you give a beggar on the street a $20 bill they feel like they have it made, for a day or two, just like the black man, they want some "freebies" here and there to make themselves feel better at that moment ,but, over time they keep saying they haven't got anything and bitch and cry for more....... of nothing that is. They refuse to be hard on themselves, thats too much work and their crying over every little thing would come to an end, no other race in this countries history has ever done things the black mans way, they did things the smart way, they worked hard.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2008 12:22PM

Seemingly blind and totally misguided ideologies will get no one anywhere.

"Simple minds are easily lead" grinning smiley

shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2008 09:41PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2008 10:22PM

simple there's a shitty band. grinning smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2008 10:34PM

Just out of idle curiosity shaDEz what exactly would this utopianistic communist society you dream of look like in the real world ?

The real question though is HTF your communist ideologies are gonna change the elements of human nature to achieve these goals? No matter how you slice it, greed, racism, the desires to suceed and advance from personal achievement are present to some degree in nearly everyone on the planet, so how would your ideologies adress these?

Lastly here's my own perspective : anyone enamored with the idea of wanting for everyone to be considered equal in all regards is someone also seeing themselves as less than the bulk of society already and expecting embracement of communistic doctrines by society as a way of improving their standing without actually having to work for it.smiling bouncing smiley

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2008 12:03AM

communism is a far better world in which there are nolonger class distinctions; all systems and relations of exploitation abolished; all oppressive social institutions and relations of social inequality(like racial discrimination, the domination of women by men) are abolished; and all oppressive and backward ideas and values are done away with
communism is a world of abundance where people together hold all of society's resources in common
communism(as an idealogy in capitalist and socialist society) also refers to the comprehensive outlook and scientific method of the proletariat for understanding and changing the world for the better
but communism is not a utopia, because there will still exist contradictions in the transformation of neccessity, and that brings me to your real question; human nature!
there is no innate or unchanging "human nature"; people's thinking, behavior, and values are shaped by the economic structure and corresponding institutions and culture of a given society
capitalism is organized around the private accumulation of profit and economic competition; selfishness, greed, and individualism are rewarded by the workings of capitalism and promoted by the institution of capitalist society
they are not "hard-wired" into our genes, and neither is racism or male supremacy!

this perspective of your's: "anyone enamored with the idea of wanting for everyone to be considered equal in all regards is someone also seeing themselves as less than the bulk of society already and expecting embracement of communistic doctrines by society as a way of improving their standing without actually having to work for it" is saying that we commies are lazy; don't want to do work, is that what you are saying? how can we build a better world if we don't work for it? no communists(not revionists or phony communists) are willing to do alot of work, because that is what is neccessary-the transformation of neccessity- for improvement
if a house needs to be built it will be built, but instead of the people who actually build it being paid only enough to barely support themselves and produce a new generation of workers to be exploited in the same way, and all of their unpaid labor goes to the contractors and managers and then the house is sold at a ridiculous rate so none of the workers that built that house could ever afford to live in it, the workers will be paid fairly, the house will be sold at a reasonable price... and not for money either, but rather based on the idea of "each according to their need, according from their abbility"
i am using the example of a house here, because that is probably the first thing that will be done in this country in the socialist system(on the path to communism) because the condition of the housing market at present

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2008 03:15AM

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2008 03:31AM

The flies in your ointment are that exploitation, racism, and the will to succeed by ones own merits are all a part of human nature and can not be willed away or wished into non-existence by any form of social structuring or governmental dogmatic policies either. My submission is that these ARE hardwired factors of the human condition and no amount of Polly Annaish, rose colored glasses vision techniques you can impart are going to make them magically disappear.

It's not that it's impossible to sell this dream to those who feel down trodden, discriminated or feel as if their current piece of the pie isn't a fair share in their eyes as there will always be droves of such sheep to back such a move to "make it all a more level playing field" (<-in THEIR eyes).

The problem, and the thorns in the side of any such movement, the hard sells for this program are the ones at the top of their game, the ones driven by their own merits and the rewards this avails them who like myself ask WTF right anyone has to expect the world itself and society to change because they see their own position in it and cry "Foul"!

The problem Communism has with the individual is that we are NOT created nor imbued with the same gifts or abilities and suppression of the human spirit for the need or will of the masses would always be a problem for those who are free thinkers or possesors of the entepreneurial spirit that allows them to thrive in a free society. And ... lest you start some diatribe about how your proposed system IS free, let me ask just how free it would be when suppression of human will and nature is a very by-law of how your ideologies would be to HAVE to work ?

Now for some direct answers to your own thoughts :
" is saying that we commies are lazy; don't want to do work, is that what you are saying? how can we build a better world if we don't work for it? no communists(not revionists or phony communists) are willing to do alot of work, because that is what is neccessary-the transformation of neccessity- for improvement.

What I said, and meant, is that this ideology will always find acceptance by people who see their own position as less than fair and through embracement of such a system as Communism would be more fair or equal again, "in their eyes".

Would it take a lot of work to overturn the current system and implement such a societal change as what this would mean? The short answer is HELL YEAH !

The longer and more realistic answer is that for many free thinking individuals this will never be a sale and under your posed system that would make us criminals as our own thoughts would be contrary to the "greater good". Hence oppression ensues as people like myself would of necessity NEED to be put down, shut up and hidden from the public view to help keep your mindless little bubble from being threatened by my own and others like myself(s) words, actions and yes, even thoughts as these would be deemed poisonous fruits in your garden.

"if a house needs to be built it will be built, but instead of the people who actually build it being paid only enough to barely support themselves and produce a new generation of workers to be exploited in the same way, and all of their unpaid labor goes to the contractors and managers and then the house is sold at a ridiculous rate so none of the workers that built that house could ever afford to live in it, the workers will be paid fairly, the house will be sold at a reasonable price... and not for money either, but rather based on the idea of "each according to their need, according from their abbility"

Now we're gettin to where the rubber really meets the road ! WHO will decide when this house will need to be built, WHO will decide the amenities of this house and by WHAT standards can such a decision become or be fair? Who will decide the "fair wage" to be paid the workers, much less the fair price for the finished home? Lastly WHO will decide individuals needs FOR them or the value of THEIR abilities in this society you propose ?

The answer is one this dogmatic BS always prefers to avoid : the leaders of "the movement", that's who ! My query is why would anyone want such decisions to be made FOR them as opposed to BY them ? At least in a free market society one has the ability to succeed or fail on their own merits and NEVER to have such decisions made for them at whatever costs so it can all be for the "greater good" of those with lesser drive, ability or skills.

You can consult whatever volume of Communistic reasoning/logic you like and spout it from every vantage point imaginable but the real thinkers and doers of the world will never embrace, it no matter how hard you try and sell it because THEY are the ones who would be oppressed by its implementation.

Oh ... I did leave out one sub-segment of the above mentioned group. Those looking to use such an ideology to empower their own agendas or better their position by utilizing the will of their driven masses as tool to achieve such goals will always be at the forefront of such movements and always withe the "betterment of their fellow man" as their stated motivation with the unstated motivation always being POWER !


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/01/2008 03:30PM by Mrkim.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2008 03:50AM

BTW, that video link above is really lame and points up EXACTLY the kind of mentality your agenda appeals to eye
rolling smiley
