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nigger food

"a poster of a recipe"

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Comments for: nigger food
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 07:40AM

I see racism is alive and well in the "good ol' USA". Makes me proud NOT to be living there. Quite revolting.
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 07:55AM

Doesn't speak for all of us! Kinda funny though; I get a kick out of white jokes also, it's just about having a sense of humor!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 08:59AM

racism is in every country not just in the US.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 09:32AM

But it's "out" and apparently acceptable in the US. Sadly. I note that the poster likes to hide behind Anonymous... can it own up to it's beliefs?

For me, there are jokes that poke fun at different cultures, but this goes beyond. This is racist.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 12:13PM

this is fucking funny!
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 12:45PM

John you are completely off base.Racism out and acceptable in the U.S.,you obviously dont live here.Unless your Dave Chapell or Chris Rock then your racism is considered ok.Oh I allmost forgot any rapper can spout off about niggers,killing niggers,fucking hoes,and selling crack for da bling bling.Dude your on the wrong pulpit,I care about my black friends more than any group that represents them and most black entertainers.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 05:11PM

Duane is right. It's only considered racist if it's being laid out there by a white guy. If it's being put out there by a "brotha", it's considered comedy. And yes, it is a double standard.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 06:14PM

Racism only exists in the US because there is an entire industry that is run by the Jessee Jackson types who would go broke if they actually spent time encouraging blacks to take advantage of scholarships, grants, and student loans to get themselves educated so they could make a good living, instead of having to wait for the Democrat party to tell them they are all victims and get them a $5.00 raise in their monthly welfare check if they will just vote for the Dems. Wake up people, most people in our society are judged by the effort they make to better their own lot in life and how they treat other people and color has little to do with it. And if you don't understand what I've just said you're just a liberal who wants to continue to kill the black race with your so-called feel good useless kindness.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 07:47PM

229248, youe are correct in what you are saying. For the most part rascism is curbed in the US at least publically. I found that many rascists found their way to this board for some reason to post their krap, probably because if they did it in real life they would be bitch slapped. I am a bigot myself but solely because of what you stated. They will not take advantage of the opportunities given them by this increasing politically correct nation. Even so I keep my bigotry to myself unless it is imposed on me in the reverse.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 09:00PM

Anyone remeber Bill Cosby's public rant about how blacks keep themselves down and keeping racism alive by blaming whites for all their problems?
I think he's right on. I have black friends who are educated and articulate, hold well paying jobs, support their families and care for each other. These people would more than likely be called "Uncle Toms" or other disparaging remarks by their not so well to do counterparts. Go figure.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 09:06PM

gypsybrw Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2005 10:17PM

Yes Racism is alive and well in the US except its against the Whites "Civil Rights For Southern Whites and Northern Whites" Would be a refreshing change of Pace!! For the Poor Colored Brothers who contribute NOTHING and Demand What they want where they will live and what schools their kids will go to and for that matter where yours will go. And by the way I haven't seen One White Family BIT"CH BOUT WAST THE GOV MENT HASN'T DONESS FER ME. Shut up get a job and be a Productive Part of Society before YOU are the Death of it. They don’t mess with most of that anyway they have to have McDonalds
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 12:16AM

40 years ago in the USofA, a white man would walk free after lynching (murdering) a black man. Do you really think that less than 2 generations later this vile hatred and discrimination has simply evaporated? Or is it more likely that discrimination has continued, but people just can't lynch blacks any more?
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 12:59AM

Oh right, they just put all the black in jail, and the CIA hooked the rest on crack (cf. The San Jose Mercury News, articles by Gary Webb)
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 12:59AM

Let me also point out that every time that blacks seriously organize and step up, they are shot or otherwise stopped. The USofA has a long history of this.

*Marcus Garvey* organized a Negro Improvement Association, to promote social, political and economic freedom for blacks. He was deported.

*Malcolm X* rose himself from a street hoodlum to a leader promoting black unity and pride. He was assassinated.

*M.L. King* worked for black pride, social emancipation and equal rights. He was assassinated.

*The Black Panthers* was a political organization providing school lunches, education, and protection to black families and neighborhoods. They ran candidates for local office, among other things. They were the target of an FBI operation to discredit them and destroy them, which worked after infiltrating the organization and assassinating several of its leaders.

*1996* , 30 black churches across the south were torched over 18 months. "the Justice Department's investigators announced they found no evidence of a widespread conspiracy. But some Southerners say they see the burnings as part of a larger epidemic: persistent racism and hate."

" *June 1, 1921* , 'Black Wallstreet,' the name fittingly given to one of the most affluent all-black communities in America, was bombed from the air and burned to the ground by mobs of envious whites. In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving 36-black business district in northern Tulsa lay smoldering -- A model community destroyed, and a major African-American economic movement resoundingly defused. The night's carnage left some 3,000 African Americans dead."


So don't tell me the USofA is not full of racist discrimination.

I dare you to read about this famous experiment with discrimination, and how it affects people to the core. Don't worry, it doesn't involve blacks, so you won't get your pretty little eyes dirty.

Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 11:23AM

Wake up John,you obviously dont live in the real world and you use only the media you choose to shape your world.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 11:27AM

Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 11:29AM

Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 11:31AM

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 06:59PM

Fair enough Duane, you discredit the church arson argument with some relatively respectable sources.

Although I would still submit that the - *over 70* your source claims - burned black churches still points to racism and hate. Even if only some 24 were not, the majority still are.

And all of the rest of my points still hold.

Further, the *KKK* is still an active organization in the USofA, an organization dedicated to "white power" that has been demonstrated in the form of the denunciation of cultural tolerance, and terrorism against black families. I.e., hate and racism.

Your snarky comments are careless.
Who /doesn't/ shape their world based on the media they read? Hm? If you truly think America does not have significant racism and discrimination in this day and age, I would suggest that you also need to fortify your media diet with something a little stronger.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 07:01PM

You know John I have to hand it to you,I looked up the Black Panthers and have found that they were very missunderstood,I actually like them more then the NAACP.They at least took an active role in cleaning up the neighborhood of criminals and feeding poor people.The NAACP is spewing hate and the old shoulda,coulda,woulda everytime they open their mouth.Im not saying that the black panther party today is any good,I have my doubt after hearing how Bush blew up the levis in New Orleans while being interviewed.This is why the NAACP,Farakhan,and the Panthers of the 70's have lost their credibility because anyone who attemps to bring their community into ours(black to white ebonics is a good alternate example)is considered an uncle tom like Bill Cosby,Collin Powell,and Condoleza Rice.In the case of Rice and Powell you have the most powerfull black woman and man and they are not accepted by the NAACP not because of the political veiw but because they dont promote the victim mentality that keeps the money rolling in.The last thing they need is a black president man or woman who is not bringing in the bucks.Remember when racism is gone then they dont have the posh lifestyle anymore.They perpetuate hate.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 07:15PM

John I live,eat,and breathe with blacks and whites all day long.I work in black houses and apartments at my job alot of the time and I have black friends who watch fooball and eat with me at cookouts.I dont look at them as black or white but as who they are and how they are to me.By the way Im not defending the picture or any other racist picture Im just saying its a double edged sword when you talk about the U.S.A its not as prominent as you would believe.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 07:16PM

Have you seen Yellowbeard yet?
gypsybrw Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2005 10:57PM

Our Poor Oppressed Colored Brothers (& Bleeding Hearts) Get over it and start being a productive part of society. Respect is Earned Not Given. And a good way to start getting respect is start Earning your Money
Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 04, 2005 11:01PM

You will laugh your ass off!
gypsybrw Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2005 12:52AM

Duane&John_Stone Please take the time to go to the link below

I have been passed over for jobs good jobs because I'm European American and not the Fact that I was more Qualified mattered. I was not offered a college education just because of the color of my skin not that they might consider GPA. But HEY your right oppressed by who, dame sure not the Government They don’t owe me anything and I tired of hearing how bad they got it. I didn’t bitch as if it would help because of my light skin I went to work and we do as good as we can without Government help. No free housing no free food and the same 12yrs of school. That’s where equality ends for European American Males. The only oppression I see is self imposed, pure laziness and learning at a young age to stick that hand out and say you owe us give me give me now and to 99% of that race it works to the 1% well you know its true. I would also counter that respect should be given until there is reason not to. Sounds like you know how it feels to be given and yet to learn how to earn

Fact: The USA is the only country where our impoverished are overweight

Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2005 04:43AM

Its a damn shame.John I do flooring for a living and the company that I worked for contracted a low income apartment complex.One of the apartments,had a black lady and her son living there.She payed $25 a month to stay there and worked as a nurse.She recieved a food card also.Her son 16 was selling drugs and steaks they bought with the food alotment on the card.They had an entertainment center in each bedroom and the living room.They also had a 50 gallon fish tank with pirrana in it.They were supposed to move it and empty the water beds(2) before we got there but the lady started screaming and cursing when we said we were leaving but apologised to the owner of the complex and left before we came back.This type of laziness is common in this enviorment I see it all the time but not to this extent.The people who live like this do as a majority feel more power then they really have and try to enact it on other people but when challenged resort to yelling and complaining and in some cases become phisical.I have yet to encounter it but I also weight 250lbs. so I just get the act and my tools stolen when I go in from the truck.I do work in black homes and I rarely have this problem from middleclass blacks.I should also say I also knew a single white woman who lived at the apartments acrossed the street who basically did the same thing.She did one of my friends over real good to after he treated her far better then she deserved.Ive tried giving the residents jobs as helpers for $75 for roughly 6 hours work under the table but they rarely show up the second day.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2005 05:03AM

There's shitty stupid people from all colors and creeds. I don't disagree with you on this point Duane. They don't deserve respect based on their actions.

Do you think the difference is that the poor people treat you badly, regardless of color? Or do you think there is a color difference?

gypsybrw: interesting posting, thanks. It is in opposition to many other blog postings that I've seen, but I'll definitely keep it in mind. Thanks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2005 07:51AM

Duane Report This Comment
Date: October 05, 2005 11:33AM

No not color or poor people.I was raised poor and my parents had six children but I never felt poor.I never had new nikes or even my own bike.Keds and walking,I think the reason we are talking about blacks is because in some areas of their lives they are tought its not their fault and that they are opressed,heck they get singled out at every corner.For the entire month of february they are told all month about slavery,civil rights and racism.Not about Colin Powell or Condoleza Rice.I wonder why?Because of the victim mentality that they are taught.I wonder if the NAACP has asked them to speak lately?
KKKiki Report This Comment
Date: October 25, 2005 07:33PM

that made my day!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 10, 2006 01:33AM

can't we just hear some nigger jokes instead of fighting?
Tom_Shelly Report This Comment
Date: April 17, 2006 12:37AM

Oh stop all the politically correct comments on here. We all know that niggers are sub human yard apes and the majority of them are retarded as hell. Just drive through any nigger neighborhood and take a look around.

Racist? How about realist.

Have more fun and see more nigger photoshoped pics like the one I made above at:
