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drunk driver falls asleep
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drunk driver falls asleep

"a group of people riding bicycles in the air"

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Comments for: drunk driver falls asleep
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2008 03:43PM

A car driven by an alleged drunken driver plowed into a bicycle race along a highway near the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday, killing one cyclist and injuring 10 others.

Juan Campos was apparently drunk and had fallen asleep at the wheel before crashing into the race in Monterrey,mexico police investigator Jose Alfredo Rodriguez said.

A photograph taken by a city official shows the horrifying moment of impact. The force of the collision sent bicyclists and equipment high into the air and Matamoros newspaper El Mañana described children crying, women shouting for help and men trying to lynch Campos before police arrived to arrest him.

Killed in the crash was Alejandro Alvarez, 37, of Monterrey.The crash happened 15 minutes into the race along a highway between Playa Bagdad and Matamoros, authorities said
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2008 04:24PM

Just wondering if you live in the Rio Grande valley or you actually care more about drunk drivers in foreign countries than the ones in your own neighborhood???
FYI that area of Mexico between Reynosa-Matamoros-Rio Bravo is one of the worst in the entire country..........drinking smiley
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2008 05:24PM

no i don't live there

no i don't care for the mexican drunk drivers no more than the drunk drivers that rides around the town i live in

blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2008 08:56PM

To anon -- I am sure dv8 would post pictures of his local neighborhood drunk drivers if he had similar shocking pictures of the mayhem they cause on any given day.

This is quite a picture, It is amazing that only 1 was killed. Yikes.
Anon by nature Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2008 09:41PM

Strike!!! 11 more of those and he will have a perfect game.
tjbustem Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2008 10:24PM

That really sucks! Being an avid cyclist myself and having been run off the road and hit with flying object, I hope they ram a 20' flag pole up that guys ass!
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2008 11:41PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2008 04:11AM

Hate to sound all PC, but who gives a shit about whether the driver and/or victims are Mexican. They could be American, Australian, British, Chinese, or Masai warriors. A person was needlessly killed by an idiot. We should be justifiably outraged regardless of where in the world this occurred.

I am not American but I live in a western, mainly white, English speaking country and I am sick of the way media reports world events, eg. item 1 on the evening news: 5 minutes about a crazed gunman in an American school who shot 10 people. A justifiably newsworthy item. Item 10 in the same program, a one liner about a flood in Bangladesh that killed thousands. Were not the Bangladeshi's just as innocent and was the loss of life not just as tragic?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2008 02:38PM

Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2008 05:34PM

El queso es viejo y mohoso. ¿Dónde está el baño? the
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2008 06:02PM

tjbustem Wrote:
> That really sucks! Being an avid cyclist myself
> and having been run off the road and hit with
> flying object, I hope they ram a 20' flag pole up
> that guys ass!

Reality is that it depends...if the dude has money he may get home free after paying a hefty "mordida" to the judge, otherwise he's gonna be a prison bitch for a long time