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the b-i-b-l-e yes that's the book for me..
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the b-i-b-l-e yes that's the book for me..

"a close up of a sword"

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Comments for: the b-i-b-l-e yes that's the book for me..
Hp Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2011 09:44AM

Bollocks! (*facepalm*)
¤¥¤ Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2011 11:52AM

I dunno about you, but I kinda like it when women grab my junk...
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2011 02:46PM

Deuteronomy was not written by God nor was it dictated by God. It was written by the ruling Jewish priests at the time. Personally I don't think it belongs in the Bible at all except perhaps to show how stupid people can get. It also says a disobedient son should be stoned to death and a bunch of other crap.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 04:53AM

Compare Deuteronomy to Sharia law... there's not a lot of difference that I can see.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 01:21PM

Just an observation, but here goes ...

Every word on every page of any version of the bible and every other religious text was written by men.

While every such text claims to have been divinely inspired or "dictated" one stark reality still exists in each instance, which is in fact, there's yet to have ever been verifiable proof that any such god existed, in the past or present.

It's always seemed decidedly odd that in science until a concept or construct is provable it's known as a theory. Yet for believers of the improvable construct of any deity such proof is similarly not required before acceptance of such a construct as factual.

In life, literature and moovies when people/characters announce "You'll have to have faith/trust in me" it tends to denote that no real truth exists and often that someone is attempting to mislead another. Curious how believers of improvable gods tend to use that same concept to assign some value to truth for their professions of belief in their god.

If believers of all camps of religious theorum would at least be honest with themselves and others and at least admit their postulations were indeed religious theory, instead of professing it to instead be some form of factual, provable information I'd have much more respect for their protestations.

Even Einsteins well respected and long held scientific Theory of Relativity is now being questioned as invalidateable since new experimentation has cast doubt on its validity.

Strangely however, religious theorums that date back thousands of years which can as yet still put forth no proof of their validity boldly still assert to hold forth that they are "the truth" while never offering any validateable evidence to support them and instead claim "You must have faith to believe" (*facepalm*)

quasi Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 02:05PM

I was raised in the mild mannered protestent Church of the Brethren and believe in the teachings attributed to Christ, teachings that I believe tell me to be peacelike, accepting of others, and helpful to others as I am able to be. Beyond that, there's more evidence of the existence of the tooth fairy, the easter bunny and Santa Claus. Believing in a religion based on faith alone is a short step from being delusional and being succeptable to the delusions of others, and I've seen family members and others give forth some pretty ridiculous ideas based on what they believe god wants. What most amazes me is that people of religious conviction so easily dismiss others' religions when there is no more proof of one than the other.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 02:17PM

tax the church @ 70% and see what truth comes flyin' out of the woodwork. smiling bouncing smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 03:53PM

I was raised a Lutheran and as an inquisitive adult looked into many other religions of the world. I stopped going to church when I was old enough to see the hypocrisy, although I've heard church is a good place to pick up women who love to fuck. My beliefs are personal and considered heretical by many. They also are not chiseled in stone. I am free to change my mind. There is nothing in my personal spiritual experience that dictates that I must believe in anything. I think faith and intelligence can coexist as long as both are flexible. I don't believe that books written by humans are "the Word of God" any more than I believe in space monkeys. I think scriptures contain some wisdom but also contain a whole lot of horseshit. Blind faith is a form of prejudice. I don't mean racial prejudice, but the mental cop out of making a judgment without evidence.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 04:29PM

I always have respect for people who hold forth that at least most religious teachings are steeped in solid morality, as in that regard, I can find agreement.

As one who believes in solid morals as a way for humanity to move into an age of enlightenment, that is something that overall is helpful.

Where organized religion far oversteps its usefulness is in vilifying others who don't hold to their same belief structure as this only serves to be divisive to humanity as a whole.

Every form of organized religion claims to have some "lock" on what is moral or acceptable when in reality all morality can easily be defined by if something is harmful to others either mentally or physically with no need for any religious interpretation at all.

One of the things that always gives rise to my hackles is for believers to spout that as an atheist I can not then "be" moral and that no matter what "good works" I put forth in living a moral life I'll still be doomed to an eternity in Hades for using the brain their supposed "god" gave me in questioning such an implausible construct.

Once more proving to me just how improbable and illogical the whole ball of wax is and how it's all too obvious as well that the idea of an "all loving god" is just more senseless blather as well (*facepalm*)

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 04:40PM

logic doesn't work in this debate. poking fun at them does. (taunt)
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 05:00PM

Faith is subjective and depends on experience. I can't scientifically prove that sex feels good because feeling good is subjective experience, but I have faith that sex will feel good, unless the woman grabs my "junk" too violently or something. smiling
smiley I hear/read that for some people the opposite is the case. What I consider painful is pleasure to them but they can't prove that to me.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 07:11PM

I know that sex feels good and through scientific study that can even be explained, dunno if any such study has been undertaken regarding "feeling" a gods presence, though I'd think it's been tried.

It would seem however that such a study has been done and perhaps the telling is that because of the results of it, is the why that I never heard of it. If believers had managed to find any scientific support for god I feel sure it would be plastered all over the place grinning smiley

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 07:36PM

Spiritual experiences have been studied scientifically but all that can be proven is that an individual's CNS chemistry and electrical activity in the brain changes, which is basically all that is true for the scientific study of sensing and perceiving pain and pleasure. The link between the physically measurable and the mental/emotional states is still unexplainable other than to say that it is subjective and experiential. At that point it has to be accepted that the link exists, which is the same as faith. It can't be proven with physical evidence but we believe it is real because our experiences show us that it is.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 08:28PM

That data isn't verifiable by every subject, hence it then is subjective and as such unverifiable scientifically grinning smiley

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 08:47PM

but Blah said it so it must be true. (headexplode)
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 08:48PM

BTW, use cane sugar in your still next time. clown
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 08:53PM

I kind of agree with your sentiment, but not your logic, Mrkim. The religious can either claim that their doctrine is factual and should therefore be believed, or they can claim that their doctrine should be believed through faith. If I know something as fact it takes no faith to believe it, eg. if I know a structure will support my weight it takes no faith to step on it. You seem to be saying that religious doctrine is claimed to be both factual and is to believed in faith.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 09:21PM

I don't think you even know what I did say Fossil smiling
smiley I don't have a still but I use cane sugar in my coffee.

Kim, there are constants that do show up in measuring brain activity in the scientific study of spiritual experiences, meditation, and the like as well as changes in pupil dilation, heart rate and blood pressure. These are scientifically verifiable and repeatable measurements but not explainable any more than medical science is able to explain why anti-depressants work. That doesn't stop the medicines from being prescribed. Not everything real can be proven with science. Or as Uncle Albert said it, not everything that matters can be proven and not everything that can be proven matters.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2011 11:13PM

Studying the brain for a reaction to stimuli in no way proves whether or not those stimuli are from an external source or from something going on in the brain itself, therefore a waste of time in this debate.

And since there is no way to verify those "facts" the belief that they are facts depends solely on faith, which I think is MrKim's point. My biggest reason for believing in an intelligent designer is that, though I believe in evolution as shown through natural selection, I can't totally believe that something as complex as human beings could have evolved completely without some sort of intervention somewhere along the line - though I could be wrong.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 12:20AM

I know what Kim is saying. I'm not really saying anything different, just in a different way. I'm not arguing or debating. I am conversing. Just because I bring up a point to think about doesn't automatically mean it is in contention with or opposed to what someone else said.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 22/11/2011 12:22AM by BlahX3.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 12:27AM

yes it does!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 12:41AM

No it doesn't!
quasi Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 12:49AM

Duck season!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 12:50AM

Dick Cheney
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 06:53AM

GAK, if you can 1st prove that there is indeed a god you'll have made history as this has yet to have been done, Simply claiming that one has faith in something and hence belief, does not make that claim factual.

My overarching point in this discussion is that by all logical analysis belief in any god itself is nothing more than a theory,and as such is not factual at all, and that ... if believers were truly honest with themselves and others they should openly admit this since no concrete evidence can be presented that makes their claims any more plausible than the theories common in the areas of philosophy, science or even mathematics winking

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 02:38PM

i have actually flat lined in the hospital once and i didn't see any light or anything else. i was gone for 5 minutes.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 02:57PM

Next time don't forget your Get Out Of Hell Free card Fossil and make sure you hold your mouth just right.

People saying their God is the only true God and He is this and that and these are His rules are the most arrogant pieces of shit on the planet. If God is real then who the fuck are they or anyone else to decided what God is like, what the rules are and all that other shit? IF God is real then who the hell can figure Him out? That's totally ridiculous. The ONLY purpose in doing that crap is to try to CONTROL people. That has NOTHING to do with God or spirituality and everything to do with ego, arrogance, greed and lust for power and control. The ones preaching morality are the most immoral of them all.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 03:52PM

Now im really confused!So if god is not real does that mean the tooth fairy is not real?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 04:27PM

I honestly do not know. I am confused too but like most everyone else that doesn't stop me from thinking I'm right anyway. LOL!

Actually I don't care if I'm wrong about stuff. I'm not afraid of being wrong. I'm a big boy now and I can take being corrected when I'm wrong and I still enjoy learning.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 05:08PM

the tooth fairy always cheated me.... 1 dollar?! (*finger*)
Santa was the man back then. drinking smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: November 22, 2011 05:14PM

Yeah, the Tooth Fairy is a stingy biotch. She's in cahoots with the greedy dentists. Santa is pretty cool though. He's given me some really neat stuff.