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Gator 28ft 1in
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Gator 28ft 1in

"a man walking next to a crocodile"

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Comments for: Gator 28ft 1in
rogerramjet_2003 Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 01:48PM

The following is the text I recieved by email with this photo:- For your enjoyment & discussion, I cannot say if this is accurate or not (I live in Australia).

This picture was taken by a KTBS helicopter flying over Lake Wiess about 90 miles north of Birmingham, Alabama !

The helicopter pilot and the game warden were in communication via radio.

Here is a transcript of their conversation.

'Air1 have you a visual on the gator, over'

'Approaching inlet now, over'

'Roger Air1'

'Gator sighted…. Looks like it has a small animal in its mouth... moving in, over'

'Roger Air1'

'Holy Crap it's a Deer!'

'confirm Air1... did you say Deer?, Over'

'Roger.. a Deer in its mouth... looks like a full sized buck... that's a big gator,

we're gonna need more men, Over'

'Roger Air1..can you give me a idea on size of animal, over'

'Its big 25 feet at least, please advise Gator is heading to inlet.. do I pursue?, over'

That has to be a HUGE gator to have a whole deer in its mouth!
The deer was later found to be a mature Stag and was measured at 11feet!
Are you ready to go skiing on Lake Wiess ?!

If you ski at the west end of the lake -- try not to fall.

This alligator was found between Centre and Leesburg , Alabama near a house!

Game wardens were forced to shoot the alligator - guess he wouldn't cooperate....

Anita and Charlie Rogers could hear the bellowing in the night. Their neighbors had been telling them that they had seen a mammoth alligator in the waterway that runs behind their house, but they dismissed the stories as exaggerations.

'I didn't believe it,' Charles Rogers said, but they realized the stories were, if anything, understated.

Alabama Parks and Wildlife game wardens had to shoot the beast. Joe Goff, 6'5' tall, a game warden, walks past the 28-foot, 1-inch alligator he shot and killed in their back yard.

blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 03:23PM

I think I have see this picture before, but it was at a different location and I am sure the radio conversation is fake.

If you are ever in the Houston area and can make the drive out to the Brazos Bend State Park, you will learn that alligators this big are not so rare, but they always shoot them when they start hanging around where people live.

They don't get as big as the Salties down under and they are not very aggressive.
Lexx Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 05:04PM

I live in Florida and the biggest gator I've seen in the wild is 13 and 1/2 feet. The record for an american alligator is just over 17 feet. One might get as big as 18 feet but 28 way. Even the huge saltwater crocs don't get over 25 feet long.

Must be some trick of perspective with the cop being behind the gator, or just plain a photoshop because there is no way it's true.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 06:23PM

Check the backhoe bucket!, they are 2' wide (tractor mounted like that are less about 1.5') with that you can calc the Gator size.....drinking smiley
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 08:14PM

I saw it first........after it saw me first.

mlawrence5 Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 08:22PM

you can't judge the size of the gator by the bucket on the backhoe. You can get buckets anywhere from 1' wide to 4' wide. to make a blanket statement that all backhoe buckets are 2' shows your ignorance.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 09:00PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2008 09:03PM

Easy to figure out, the backhoe is mounted on a farm tractor, that type of tractor is about 8'-9' tall, then check the angle of the boom....gator is no longer than 15' smileys with beer
rogerramjet_2003 Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2008 02:12AM

G'day all, Had a look on Snopes for alligator, no real match with this story.
There is a similar story and pics about a gator swiming with a deer in its mouth.
Read all the various tales here:-
rogerramjet_2003 Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2008 08:57AM

Oops....try this link
blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2008 01:55PM

ha ha . I went to snopes and found this very picture and the caption there says the gator is 13 feet.

Thanks Roger. Snopes is pretty cool.

Mlawrence Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2008 02:16PM

so you work in construction and your a dipshit. BFD
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2008 02:29PM

mlawrence5 Wrote:
> you can't judge the size of the gator by the
> bucket on the backhoe. You can get buckets
> anywhere from 1' wide to 4' wide. to make a
> blanket statement that all backhoe buckets are 2'
> shows your ignorance.

Do you know what a 4' bucket looks like ?, do you know what it's used for ?
same thing with your brain, you don't know what to use it for redneck..drinking smiley
blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2008 09:12PM

I think ml and anon are gonna fight!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 24, 2008 11:08PM

construction workers are over paid pussies
blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: June 25, 2008 01:41PM

This is almost like the Monty Python bit where are the Aussies are named Bruce. With so many Anons, it is hard to tell who is dis'ing who.

I understand why people post anonymously, but put some sort of tag in your post to differiate.

Also, btw, while I am not a construction worker, I am over paid pussy. After having paid so much, it took be a long time to get over it, but now it is strictly free pussy for me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 25, 2008 05:46PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> construction workers are over paid pussies

I agree, I know a couple of guys that get $40 an hour...drinking smiley
mlawrence Report This Comment
Date: June 25, 2008 08:59PM

Man, anon is a whiny little bitch.
All I was trying to point out is that without knowing what size the bucket is on the hoe, you can't compute the size of the gator. Buckets come in a lot of different sizes.(Yes I know what a 4' bucket looks like, I have worked with backhoes for a long time.) Thats like saying you can figure out the size of the gator by the size of the tree in the background because trees are 30' tall. You can't use an unknown object to set the scale of another unknown object. If you would quit crying like a little girl and have someone read what was actually written, you might have figured that out, but no, you had to bitch and moan and call names, so I have to break out the crayons and the Big Chief tablet and draw you a picture.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 25, 2008 09:14PM

That pic is photoshoped, the guy is way to small for the truck on the left and the tractor on the right. confused smiley
blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2008 02:12PM

Anon (12.198.144.---)

I don't think that this was photoshopped, but I agree that the proportions are wrong. Even way back in the day, before photoshop, it was possible to take photos that dramatically misrepresent size and scale. The classic example was always the Eiffel Tower between your thumb and index finger.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 26, 2008 08:58PM

After they get past about four feet they're all pretty lethal to adults so who gives a rat's ass?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 07, 2008 06:58PM

This is fake. I work in Cherokee County Alabama where Weiss Lake is located. Look at the picture we DO NOT have any moss in the trees like that here. Also I have personal spoken with some of the law enforcement officals and they know nothing about any of this.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2008 01:59AM

this is a good one:

or this one

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 20/07/2008 02:02AM by fossil_digger.