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retirement mother fuckers
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retirement mother fuckers

"a man in a military uniform"

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Comments for: retirement mother fuckers
rogerramjet_2003 Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2008 09:15AM

Congratulations arsehole, for keeping your people in poverty for 50 years. Die soon you miserable prick. RRJ/size]
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2008 12:33PM

But he turned the job over to his brother who will follow in his footsteps.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2008 04:08PM

He wants to give Shadez and skull and chains the shockerrrrrrr!
Get in line boys, your mom, dad, and boyfriends are first! smiling bouncing smiley
Mint Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2008 04:31PM

Sanctions by the US and the rest of the world arent helping their poor either. Though i would assume we are just waiting for Castro to die so he cant claim victory for old Cold War BS that should have been over long ago.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2008 08:52PM

What will Castro be remembered for?
What will nine US presidents from the same 49 years be remembered for?

Any way you look at it, Castro comes out on top.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2008 09:09PM

"Congratulations arsehole, for keeping your people in poverty for 50 years."

"Sanctions by the US and the rest of the world arent helping their poor either. Though i would assume we are just waiting for Castro to die so he cant claim victory for old Cold War BS that should have been over long ago."

"What will Castro be remembered for?
What will nine US presidents from the same 49 years be remembered for?
Any way you look at it, Castro comes out on top."

okay, we don't really support Castro's politics, even though this "revolution" had its good intention at first, it still had to give into imperialism under the revisionist Soviet Union. and the point that mint and zxz555 make here is very good, in that it looks at things, conditions, from the beginning of the story rather than the usual way a lot of people, especially with the reactionary view-point and particularily in the U.S.(but this view-point also surfaces in other nations and Cuba happens to be one of them), tend to look at situations-that is in mid-air and not the original cause of the conditions that cause people to behave in a given manner; the root of the problem(or the "root of all evil"winking
smiley. the point is that a lot of poverty through-out the world and within the U.S. itself is caused by U.S. imperialism. and if the U.S. suddenly were to "fall off the top" we might would be seeing the same thing, because of another country that has turned to revisionism after a coup following Mao Tsetung's death. so yes, the U.S. is responcible for a lot of misery in the world, and yes the U.S.'s bourgeois revolution(the American Revolution) really did start all of it, but since then other nations have had to compete with the U.S. imperialism with their own imperialism, so in addition for the much needed revolution within the U.S. we also need an international proletarian revolution.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 19/02/2008 09:11PM by shaDEz.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2008 12:38PM

Just more "blame America first" BS.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2008 04:05AM

okay, explain why you think this is BS, and try not to start off in mid-air
history is like flying a plane really, you have to start by getting off the ground first
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2008 12:55PM

How about, Castro's Cuba sucked and deserved every bad thing that happened to it? Castro was evil and the people of Cuba were too stupid to do anything about him.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 24/02/2008 11:33AM by jgoins.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2008 12:57AM

I blame America first when it's stupid numbnuts arrogance cause it to be the principle and primary SNAFU generating force in everything it touches.

Military Intelligence was an oxymoron before Neo-fascists populated the military and it's no different now, even if the recruits can't tell the difference between smelling the glove and worshipping the glove.

If Republifucks could figure out that the "Stupid Giant" they keep warning every body about is THEM, this mess wouldn't be so hopeless......
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2008 02:22AM

smileys with beerPremier fidel Castro gave Cuba a grand Medical Health System and a very capable Educational School System and produces Doctors and Teachers in the 3rd World ! Which is , Alas , and Cuba belongs with the NonAligned Nations with a very good : Diplomatic Standing ! Adios Amigos , EL COMMANDANTE , FIDEL !!!winking
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2008 01:45PM

If Castro provided all that then why did so many risk their lives to leave and travel to the US?

America is not perfect but it is closer than any other nation in the world.