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Waiting for work, right out in the open... with an attitude!
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Waiting for work, right out in the open... with an attitude!

"a group of men standing in a line"

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Comments for: Waiting for work, right out in the open... with an attitude!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2008 04:54PM

Just like a wetback, STUPID! angry
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2008 05:08PM

Arnold’s (Schwarzenegger) post-partisan result - A $14 Billion deficit and a fiscal emergency.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Friday he will declare a “fiscal emergency” in January to give him and the Legislature more power to deal with the state’s growing deficit.

Schwarzenegger made the announcement Friday after meeting with lawmakers and interest groups this week to tell them California’s budget deficit is worse — far worse — than economists predicted just a few weeks ago.

The shortfall is not $10 billion, but more than $14 billion — a 40 percent jump that would put it in orbit with some of the state’s worst fiscal crisis, those who have met with him said.
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Only Ron Paul Can Be Trusted on Immigration

By James Buchanan

Ron Paul has finally put out a crystal clear ad on immigration. A youtube video of this ad can be found here. Ron Paul opposes amnesty and favors enforcing the law, which includes deporting illegal aliens. Ron Paul is the ONLY viable candidate for president, who has taken this position.

Romney, McCain, Giuliani, Huckabee and Thompson (the gang of five) have made public statements to the effect that they don’t think it’s possible to deport the 12 to 20 million illegals in the US today. By taking that position, those candidates are effectively saying they will NEVER deport a serious number of illegals.

The US economy is practically creaking and groaning under the weight of 20 million illegal aliens. Hospitals and schools are being overwhelmed by swarms of illegals. Ron Paul mentions these facts in his commercial and he proposes an end to birthright citizenship. If 20 million illegals stay in this country much longer, all of them will have “anchor babies” who automatically become US citizens. We absolutely must get rid of the anchor baby loophole otherwise we will be stuck with millions of “next generation” illegals.

It is critically important to be wary of the candidates, who have recently flip-flopped on the immigration issue. Mike Huckabee is absolutely the worst liar in the campaign and nothing he says can be trusted. Mitt Romney is also completely untrustworthy on the illegal immigration issue.

We can’t afford to have another Open Borders lunatic, like George W. Bush as president. America will become a Third World nation unless we make Ron Paul the next president, and let him secure the borders and get rid of the anchor baby loophole.


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Iowa Caucus on Thursday

By James Buchanan

We are rapidly approaching the first election in the Republican primary. The mainstream media reporters have been falling over each other focusing on Romney and Huckabee. Thankfully, these alleged front-runners have been bashing each other with attacks in an attempt to crawl over the mangled body of their opponent.

Fred Thompson has truly fallen off the radar screen plunging to three percent in one poll. Perhaps he will drop out of the race in another week or two. McCain’s “Open Borders” record has hurt him badly in Iowa, and Giuliani has never stood a chance there either.

While the media’s favorites are having a hard time, Ron Paul has moved up to 12 percent in one poll. It should be remembered that the polls don’t take into account cross-over votes from Democrats and Independents, who changed parties to vote for Ron Paul (the only viable anti-war candidate). John Zogby himself has said that Ron Paul will likely do much better than the polls are predicting.

Romney has been running ads blasting Huckabee for releasing 1,033 felons from prison including murderers and multiple DUI offenders. The media calls these “attack ads,” but I can’t fault Romney for telling the truth about Huckabee’s disgraceful record, especially when the mainstream media is failing once again to tell voters all the information they need to know.

The latest story from Iowa involves Huckabee creating a negative ad about Romney and then boasting that he won’t run it, but he shows a roomful of reporters the ad anyway. Gee, you don’t suppose he wanted to save the money for that ad, pretend that he was taking the higher ground —while getting the negative ad out to the press for free? Or maybe his check for $30,000 to run the ad bounced.

Huckabee has so many scandals that he can’t hope to win a battle of the attack ads. If Romney were just a little smarter, he would run nothing but ads about Wayne DuMond, DuMond’s victims and that incident, where Huckabee’s son killed a dog and Mike Huckabee obstructed justice, blocking a criminal animal cruelty investigation. Mike Huckabee should be serving time, not running for president.

Romney spent about nine million dollars in Iowa and three months in Iowa prior to the Iowa straw poll. Romney got 31 percent of the vote in the straw poll, not even a full third. It’s obvious people don’t trust him, don’t like his platform and probably don’t like him being a Mormon. Romney has probably spent several million more in Iowa, and his poll numbers show very little for all the money spent.

It’s frankly insane for people to spend millions in a relatively small state with few electoral votes, just because it’s the first election in the primary. Given Huckabee’s very limited fund-raising ability, he may have blown his bank account on the first few states with nothing left for the rest of the country.

The idea that the winner in Iowa will have tons of momentum is bunk. If you look at the straw polls that followed last summer’s Iowa straw poll, Romney lost momentum and Ron Paul started winning straw poll after straw poll as people voted for the best man, not the best advertising blitz.

There’s a good chance Ron Paul will do a lot better than expected in Iowa. The Romney and Huckabee battle may leave those two candidates so tarnished that voters will look for an ethical candidate with a clean record, and the cleanest candidate in the election is Ron Paul.

The latest ad from the Paul Campaign, makes it clear that Paul would deport illegal aliens, enforce immigration laws and abolish the anchor baby loophole. Ron Paul is the only viable candidate who has a well-established record on immigration, and the only one who can be trusted not to flip-flop later and stick us with an Amnesty.
January 2nd, 2008

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You guys would have never believed that Bush would have wanted Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, but, he did, the others are no different, they're looking at a different plan than you are. Everyone should be smart enough to easily see that if you allow Amnesty "one time" you've opened gates that will never close again, forever, that's "the plan"!
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The States that create laws that give illegals "rights" (ID's, Health Care, can get pulled over and CAN'T be asked if they're illegal, etc.etc.) are always the first to feel the pain. You should ask..... why would they work so hard (spending your tax dollars) at creating those laws?

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2008 05:35PM

This is who you give Amnesty too!

1. []

2. []

3. []

4. []

5. []
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2008 06:49PM

no it is not, it is who they gave amnesty to
Were where you when you`re english lessons where where being taught to they`re childs? winking
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2008 06:49PM

Waiting FOR WORK. FOR WORK. Are people who want to work and pay taxes (property, income, sales, gasoline) REALLY the problem here? What about the MILLIONS of Legal America citizens on welfare having MORE babies? Their kids are going to be on welfare too, generation after generation. Do you know what the budget is for the welfare system? Look it up. It is FREE MONEY! Have a few babies by a few different fathers over the years, and you are SET FOR LIFE! AND you get to screw up your kids heads so they do the same thing! These hard working illegal aliens are a scapegoat for the real issues. And yes I agree they should learn english god dammit! And no I do not like them, but at least they WORK!
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2008 08:42PM

HAHAH LOL Good points here.

Its 2008 and we are no closer as a race to getting along with our brothers.
Wheres the world peace we hoped would be here.
To much hate. Stay over there,Get out. Stop stealing our welfare
Mankind gets an F grade
Its getting worse...
Mankind is inheretly smart, but somehow as a group we get retarded

Start thinking out of the box..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2008 09:06PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> Waiting FOR WORK. FOR WORK. Are people who want to
> work and pay taxes (property, income, sales,
> gasoline) REALLY the problem here? What about the
> MILLIONS of Legal America citizens on welfare
> having MORE babies? Their kids are going to be on
> welfare too, generation after generation. Do you
> know what the budget is for the welfare system?
> Look it up. It is FREE MONEY! Have a few babies by
> a few different fathers over the years, and you
> are SET FOR LIFE! AND you get to screw up your
> kids heads so they do the same thing! These hard
> working illegal aliens are a scapegoat for the
> real issues. And yes I agree they should learn
> english god dammit! And no I do not like them, but
> at least they WORK!

Just putting my $0.02 on the bucket, a buddy of mine that worked in
the welfare department in San Diego told me about the corruption that
goes on in the department, the main bosses have their own 'people' that
they send in to get their welfare checks (the boss gets the main part)
and they have to approve them or they get fired! and if somebody else
wants to get in their deal they get zapped, my friend quit when he saw
all that shit going on. drinking smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2008 06:41AM

Sorry to say but mankind is not inherently smart, as a matter of fact .... people of lower IQs tend to be more prolific than do those of higher IQs, which in of itself only serves to downwardly dilute the gene pool as a whole.

To whomever above thinks illegals are OK since they at least work, let's not forget that at the very least the other group of American citizens who manage to ride the "I always have my hand out for every freebie society has to offer" train, at least have a right to a ticket, which any illegal does not.

BTW ... until we discontinue the practice of allowing a "welfare for life" mentality there will always be that segment of society willing to live at the expense of the rest of us. Only by reworking the welfare system with a set of finite limitations to the depth of the dole they can receive and as a caveat of allowing acceptance of such funds at all which is tied to either at least looking for work or some sort of continuing education will the problem ever go away.

And .... until the illegals are made to play by the same rules all citizens and legal immigrants are required to they will continue to be a drain upon our country and our social structures that is unjustifiable. So long as they are allowed to continue to live and work here under a different set of rules than all other citizens are and receive benefits even we are disallowed from receiving, get a bank acoount or a home loan without even needing a valid SS# or credit history, receive free medical services, live off the tax system radar and all the other myriad of things they are allowed to do .... they will angry


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2008 12:48PM by Mrkim.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2008 01:03PM

A few grenades on these street corners should solve the problem.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2008 03:45PM

I like fucking thier woman!
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2008 04:21PM

There is only one Latino woman? confused smiley Is it Salma or Jennifer or Penelope?