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Bye bye you genocide comitting fucker!
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Bye bye you genocide comitting fucker!

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Bye bye you genocide comitting fucker!
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 08:23PM

Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 08:26PM

some of us will miss you mr secretary, its too bad there are so many pot smoking hippie that wouldnt let you do what needed to be done.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 10:06PM

Commit Suicide you mean?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 10:06PM

this fucker was obviously senile... i hate to side with those aforementioned 'pot smoking hippies', but fuck this asshole... he's just one of the many useless people my coup would get rid of in my sweet imaginary world(that beats fuck out of this one i might add)
Jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 10:14PM

That bastard the American Minister of Defense Rumsfeld, and I won't say shamelessly, because they don't know what shame means. These are criminals. The whole word can hear the warning sirens. This criminal sitting in the White House is a pathetic criminal and his Defense Minister deserves to be beaten. These criminals lie to the world because they are criminals by nature and conditioning. They consider this a military site! Shame on you! You will forever be shamed! You have ruined the reputation of the American people in the most terrible way! Shame on you! And we will destroy you!"

Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf ( Iraqi ex-information minister)
Jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 10:22PM

"They are superpower of villains. They are superpower of Al Capone."

Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf ( Iraqi ex-information minister)the
finger smiley
Jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 10:23PM

drinking smiley"The midget Bush and that Rumsfield deserve only to be beaten with shoes by freedom loving people everywhere."

Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf ( Iraqi ex-information minister)
Jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 10:24PM

"Yesterday we heard this villain called Rumsfeld. He, of course, is a war criminal, and he is one of the worst of the American rulers. He said the American mercenaries and the British mercenaries, they are defending themselves inside Iraq. They are in a defensive position. They are engaged in self-defense. They are fighting a self-defense war inside Iraq. Well, congratulations, Mr. Villain, you are defending yourself inside our country. We will show you what defense means."

Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf ( Iraqi ex-information minister)confused smiley
Jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 10:27PM

"I can assure you that those villains will recognize, will discover in appropriate time in the future, how stupid they are and how they are pretending things which have never taken place"

Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf ( Iraqi ex-information minister eye
popping smiley
Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 11:07PM

you will all be eating your words when the the sand niggers attack again. rather than see Rumsfeild leave, i think we should boot out all islamic fucks. that will be the only way i would feel somewhat safe with lo' bob splitting. I'm kind of disappointed that he is bowing to these pressures from the leftist fags. i think i will start referring to him a john kerry from now on. seeing as the original john kerry, the republican lap dog, is truly dead.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 11:22PM

Boot out all the islamic fucks? We can't even keep the mexicans out! An arab terrorist could learn spanish and sneak across the border easily. Nobody pays attention to the mexicans here, they work hard jobs (construction, landscaping) and raise big families. They are mostly catholics, so we assume they are not terrorists. The perfect cover for an arab terrorist.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 08, 2006 11:50PM

Anon Wrote:
> you will all be eating your words when the the
> sand niggers attack again. rather than see
> Rumsfeild leave, i think we should boot out all
> islamic fucks. that will be the only way i would
> feel somewhat safe with lo' bob splitting. I'm
> kind of disappointed that he is bowing to these
> pressures from the leftist fags. i think i will
> start referring to him a john kerry from now on.
> seeing as the original john kerry, the republican
> lap dog, is truly dead.

boot them all out, and then what? we can go back to the days when americans bombed theirselves? or maybe the japanese will attack again in pearl harbor part ii
the only true way to deal with terrorists is to destroy all humans... something my coup has already done in my imaginary world(that beats fuck out of this one i might add)
Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 12:18AM

wrong mad poster. the way is to eliminate ALL muslims. they are a filthy breed and dont deseve to breathe. they serve no purpose and have contributed NOTHING to the better of humanity. Nothing. They are selfish and only care about 1 thing. Allah. well if Allah was here i would pull oout the junk and piss in his face. FUCK MUSLIMS, FUCK ISLAM. AND FUCK ALLAH.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 12:32AM

Posted by: Anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: November 08, 2006 02:26PM

some of us will miss you mr secretary, its too bad there are so many pot smoking hippie that wouldnt let you do what needed to be done.

You are a fucking moron !

Current military leaders in Iraq think Rumsfeld is a fuck up !

good thing your dumb ass is back in the US sitting on the couch.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 12:34AM

so the the other humans on the planet must've contributed something worth while......what could it be?

what good is the human race in general?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 12:45AM

95% of the non-US people fighting in Iraq are freed Iraqis. Anthony Cordesman

There were no Al Qeada members in Iraq prior ro March 2003. CIA, DIA.

Invading Iraq has increased terrorism on American interests world wide. CIA, NSA.

Invading Iraq has only delayed the inevitable. Taking the reason for terrorism away.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 01:57AM

ADC Beast. look in the mirror for the moron shit for brains. the left is using Rumsfield as the scapegoat for this bullshit because they are so worried about their politically correct war. if they would just have shut the fuck up, let bush fight a WAR. then this would have been over already. but since we have to puss to pressure, i.e women and fags, we are waging this stupid "politically correct" war. they all see it snot working and now they blame bob and then they will just pull out and in 10 years we will be more fucked. only then will the left see what a stupid predicament they put the country in and will then skew it all so its someone else's fault.

mark my words


as for fossil digger:

then kill yourself you fucking tool
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 03:43AM

that response wasn't a choice
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 04:24AM

haha... i think you have to provide multiple choices for these type of people f_d... after all it is what they are used to, because of the fear of thinking outside of the box
in my imaginary world... lol ok, ok, i won't do that one again
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 07:06AM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: November 08, 2006 07:57PM

first, get a fucking login asshole.

two. There is no fucking war.

three. Stop sucking the NEOCon cock.

the argument that the future will be worse because democrats are in power can't be substantiated with any facts.

the only thing that can be substantiated is that Bush has created more terrorists and endangered american interests at home and abroad by occupying Iraq.

The NSA, CIA, and DIA seem to think your are full of shit. What do you think about that?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 07:28AM

Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!!
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 10:15AM

All your problems start with R-e-l-i-g-i-o-nNo need to say this race, or this race, or these people over here. Get your heads outta your asses and WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD. Man! Your heads are fucked.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 10:22AM

haha... well said
Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2006 05:56PM

lots of ass covering. no one will ever know if all that shit is true. its all speculation open for interpretation. you certainly don't know. you believe what you see on TV. sounds like you may be a british lap dog. the problem is that now there donkey's are running congress rather that a quick decision there is gonna be a fuck load of red tape. asking the cowardly left if its okay to do this or that? do you think the public would mind if we took out this person or that? thats why we lost vietnam and korea. because we had to be politically correct for the hippie left.

you are a couch potato. keep listing to CNN stoner and keep up you traitor-ing ways. you are great entertainment for me. its really fun.

keep taking it in the ass. you pole smoker.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 11, 2006 10:00PM

obviously hit a nerve. thats right fag boy. you shut the fuck up. fucking fanny.


typical of the left.........
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2006 01:08AM

The "Cowardly Left" label is pure horseshit. Democrats have taken the country to war more than anyone.

Servicemen used to be democrats until 1975. They got conned to become republicans by the current NEOcon fucks Daddy Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Colson, and Dobson.

The Occuptation of Iraq should have shown servicemen that these NEOCon fucks don't give a rats ass about the life of a servicemen unless it helps them politically.

You really are a dumbass.

The US did not lose in Korea or Vietnam. The US completed its mission that was set out before each conflict. But Pentagon assholes got greedy and wanted to go beyond the stated mission. Just like in Gulf War I. Pentagon pricks wanted to go beyond the stated mission.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 13, 2006 03:59AM

Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2006 03:24AM

korea and vietnam were losses because we don't own them like we do japan and germany. moron? you're the moron you fucking tool. you think that that war is a political game like the left and think that we succeeded in asia. look fucko we lost a shit load of people and we have nothing to show for it but cheap rubber dog poo.

I'm not calling the democrats cowardly. it doesn't make you "brave" starting a war. FDR was forced. And thanks JFK for vietnam. great move. the left has a history of bungling things. remember your pal jimmy carter? what a great mission in Iran to save the hostages huh? Fool.

and as for servicemen flip flopping? wouldn't you after seeing what an idiot carter was, and clinton ten fold. talk about a coward? there is the king of all.

as for gulf 1. we should have kicked ass to Baghdad. if we did we wouldn't be here now. ain't nothing wrong with greed. what there is a problem with is being afraid of upsetting all the fags in new york and northern california. all the pussies who thought they were just gonna get a free ride on my taxes and not actually have to earn it.

you need to get a grip on reality you fucking stoner. maybe if you made a decent living you would be upset about all the taxes about to be imposed on you so that the left can give their college drinking pals cush government jobs.

wake up and smell the taxes shit for brains. the country just made a big mistake listening to all the right haters and voting what the TV told them to. people like you spouting off thinking you know what you are talking about. too bad. you will see one day. i bet your folks hate you and wonder where they went wrong. what a shame.

i hope to god you are not a citizen...........if so i hope one day you get caught will all that weed and get a felony.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2006 01:27AM

I repeat. You are a moron.

Any time you achieve the stated military mission that you start out with then you have succeeded in your mission.

Nice strawman argument telling me what I think. Try harder pea brain.

The only reason the US lost 52K of the 58k who died in Vietnam was exactly for the I stated in my last post. Pentagon morons got greedy and wanted to go beyond the stated mission thus keeping US servicemen in harms way for NO FUCKING REASON other than their egos. Korea was the same thing.

Stop making excuses for the fools in the Pentagon. It only shows that you have no clue about the issue.

Your moronic comments about going beyond the mission in GWI show your true colors. You expose yourself as an ego driven idiot that can't follow the orders of the US president. Daddy Bush was the Prez and you think your smarter than him and his advisors? LOL!

Bush I's people are attempting to bail W out of this mess. Bush I's people were smart enough to know that removing Saddam was a dumb idea.

I love the radical right excuses for your positions about each military conflict. They expose elementary thinking. Good thing you have zero ability to make anything happen. You would be in deep shit with W. Do you suck Sean Hannity's dick?

I do make a decent living here in Washington, DC.

I think we should pay more in taxes. I believe in paying the fucking bill as opposed to conservatives who are so selfish that they let their politicians piss away money then pass the debt on to their children.

The Bush administration has spent more money than all other administrations combined. Leave it to republicans to FAIL at being conservative.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2006 07:03PM


Okay Mr. Kerry. whatever.


i think its time to wake up from your mushroom trip. Tim Leary is gone guy, as well as Jim Jones. You wanna get back on the right path?

LOL. You want to pay more money to give away to lazy people who wont stand on their own 2 feet. like all you brethren in New Orleans? go ahead. I would rather keep the money I work hard for.

you call all the neocons stupid. look in the mirror lefty. the left are a bunch of liars. heres my favorite.

"we need to get out of iraq" yet they all say, now that the election is over, "we cant just cut and run, in fact we may need more troops there for a bit. your gay lover john kerry has been quoted "i would send more troops to iraq, give the generals what they need" funny huh. i support, you say, idiot. yet you support, they say, liars. who's the bigger fool? guess we will never know.

FYI as for me personally, i didn't vote for jr. and i rarely, if ever, vote republican. i vote libertarian. but i would NEVER vote for the left. the lesser of 2 evils id the democrats. hands down. bunch of foolish, lying, cowards.

as for spending the most cash. tell me that if gore were pres he wouldn't have spent a shit-load of money taking out sand nigger terrorists. people say clinton rocks, we had a surplus and bush spent it all. well hippie, clinton inherited the internet during the 90's. BTW the economy was falling in the shitter at the end of his term. then bush comes inherits 9/11 and he is a shit president, you should just move to another country cause you don't get it here.

you would be much happier in say, france or maybe even iraq.

im bored of you and i would imagine everyone that is around you is as well. i guessing its the patchulli oil.

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: November 17, 2006 05:55AM

I love the "I am a libertarian and would never vote for the left." HORSESHIT. You are a republican because you are not bright enough to do anything other.

Your "sand nigger" comment reveals even more than your last ego driven post. You're a racist as well as a Bush apologist.

Anytime you want to land at DCA, I will pick you up in a limo, then promptly have your body dumped in SE.

You are a putz. Accept it.

You obviously missed the results of the recent elections. American's think dumbasses like yourself are the problem with America. Too much bigoted ideology without anything to back it up.

I'm happy right here in the good ole USA. And the good ole USA is happy with me.

Go suck W's 2 inch cock. We know that is the only thing you are good at. You have clearly proven thinking is not one of your skills.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 18, 2006 01:32AM

that's it man! you're goin' to Anger Managementeye
rolling smiley