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Present for aDCBeast

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Present for aDCBeast
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 02:53PM

What country are you from? Do they speak English in "What"?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 02:59PM

I'm showing my love for the US by exposing the misdeeds of people in government.

By shooting the messenger (me) you only condone the misdeeds of people in government like the scumbag in the above picture.

You support placing the lives of innocent americans in danger by contuing to support the morally and intellectually bankrupt man in the photo.

You are aiding and abetting a criminal.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 04:35PM

I have a cuppla questions for you beast ole buddy, but let's start with an easy one, Ok ?

Since you claim to be an Ex Marine, you got me thinkin about something. Under whose presidential administration(s) did you serve while you were in the Corps?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 04:40PM

deputy dawg.lmao
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 04:43PM

Come on mrKim, stop picking on good ol' beast, he's just a sourpuss fat uggly kiddy in a wheelchair that can't even wipe his own asshole
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 05:01PM

he can't wipe because his head's in the way
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 05:18PM

"cuppla" questions is 1 question ? a little early for hittin the bowl isn't it ? Try some salvea maybe you'll make more sense or at least have a cool trip.

3 presidential admins.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 05:55PM

Ah, as usual you didn't seem to quite understand what was asked of you, nor did you answer what was asked of you at all. Can't say that came as much of a surprise, but ....

Ok, so try and stay with me here, I'm gonna try to better explain my earlier questions a bit.

1. When I said "I have a cuppla questions for you beast ole buddy, but let's start with an easy one, Ok ?", that what is known as a "leading question". That means there will be more questions to follow, but for now, let's start with just this one.

2. When I asked "Under whose presidential administration(s) did you serve while you were in the Corps?" that's a query that requires the name or names of the presidents who were in office during your time in the Corp. .This means your reply of "3 presidential admins." isn't a suitable response to the question, or at least doesn't answer the question.

So why doncha try really hard taking what I just said in mind and answer what was asked of you, Ok ?

And BTW .... how about trying something truly novel this time and try responding without personally deriding remarks or superfluous negative comments, as they will certainly be irrelevent to the conversation at hand anyway.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 06:09PM

Ahh MrsKim .. another Texan so full of himself that logic had left him.

You asked a vague non-specific question. then you have the temerity to get pissed off that you didn't get the answer you wanted. What a fucking cocksucker.

Did you ask ?

Who was prez when I entered the military? Nope.
What Prez.\Prez.s terms did you serve under? Nope.

See you are even close to being as smart as you think you are. You're a putz that sucks his own dick like a true Texan.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 06:14PM

On August 20, 2006, 11:35 am mrkim said :
I have a cuppla questions for you beast ole buddy, but let's start with an easy one, Ok ?

Since you claim to be an Ex Marine, you got me thinkin about something. _ Under whose presidential administration(s) did you serve while you were in the Corps _ ?

seems clear to me
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 06:19PM

lmao! military intelligence in action!
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 06:20PM

Ah beastie, and I was tryin so hard to make this easy enough to understand for ya, so let's try it one more time.

Under which 3 presidents did you serve while in the Marines?

Since you said "3 different admins" that would by nature mean (unless you mispoke) that this would be under 3 different presidents, since each president, even if reelected is still only considered one administration.

So .. give 'er another go eh ?:>winking
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 07:20PM

Hmmm ..... what's the deal Mr B ? Did you paint youself into a corner with that last comment you made ?

I figured surely you'd have responded by now with more of your rapier wit, or at least spew some more of your BS while likely as yet refusing to actually answer my simple question :>winking

OK, well, I hafta go out for a bit so maybe we can work on this again a lil later, Ok ?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 08:33PM

Beast, the misdeeds you speak of are only misdeeds if you don't agree with them so you are only complaining about something they are doing you just don't agree with. So if you don't like it then just tough.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 12:13AM

Wowser there B man, it's been hours now and still no reply, how come ?

The simple question I asked isn't all that tricky, but for some reason it seems to have you a bit at a loss for words which is certainly out of character for such a sharp tongued devil as yourself. How come ??

It's alright though buddy, take all the time you need to make sure you get it right before responding .... I'm really patient :>winking
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 07:18AM

Sorry MrsKim and CRAPPER .. I actually have a wife as opposed to nothing like yourselves.



that sword cuts two ways doesn't it? the fact is that military leaders have long acknowleded problems with using the military in islamic nations. That they would rebel at some point.

Many long former and and recent former military leaders have said the invasion of Iraq was a very unwise move that would remove any chance of peace in the middle east and put US soil in danger of future military attacks from islamic militant groups.

You can dislike what I say but you can't deny that I am the only one saying it.

Too many intelligence and military people predicted terrorism would increase and Iraq would move toward a failed state if the US toppled Saddam.

The NEOCons gambled and lost.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 11:26AM

Beast said, "You can dislike what I say but you can't deny that I am the only one saying it."

No one is denying that you are the only one saying it, you are the only one insane enough to say it.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 08:08PM


I forgot you need things dumbed down for you.

People have said\written what I write repeat here long before I post it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 08:27PM

Under Bush, US military veterans are *no longer eligible for overtime pay, ever*. (this as of a law of July 29, 2005. They have also seen their medical coverage and benefits cut. They are allegedly not given enough body or vehicle armor to adequately protect themselves against attack.

So why do you guys like this "president"?
He keeps fucking over veterans as if he were not cut of the same cloth as they... oh wait, he's a pussy who's father pulled strings to get him in the "Texas Air Guard".. and he went AWOL from that, and never once volunteered for combat duty.

And this man is our /president/ ? fuck.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 09:40PM

No overtime pay? Since when has the military ever gotten overtime pay, we didn't when I was in the Navy in the 70's? If you are talking about veterans who are no longer in the military you are speaking bullshit, anyone working in the private sector is entitled to overtime pay even veterans. This makes the rest of your post suspect.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 10:09PM

jgoins .. you must have been hit in the head too many times. You seem to intentionally misunderstand any post you read.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 10:29PM

maybe he sees through peoples feeble attempts to discredit the rep. party
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2006 11:49PM


saying there is a holy war going on means jgoins has lost his fucking mind. that is bullshit.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2006 12:00AM

so what do the "sympathizers" call Iran declaring war on Israel, England, and the U.S.? a little skirmish?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2006 01:56AM

It may be a war but it is the "holy" aspect that I laugh at.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2006 02:13AM

achmapeniswad refers to it in that way
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2006 07:56AM

saying something is a "holy" war and it being reality are two different things.

We both know that the pres. of Iran says shit, just as W does, to get people to rally behind their cause.

If there were really a "holy" war, then 9-11 #2, #3, #4, etc. would have happened already.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 22, 2006 11:27AM

In their minds it is a holy war and when the rest of the muslims join in it will be their last great holy war. It will never be a holy war for us and the rest of the world but it is for the Islamic people.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2006 02:09AM

jgoins is passing the bowl again. That is some good shit.


I've got the munchies now. Pass the doritos and velveeta.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2006 11:41AM

Beast, you can't contradict it so you make jokes.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2006 01:10AM

he doesn't want to refute it so he makes jokes.