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"a large stone building with columns with Baalbek in the background"

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Comments for: Beirut-BacchusTemple
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 05:38AM

Yep, let's bomb it. I say a coupla Daisy Cutters(TM) oughta do it. Fuck arabs and FUCK THEIR CULTURE!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 05:43AM

i would have to disagree
triton Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 08:57AM

obviou;y 46103 is a jew
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 10:49AM

that has to be one of the stupidest comments ever posted here 46103
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 11:50AM

It is a wonder that 46103 even has the brain power to find the power switch on his computer. Perhaps he has home help with that.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 05:31PM

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. …
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 05:35PM

Are you guys kidding?

Either you are very irony-impaired, or you do not realize that that is exactly what the USA is doing in Iraq. Destroying their fucking culture, bombing it to bits, shredding it, shooting the mosques, looting the museums, raping the women, torturing the natives, making sure that they do not produce anything in the way of art, learning, or any sort of human advances.

Don't forget that the USA rush-shipped a whole bunch of missiles to Israel as it was attacking Lebanon. Did this building survive? Who knows.

Do you know fossil? did this building survive the attacks and (american-made) bombs?
Could you look into that for us?
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 12:00AM

No Israeli command would ever allow the destruction of any historic building, monument, or artifact. World opinion would condemn those actions, and you are way off the mark and over the line in your comments that we are the raping and pillaging conquerers, not the liberators in Iraq. You want to see destruction of irreplaceable ancient history? Look at what your pals the Taliban did to the giant standing Buddhas in Afghanistan.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 02:06AM

as far as i know no structures of archaeological significance were touched. the mosques I can't tell you.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 02:17AM

the looting of the museums were done by everyone but the U.S.
the torture was done by everyone and a couple of alleged american assholes, or were they convicted? i don't know. suppressing artists? i haven't seen any evidence, but I'm sure that some W haters will blame him for everything, or did that just happen?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 08:39AM

Now now, 90130 ... I can plainly see, as anyone else, that the Taliban are authoritarian prickheads. The destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas is crime perpetrated by people who wanted to maintain a restricted mindset.

I'm not aware of your personal connections to the Israeli command that allows you to say they don't target historical structures. But I do know that (1) war contains many, many errors. (Like England bombing a French pre-school by accident in WWII), and (2) one purpose of war is to erase the opponant's physical history. Destroy monuments and records, and it is easier to impose the new order.

This photo makes me think that the bombs were not so "surgical".

My original comment was mocking some of the equally bloody comments on this site saying we should "nuke" Iran, or arabs, or arabia, or whatever.
Same thing really.
What are you really bitching about?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 08:43AM

The looting of the Iraqi museums /was/ done by Iraqi's. However, the US protected the Oil Ministry, and did not protect the museums ... /despite/ world museum directors actually convening, and talking to Bush & Co. about protecting the museums.. and getting assurances that this would happen.

The reason the museums were looted, is because History's Most Powerful Military decided to invade a soverign country, on the basis of lies.

The blame lies squarely with the USA.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 07:53PM

This is a temple? Damn, you'd think they could fix it up a little or something.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 09:28PM

so the blame for the looting is ours? a mighty long stretch there to tag bush for = something = isn't it?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 23, 2006 06:35AM

Yes fossil, the blame for the looting is ours.
If there had been no illegal invasion, there would have been no looting. No stretch at all.

Why did we invade, fossil? Democracy? Remove a dictator? WMDs? nope.

If we were about spreading democracy and removing dictators, then why is the USA best friends with Perez Musharraf, military dictator of Pakistan?

Oh, right, they have the Bomb, and Iraq didn't.
Funny though AQ Kahn, of Pakistan, sold nuclear secrets to Korea.
Why aren't we invading Pakistan? Clearly they are part of the "Axis of Evil" and a danger to the USA...
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2006 12:26AM

careful you might pull something stretching that hard w/o a warmup
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2006 06:36AM

Why did we invade fossil?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2006 12:35PM

here we go again.
why do you care? it's done now we need to get out. dipstick
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2006 06:05PM

I care because you have lots of opinions about the war and the validity or our "president", and so-called "liberals".

IF we invaded for legit reasons, then fine.
But if we invaded on a pile of lies, then our President is killing people and getting the "authority" to do so, based on lies.

And he needs to be impeached.

I think killing people and lying about it is far, far worse than getting a blowjob from an ugly intern and lying about it.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2006 06:06PM

But guess what, we're not getting out. We won't get out anytime soon. They want to leave Iraq in chaos, supress oil production, keep the price of oil high, ans soak the american taxpayers to boost corporate profit-lines.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2006 06:36PM

wallstreet has the only control of oil prices. everyone else is under contract.
you're right we will never leave, we never do, only move on....we're just waiting to see which direction is next. hang a left into syria, or a right into Iran. it has been the plan the whole time but bush (dumbshit he is) did'nt think he could convince the american people of the risk Iran proposed and lied (except of course for the chemical weapons we did find) about wmd's.

impeachment? no way in hell!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 03, 2006 11:44PM

You are incorrect. Saudi Arabia has control of oil prices. They have enough money to open their spigots to the max, flood the market with oil, drop the price, and crush any other oil-producing country's economy. There is solid reason to believe that Saudi Arabia did exactly that to punish the Soviet Union for flaunting their OPEC quotas... which lead directly to the collapse of their government. It wasn't "democracy" or "capitalism" that "won" over "communism"... it was oil prices, manipulated by the arabs.

Now that oil is flirting with $70 a barrel, Saudi Arabia is super-duper rich,,, they packed away a cool trillion in the last year or two. They can afford to pump their oil to the max for up to two years. And crush everyone.

This is why Bush licks Saudi ass.

Why not impeachment? The case is clear.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 04, 2006 01:12AM

wallstreet controls the prices = in the U.S. = i shoulda clirified i guess.

Kinky for gov.!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2006 09:44PM

Kinky Friedman is my choice for President.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2006 09:44PM

And no, you are wrong. Wall Street does not control oil prices in the U.S. The Saudi's control the global price of oil, and the US markets respond to that.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2006 12:56AM

uh....oooo.k. not many believe me on the oil deal anyway.
at least we agree on the Kinky thing...:~}