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Laurel and Hardy of the Bush admin
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Laurel and Hardy of the Bush admin

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Laurel and Hardy of the Bush admin
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 09:33AM

"Out combined penis length is this long"
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 10:44AM

Beast, you have totally lost the 2 brain cells you did have with this pic. Some passengers have been banned from flying but you imply with this that all passengers would be banned. This is one of your worse ideas, if all passengers were banned they why would the planes need to fly?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 11:13AM

JGoins... it's called sarcasm.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 02:22PM

that one sucked, not even funny
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 03:04PM

Maybe that's it. It takes more than the 1 brain cell than most possess to get the joke.

1 brained celled version

To make airlines completely safe homeland security chief Michael Chertoff is going to ban all passengers on airline flights.

The planes will fly empty to great holiday destinations like Hawaii, Cancun, and New York.

You will be charged full fare of course and you can come down to the airport to wave good bye as your plane leaves without you for its holiday destination.

You will still be subject to searches of your person and vehicle before reaching the airline waving area.

I hope the 1 brain cell version was more to your liking.

America has turned into the land of the scared little wimp overreacting to every little thing.

I thought this was the "home of the brave". Seems more like home of the pussy.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 03:15PM

now that was funny
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 04:15PM

wait, i are such a fuckin tree, if the planes are empty how are we gonna stop terorists? bonehead! you watch way too much Lou Dobbs Beavis!

sorry i fell outta character for a moment
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 11, 2006 09:26PM

baby picture of beast
puddin Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2006 12:41AM

If I tell you when and where the next time I'm in DC..............will you show up so I can rub your nose in shit and hit you across the nose with a rolled up news paper?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2006 02:20AM

New Airport rules:

1.All non-arabs can show up 5 minutes before
departure with whatever they want and jump
right into the Express lane.

2.All arabs&arab looking must show up
3 hours before departure for de-lousing,
fingerprinting,retinal scan and anal probe.
If even a whisper of discrimination,racism,
or racial profiling is mentioned you will
be quickly reloacted to an Internment camp
for either immediate deportation or a 6month
course in becoming a "naturalized" citizen.

What about my rights? YOU AIN'T GOT NO FUCKIN
RIGHTS! Just like if I went and cryed&whined
in your country!

If you disagree feel free to take it up with
the government of your original country.Where
you will soon be heading.

The party is over! The free ride is no longer!
Where is the Million Muslim march denouncing
the psychotic fascits you protect.It is time
to quit quivering and hiding in your little
holes and take some action if you love your
new country and freedoms.Otherwise,get the
*HELL* out!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2006 08:49AM


Anytime cunt rag. Give me a ring.