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Bill Clinton
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Bill Clinton

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Bill Clinton
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: April 12, 2006 09:10PM

...depends on what the meaning of the word =is= is
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 12, 2006 09:32PM

He is practicing his pussy eating technique. It must be good because women sure want it.
madmexrva Report This Comment
Date: April 12, 2006 09:36PM

i miss Bill. So he lied about fukin a fat girl.Who hasn't?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 12, 2006 11:46PM

While the terrorists were planing thier attacks on the world trade center.While they were building up balls with the Khobar towers,U.S.S. cole,the embasies in Africa.While the Taliban and Alqueda were gaining power in Afganistan.When Bin Laden was offered on a silver plater.Yeah,sounds like a proud moment in life to have a fat girl suck your dick while that was going on.
117150 its intresting that according to James Carville,"Trailer Trash,Whores,and Fat Pigs" like that tongue.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 12:05AM

At least he didn't give Bin Laden millions of dollars and cia training on how to blow shit up like Reagan did.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 02:07AM

Bin Laden is part of the royal familly and with all the middle eastern backers I dont think Reagans drop in the bucket is all that much in hindsight.The training on how to fight Russian troops in the 70's is really not that significant in todays arena of warfare.I dont think the CIA taught them to blow up embasies in foreign countries or fly planes into buildings.
The picture is of Clinton and the coments were of his antics while serving as president.Which would include what he was and should have been doing.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 08:17AM

There are several things that I appreciate of the american political system, but one thing I really don't get, is why a president had to be blamed for his private sexual life....I mean, it should simply be just his own business.
However, better a country where a president can be impeached for a blow job then a country were the prime minister can be recognized faulty of crimes but still remains being the prime least for the moment this nightmare is finished smiling
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 10:47AM

Your ex-prime minister seemed a little crazy.What was up with him?I saw videos of him dry humping a traffic cop(female),picking his nose and eating it,he didnt seem like he was wrapped to tight.
The blowjob really is not what pisses me off about clinton.
1.His inaction while terrorism grew.
2.Waco texas,the way it was handled from start to finish.
3.We had an inncident where a soldier was court martialed for refusing to where U.N. insignia,which is forbiden in our constitution.
4.Elian Gonzalas was sent back to Cuba by presure from Castro.Some of the leading industries legal or not in Cuba are prostitution and child pornagraphy.The mother died trying to get her child out of there.
5.His stand for partial birth abortion just to hold a party line.The fact that the leading medical authority lied on behalf of them and confessed that he fudged the numbers years later.
This is a short list.People seem impressed by the economy during his presidency but it was the .com boom that carried him not his policies.It actually started the downslide on his way out.Somehow Bush was being blamed for that.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 10:48AM

where,sorry wear
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 12:46PM

His lips are moving so he is lying.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 07:33PM

How True.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: May 03, 2006 08:47AM

how sweet it sounds when I read EX-prime minister ....