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A380 - New triumph of superior European technology
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A380 - New triumph of superior European technology

"a large group of people in a hangar"

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Comments for: A380 - New triumph of superior European technology
skeeter Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2005 09:46PM

i wouldnt want to fly on that shit, too big.
jop Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2005 09:57PM

Yeah, because having leg room and somewhere to walk around to when you're stuck on a 16 hour intercontinental flight really sucks.
Not to mention the fact it's 50% more economical than a Boeing which is good for fuel usage and the environment, and it can hold 50% more passengers, which only means good things for ticket prices.. Definitely the way forward.
Stiffler Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2005 10:32PM

Only problem with it is most major airports around the world have to redo their runways just to accomodate the thing. So far the only country that doesn't have to is Canada as minimum runway width is 200ft. The US is 150ft and Europe is only 100ft.
Pretty amazing piece of equipment though.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2005 10:48PM

A very tempting target for islamic militants no doubt. I'm sure Allah would be very grateful if a 'jihadist lion' could sneak onboard with a bomb and create a 'big killing of infidels and crusaders', God willing. Alahu Akbar!!!
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2005 10:58PM

OMG hot! Post more pics plz
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2005 11:14PM

AirBus should compete on fair grounds by not using European Tax payers money. What a shame for whole European community
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2005 11:56PM

It doesn't matter who made it, it's great technology and innovation. Engines are actually quieter that a 747 I hear. Terminals need to be upgraded to receive them but that will happen quickly. Quantas has already bought 12 of them, for the Sydney/London hop and Sydney/LA.
HCEEBEE Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 12:41AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 01:10AM

developed by one country, made by another. like everything else.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 07:57AM

I doubt there will be any more leg room. Especially when they can cram in more seats. I notice on the TV reports they only showed first class, I bet economy will be just as cramped.
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 11:13AM

You Americans have your heads so far up your own ass. Just because it aint American it's gotta be shit. Your engineering is shit.

Example: American cars that are fast have extremely big engines (6.0 litre, 8.0 litre etc)...ol USA "bigger is better"...

Not satisfied with 320bhp Mitsubishi hand a Lancer Evo VIII FQ-320 to the their UK's motorsport division, Ralliart, and they tweak the car & engine to produce 405bhp...from a 2.0 litre engine! This thing beat a Lamborghini V12 Murcielago 6.2 litre Supercar on a TV show not too long ago. Quote:
"With the aid of four-wheel drive, this Evo pummels its way from 0-60mph in just 3.5 seconds and hits 100mph in 9.1. Consider, for a moment that BMW's M3 takes 4.9 seconds to reach 60mph or that the Porsche Carrera GT requires 3.9 seconds. This is one mighty chariot."

Although there is nothing American about this car so I'm presuming it must be shit.

stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 11:20AM

Jumbo Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 12:01PM

If they remove first class, they can squeeze 800 people into standard (coach) class! Wouldn't like trying to get off that in a hurry
FAT_YANK Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 12:16PM

800 ordinary people yes, but Airbus said this would be significantly reduced to around 600 when Departing from America.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 01:26PM

stussy_demon, is sounds like you are the one with your head in your ass, blinded with anti-US animosity. I don't see one post that seriously flaunts US technology over anyone else's. But I will say, at least US made jets are made by completely private companies that base new products on careful research and pragmatism, not status symbols made by countries bent on dethroning US dominance whatever the cost. Boeing is very capable of designing and manufacturing a massive jet like this, but their studies indicated it was not practical given the trend away from the hub system and towards a point to point system. Being a private, profit driven company, They would not consider risking billions just so they maintain the biggest jet status symbol. Airbus has that luxury because they are financially subsidized by European governments. Not exactly a level paying field, and that is why the issue is going to the world trade organization. And no, I'm not American.
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 02:23PM

I just said it to wind people like you up, this site has got really boring since I've been gone. Thanks for the reply seem to miss my point though, and I'm sure the rest of the world agrees with me, that America ALWAYS has to make things bigger and better and it seems that *some* arrogant, self righteous American shits on this, and many other posts, hate it when there is a European achievement that hasn't got Uncle Sam stamped on the side. It has been known for centuries that British engineering has and is the finest in the world, I'm sick of hearing USA this USA that...look into my eyes and listen carefully...THE WORLD IS NOT AMERICA AND AMERICA IS NOT THE WORLD.
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 03:12PM

Stussy speaks the truth. My feeling is that if America enjoys fucking up the entire planet with its massive c02 immisions from your ludicriously inefficient cars and victorian factory pollutants then global warming is the least you deserve. When the entire planet is unsuitable for the human race we can finnaly die off and let the animals live in peace
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 06:19PM

Hey Bob, why don't you try to learn how to spell correctly and than you have the right to talk, but until you do...stfu.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:17PM

stussy_demon, I will concede that I think your beliefs are not without some basis. I have traveled in the US a lot, and in general they seem to be incredibly egocentric, and amazingly ignorant about the rest of the world. Their education system, and culture in general, seem to value competitive pursuits like sports more than intellectual ones. Yah, they are very competitive, even with each other. Money and showy status symbols are the gods they worship there. Los Angeles makes me shake my head every time I go there. Everybody seems to spend all there money on over-the-top things to impress each other. On the other hand, most people I meet seem to be really warm and friendly and not arrogant. Just really competitive ignorant friendly people. And about the global warming and CO2 thing, the US has correctly stated that its India and China that are the biggest threats to the global environment in this regard. The number of coal fired power plants they are building right now is incredible, and they were exempt from the Kyoto accord. That is why the US objected. Their growth in autos on the road is the fasted in the world. They will easily surpass the US in Co2 emissions if they haven't already.
skeeter Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:21PM

America owns the world you silly little bitch, your just one of the rodents that happens to live in Americas backyard. Just remember who invited the airline industry...and the automobile industry...electricity, the lightbulb, phone. sit up roll over....good doggy!
skeeter Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 08:23PM

errr. "invented" not "invited"....I'm slippin, must the alzheimers.
Jumbo Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:10PM

Umm, let's see.

Phone - a scotsman
Car - a German
Electricity - God
Lightbulb - Sir Joseph Swann of England
Heavier than air flight - a Kiwi

Still, zero out of 5 isn't bad for soemone with Alzheimer's.
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2005 09:29PM

16852 you seem to be of good intelligence and I appreciate your un-biast views...but...just because India & China are not in agreement with the Kyoto Protacol, why is that such a pathetic exuse for America not to enter it. Clinton was...
Bush opted out, because it was too 'goddam' expensive. He is a worthless maggot. There are studies that say the USA is the biggest polluter but is it really relevant given the size of America, China, Russia, India. The world and it's population will eventually die because of scum like Bush. And he has the hippocritical cheek to give money with a smile to the Tsunami disaster. The whole world experiences an instant disaster and looks upon it with awe and sorrow...but it amazes me that shit like Bush & his supporters cannot see the harm he is inflicting every year that will eventually affect our grand childrens, grand children. Low intelligence and good 'ol' American brainwashing. And if God is such a saviour of America...exactly how do you expect him/her to welcome a President and his fuck wit supporters that willingly decided to help fuck his creation up with no thought for its beauty, life and 1 in a Trillion existence?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 04:55AM

Well it sounds to me like Stussy is Amish. I mean he/she has got to be, either that or they are only contributing to the exact things that they are complaining about. I highly doubt that you grow your own food, raise your own cattle, and live without electricity. I all the things that the oh so bad industrial world makes possible, like the fucking internet that you so willingly use to bash other countries.
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 08:14AM

OIL OIL OIL $$$$$$$$$$$$$ OIL OIL OIL are an asshole
lyric101 Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 10:22AM

whining fucks - it's a big plane, it carts more bodies across the sky for less money. What's the fucking problem?
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 12:16PM

Radio - G. Marconi (Italian)
Computers - a group of british scientists during WW2
Helicopter - Leonardo da Vinci (Italian)
Radar - first built in UK and USA on the basis of studies conducted by H.R. Hertz, N. Tela, G. Marconi.
Mpeg encoding system - Iatalian telephonic company

...just some random picks to show that not all the inventions are american...but we could at least say that USA itself is (sadly) an european invention and that without peopkle like Cristoforo Colombo USA as it is now could have never come to existence
stussy_demon Report This Comment
Date: January 21, 2005 01:15PM

LOL mkcerusky winking
smiley !!
medic1 Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2005 11:12AM

Nice plane. Looks big. I like the blue. The Wright Brothers invented the first working plane, right? No, thats probably just another of the endless lies us Americans have been forced to believe. I'm sure some obscure european invented the plane first but just never bothered to patent it, and some devilish Americans came along and stole the credit from them. Funny how it always seems to work like that.
Jumbo Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2005 02:34PM

No, it was a New Zealand farmer who first flew a plane for a significant distance, with lots of witnesses. It was a while before the Wright brothers at Kittyhawk.

The problem was it crashed after a few flights, and he had more important things to do when he had recovered than "tinker" in a pursuit with no future (as he saw it)
medic1 Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2005 07:47PM

See I knew it. Thanks for setting me straight. From now on whenever anybody claims that an american did anything first I'll be the first one to step in and tell the cold hard facts that everything good that was ever done, was done by a European that was too busy or too humble to take the credit for it. Stupid history book writers, what were they thinking? I feel so deceived.
duuuuuuuuuuuuude Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2005 08:50PM

but we did invent the best semi-automatic rifle in history, the M-1 Garand. only problem with it was that it only held 8 rounds per clip, hence the M-1 carbine and eventually the M-14.
and we did invent the first PRACTICAL automobile, not to mention the first elected official who won, but got less votes than the other guy
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2005 12:46AM

The plane is a waste of money anyway. The future of air travel is smaller planes and the rest of the airline industry has seen this and is shunning big planes like this. Most international airports don't even have a runway big enough to handle this beast so I'd guess it'll go the way of concorde and become a relic pretty soon
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: January 31, 2005 09:03AM

I was just wondering what americans do think of the fact that their president has just chosen an italian helicopter for himself...perhap american ones weren't good enough? Howcomes that the most perfect country in the world isn't able to make a good helicopter for its president?
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: January 31, 2005 09:03AM

I was just wondering what americans do think of the fact that their president has just chosen an italian helicopter for himself...perhap american ones weren't good enough? Howcomes that the most perfect country in the world isn't able to make a good helicopter for its president?
johan Report This Comment
Date: March 30, 2005 08:14PM

if you like this plane you should look ad
MAILERDAEMON Report This Comment
Date: April 17, 2005 01:53PM

Hommingberger Gepardenforelle: []
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2005 08:07AM

No good helicopters Mkgurk? get your head outta your ass.The U.S. is just trying to make Italy feel the way.I give this A-380 piece of junk 4 months of service before major problems and a colossal crash
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 18, 2005 08:08AM

scratch that! make that 2 months of normal service.B-52 all the way baby!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 12:51PM

good job europe, a beautiful plane
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: June 06, 2024 08:11AM

And what's happening with Boeing at the moment? Stupid yanks believe in deregulation.