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We The People Stimulus Package
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We The People Stimulus Package


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Comments for: We The People Stimulus Package
Mach Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2009 05:39PM

There's still too much comfort for any kind of Revolution, you know "we" wait until it's too late, the dicks with all of the money plan way, way into the future.

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2009 08:26PM

You're preachin to the choir here Mach! Every single point in that vid is absolutely spot on smileys with beer

BTW, just for fun (and a nice touch of T&A) here's one that popped up on the same page [] smiling bouncing smiley

Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: October 16, 2009 11:30PM

About 20% of what he says here is spot on.smiling bouncing smiley The 78% is over the top paranoia and silliness.clown The remaining 2% is illegal and unconstitutional.(*facepalm*)
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2009 12:13AM

see ya!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2009 01:13AM

Hey wolfie, since I didn see anything even close to unconstitutional, and the paranoid parts seem justifiable to anyone who understands how this country is supposed to be run, how 'bout you tell us why any of it's illegal or paranoid confused smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2009 08:50AM

So many people in this country believe that because congress holds office then they are beyond reproach.
Wolfgang613 Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2009 04:40PM

Well, Mrkim, he is calling for a violent if not armed revolt in this country which is illegal. What do you think will happen if a mob of people show up in D.C. blowing there car horns trying to bring the government to a stand still? At the end of his rant, he makes a call to arms; what do you think we will need a gun for? I don't think he is talking about sports shooting or personal protection.

The electoral college is in the Constitution (Article 2, Section 1 & the 12th Amendment). The president has never been elected by the popular vote. If he wants to amend the Constitution, that is OK, but that is not what is saying here.

As I said before, I do agree with about 20% of what he says, but the majority of his rant is paranoid delusions and silliness. Especially the mailing a tea bag to our congressional representatives. I about laughed my ass off over that one.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2009 09:08PM

he is calling for a violent if not armed revolt in this country which is illegal.

As usual, another lib mistating the facts in an attempt to manipulate anothers statements. How is sending a tea bag to your representative violent/ilegal? Or how is a non-violent act of protest like showin up and honkin your horn somehow illegal?

What do you think will happen if a mob of people show up in D.C. blowing there car horns trying to bring the government to a stand still?

I think it would get attention on a national scale that wouldn't be ignorable, which of course would be the point. I do wonder how it would bring the government to a stand still?

BTW, did you know that last sundee a protest by 3000+ members of the medical profession was held outside the White House by healthcare providers in opposition to the healthcare bill? Problee not as this was neatly swept under the rug, but .... funny enough on mundee a group of 300 PRO-healthcare workers were ushered onto the White House lawn and issued sparkling white smocks as the puppetmaster gave a press conference showing how the medical community supported the healthcare bill.

Of the 3 doctors I know personally NONE of them are for the healthcare legislation and all will tell you the AMAs position in supporting it is self serving and unethical and .... in direct opposition to the view held by the majority of healthcare providers they claim to be representing, just like as is the case with ARP and the senior citizens they mistate in representing in backing it too. Loyts of smoke and mirrors and redirection/mistatement of the facts but little if anything bearing any resemblance to the truth!

At the end of his rant, he makes a call to arms; what do you think we will need a gun for? I don't think he is talking about sports shooting or personal protection.

More mistatement of what was said as no "call to arms" was issued. What he said was "If you choose to do nothing, get a gun, you'll need it". My interpretation of that statement is that if you choose to continue letting our representatives continue to shirk their real responsibilities to the people of this country you will indeed need a gun to protect yourself

The electoral college is in the Constitution (Article 2, Section 1 & the 12th Amendment). The president has never been elected by the popular vote. If he wants to amend the Constitution, that is OK, but that is not what is saying here.

Honestly all that he said was to eliminate the electoral college and allow the actual popular vote be used instead though he didn't make any mention of how to achieve it since anyone who knows how the government works would of course understand that it would require a Constitutional amendment to do so. I've wondered for as long as I've had an understanding of the electoral college exactly why it had any real purpose to it. A straight accounting of the popular vote seems far more practical to me, but if you or anyone else can tell me why it somehow is more reasonable I'd sure be interested in hearing it.

As I said before, I do agree with about 20% of what he says, but the majority of his rant is paranoid delusions and silliness. Especially the mailing a tea bag to our congressional representatives. I about laughed my ass off over that one.

1, Term limits for all represantatives
2. Elimination of the electoral college
3. Adherance to existing immigration laws and stopping all funds now paid out to illegals
4. Requiring representatives to be included as well as receive benefits from Social Security instead of their "voted into existence at their own hands" system of receiving their salaries (as well as any increases that occur to representatives salaries in the future) for the rest of their lives
5. Requiring representatives to pay their own health insurance instead of again a system of freebies they voted for themselves.

So what is the 20% you agree with?

BTW, you obviously aren't too astute in your US history or the symbolism of sendin the reps a tea bag would be understood (*butt*)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2009 11:10AM

Mr. Kim, once again you have done a bang up job in destroying a lib sheep(we're having lamb chops tonight". I'll be willing to bet he will not respond to your well thought out response but will most likely call you names or misdirect as a response.
FrostedApe Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2009 02:53AM

This country would not exist, were it not for violent, illegal uprising, and yes, treason.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2009 10:59AM

and it may have to happen again.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2009 05:24AM

Wolfgang.... learnith......

Wrote in Sept. 1985 by Charley Reese

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2009 10:26AM

All politicians are evil some just hide it better.