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Bomb Iran?
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Bomb Iran?

"a group of women wearing black headscarves"

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Comments for: Bomb Iran?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2007 11:05PM

Get Inside the REAL Iran
Anon Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2007 03:04AM

Why do they need to be bombed?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2007 04:27AM

the same reason iraq was invaded... acceptance of a currency other than our fiat for their oil
i hope more people take time to watch this docu
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2007 12:54AM

shaDez, all I can say is, I don't agree with you all the way on some things but it is downright refreshing to find a younger guy that gets into reality and cares about "the people". The one thing most of the people here in the US don't want to do is see both sides of the stories, they just want to take the easy way out.

As far as this Iran thing and everything else it's disgusting how this world is run by criminals and people everywhere for the most part are just pawns in the game!

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2007 01:57AM

and just what do you think you can do about it?

answer: absolutely nothing.

so find something else to worry about, or go freakin' nuts, or.... hell if i know. inciting violence/change whatever the hell you want to call it will only trip some lesser mind into doing something really stupid causing some poor bastard or bastards/people down the line to suffer some sorta consequence as a result. something i don't want to have on my head.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2007 02:13AM

and no i didn't watch your "you stooge" video. i won't watch any bullshit political video posted anywhere on the net by some peckerhead trying to "educate", "enlighten", or school you on his thoughts. i don't give a damn what anyone else thinks. think for yourself, act as an individual for not many people give a damn what you or anyone else thinks is right or wrong.

this kind of thinking is irritating as hell!!yawning

and get a login or shut up anonymous asshole! yawning
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2007 03:36AM

It's just the same old FOSSIL PROPAGANDA, you don't care what ANYONE else thinks.... then why did you post that? To influence people into seeing what you want to be seen and try to alter thoughts.

What a Dick! Your opie look did give you something in life, it made you a dick and that did build a little character but that's just because you had to deal with so much "picking", that's all you had left is "self"! Go jack-off to some transvestites and get over yourself!

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fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2007 03:42AM

typical anonymouse response. eye
rolling smiley

what about your so called beliefs?all you have is a gay joke? smiling bouncing smiley

care to try again sonny?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2007 04:27AM

if you care to argue issues than go right ahead and lead off. but if you post another dumbass you stooge video i will continue to laugh hysterically at you lack of self thought and prompt you to make another incredibly enlightening response. smiling bouncing smiley

smiling bouncing smiley goodnight smiling bouncing smiley
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2007 08:14AM

"think for yourself, act as an individual for not many people give a damn what you or anyone else thinks is right or wrong. "
hmmm, now is the hypocrasy in that statement not just way too obvious

anyway, i understand you not wanting to sit thru ninety minutes of that... i really didn't have anything better to do that night, so i said "what the hell..."
but let me break it down for ya and eryone else
basicly the people of iran are just like the people here... and the goverment is just like the one here
and if you dare dig a little deeper you might discover that the gov in iran is also on a road to self destruction... and will be replaced by a state of anarchy like iraq
as for america, what will happen after this empire's collapse could be the same or a return to fuedalism... or maybe even worse if it is kept stable... well then the chinese will be the next evil empire pretending to help the people of the world while actually just exploiting us for a century or two... untill it collapses as well
capitalism just doesn't work; not for the people, and in the long run, not even for the ruling class either