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photo of aDCbeast's bumber sticker

"a red and blue sign with white text"

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Comments for: photo of aDCbeast's bumber sticker
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 03:33AM

Thank you for trying to save the lives of our troops.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 03:55AM

Unfortunately our troops have been sold a truckload of manure in Iraq. They should not be there. Should never have been sent there.

They should have been in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 03:58AM

they already were in both
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 04:05AM

aDCBeast, gold-bricking and ceheating the taxpayer while he fucks off on the internet at his so-called government job (some job - must be important)actually knows anything about anything???? Not freakin' likely...this dumbass, who doesn't even have a job, can't quite comprehend how doing nothing in the Middle East for four or five decades has led to the mess that it is now...screw the conventional do-nothing attitude of every previous president, dem or repub, and let's go in and shake things up. I totally agree and see today the ink-stained fingers of all the millions of Iraqis who went to the polls to elect the first freely elected government in their lives. Hell ya it was worth it and history will agree. If democracy can take hold there, it will spread....John F. Kennedy must be smiling from his grave (We will bear any burden, pay any price.....).
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 05:32AM

Those who weakened the Patriot Act and weaken the torture of the our enemies are on record and should be held solely responsible for any attack on U.S soil, are we at war or are we just pissing around? We have rules, they don't. The Liberals are fighting just like they did in Viet Nam and are hoping for the same results, the defeat of America. Liberals are responsible for thousands of deaths after we left Viet Nam and will be responsible for thousands of deaths if we leave Iraq..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 06:43AM


Well how about this bitch.

By Britain and the US dong to much in the middle east since 1920 has caused all of these "terrorist" actions.

WTF you say Beast ? You say Britain ruled Iraq in 1920 ? Went in took their land. How long did they rule Iraq Beast ? Til 1958. Britain then allowed and defended with military resources, Kuwait, a province of Iraq to form it's own country. So that's like Texas forming it's own country with some other countries military fighting america ? that's right little one.
I did not kow that beast.

Beast what was the USs role in middle east terrorism ? Damn kid. Do we have all day ? I'll give you the short version. The US being the UN back in 1947 set up a country called Israel. The US leaders somehow thought that people who were victimed and exterminated in mass in GERMANY should be entitled to land 1800 miles away that someone else owns.

Why would someone do that Mr Beast ? Well outside of being plain stupid I can't come up with a good reason.


Liberals are not responsible for the after effects of vietnam asswipe. The AMERICAN PEOPLE said "You're coming home boys". So if you are going to blame someone, blame the american people.

You can see that your argument is a dumb one I hope.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 07:22AM

Whatever makes you feel better about the deaths of thousand of Vietnamese is OK with me, their deaths are on you not me and any Iraqie death will be the same. You fucking liberal murder!!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 09:37AM


I love people who lie to themselves so they can feel better. You are definitely in that group.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 06:12PM

I guess you love yourself a lot and feel good.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 06:22PM

I guess congress and military experts are liars too. They said it before I did.
The_truths_a_BITCH_aint_it Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 11:35PM

Well at least I see a glimmer of common sense here (more than there was a couple of years ago) except for 238240, whose head's so far up his own ass I don't think he makes sense even to those he defends, who are assfucking his future, while he continues to not see it slip away and wonders why people look at him like he's stupid....
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2005 05:43PM

i can't wait till all this b.s. is proved wrong! maybe all you dipshits will apologize to the american people and the rest of the world. probably not, just claim some other b.s. was the reason.....most likely!