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2 Communist Bitches
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2 Communist Bitches

"a man in a suit and tie holding up two flags"

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Comments for: 2 Communist Bitches
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 05:15PM

good guys.
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2005 10:28PM

Michael Moore is a millionaire. Kinda hard to figure him as a "commie". While I have not agreed with everything Moore has said or implied, often times I find his approach rather ham-handed, I do think that he has a real talent for exposing the truth behind the endless stream of bullshit being poured on us each and every day by corporations and the politicians that shill for them. I am all for anyone who questions authority. To me THAT is patriotism...not putting some inane bumpersticker on your car.

P.S. No, I am not a Democrat or some "liberal" whatever that word means anymore. I just have a healthy dose of skepicism and a distrust of authority. Maybe you middle class Bush lovers and self-professed "conservatives" should try questioning your boy more often, he is selling you and your kids down the river every day.
jumbo Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 10:11AM

Well, apart from the fact that neither espouse communism and neither are female, the poster's got it spot on there

Probabaly duane posting - he's into name-calling
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 12:47PM

duane, you are adorable.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 06:44PM

Thank you,just not getting blamed for something I did not do.
jumbo Report This Comment
Date: April 20, 2005 10:47AM

What, you don't call people names? My kids act much the same in the playground because, let's face it, name-calling is childish

And that comment is right up there with the rest of yours - lame, bigoted and ignorant
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 21, 2005 01:58AM

There it is he did it again!Childish,lame,bigoted and,na,nah,na,naa,naa I know you are but what am I.Come on now are you a commie or what shit brick?Oh yeah your kids got quite the mouth on them I would give them some timeout or something,either that or they are gonna be the cutest little sailors.Yes I do call people names when they tell me to go back to wacking off to the porn,Ill do that shit when Im good and ready.Hey got a joke for you if you say you jerkoff that makes you a pervert but if you say you dont that makes you a liar and a pervert.
jumbo Report This Comment
Date: April 21, 2005 09:31AM

No duane, the difference is that I am writing about your comments, not you. And I said my kids (aged 5 and 6) called people names, just like you.

So one of us is having a reasoned argument, acting like a grown-up, and one is acting like my kids - go figure.

And where has this jerking off come from? Do you *really* jerk off to Michael Moore and Saddam Hussein?

Come on, let's hear what puerile whinging you come up with now.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 21, 2005 10:01AM

Go back to your first comments to me then youll see.Lame,bigoted,and Ignorant also seems to be your catch phrase.If you dont want to get into a personal battle than you should not get personal about things people care about like my country and president.Now Im not saying you cant disagree or talk about it thats free speech but when you insult its personal and Im going to have fun.Dont take alot of my comments out of context usually Im insulted first you can check it out its all on here.Oh yeah,yes I do.Usually its in prison dreams, I think its a beard thing or something that gets my puerile whinging.Childish protest thats a good one,if Im going to argue with you than at least throw one of those in each time that way I can improve my vocabulary.