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All we get is an I Voted sticker
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All we get is an I Voted sticker

"a woman with a white head covering and a white head wrap holding up her finger"

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Comments for: All we get is an I Voted sticker
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 12:46AM

ooooo isn't that neat you getta place a ballot inna box wow the right to vote or pretend vote actually as none of your votes really count let democrasy spread hahaha this is why i don't give a fuck
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 12:56AM

You talking about Iraq or the United States?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 01:58AM

She was asked the question ..

How long do you think the democracy will last in Iraq ?

Here answer ? until 1 day after the americans leave.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 05:28AM

MOVABLE LIBERAL GOAL POSTS: OK but they will encounter nerve gas. OK but we will lose a lot of men getting to Baghdad the Republican Guard is tough and we can't fight in that climate. OK but we will never take Saddam alive. OK but they will never have their 1st election. OK but they will never have a trial for Saddam. OK but the real test is the 2nd election that will never happen. OK but democracy will only last for 1 day after the Americans leave. Their world revolves around failure but they are the only ones failing.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 09:56AM

Support the war, war support
The sport is war, total war
When victory's a massacre
The final swing is not a drill
It's how many people I can kill
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 01:12PM


The contrast of course is MOVABLE CONSERVATIVE GOALPOSTS: Usually of the "as soon as _____, then things will get better." As soon as we capture Baghdad. As soon as we get Saddam. As soon as we transfer sovereignty. As soon as there is an election. As soon as there is a Constitution. As soon as there is a final election.

Well guess what? We have gotten to the end of the incrimental political goals. We will now see if the White House and Conservatives are right. No more "as soon as" in the future. It is put up or shut up time.

My money is on it not getting any better because in my view the whole "as soon as" has been rationalization for a refusal to see the truth -- which is that it is not going to get any better until the Iraqis want it to and (a) at the moment there are significant numbers who don't and (b) there ain't a damned thing we can do about it.

The self-described central front in the war on terror is firmly in the hands of the Iraqis and we are now depending on THEM for our victory. I would not even want to depend on them to remember to breath correctly. F*^k the sh&*heads who put us in this position.

Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2005 04:36PM

Oh, and the news just reported the Iraqi Defense Minister confirming that they had Zarqawi in Fallujah (sp?) last fall, but let him go. And these are the Keystone Kops that we are depending on to win or loose the most important foreign policy initiative in the past 30 years? Not in a happy place at the moment.

Again, I don't know how to do it any better, but I am pissed off at the idiots who stuck us in an unwinnable situation and now critizie others for not having an alternative plan.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2005 03:21AM

UH is anyone posting here from iraq or serving over there? no? STFU! you fuck's sit at your screen and spew the most ungodly bunch of shit i have ever heard.DO SOMTHING AND QUIT BITCHING.
(fuck, you sound like our congress).
LastBoyScout Report This Comment
Date: January 20, 2006 07:10PM

Wow the prsidents ass hole is funky again.Call the police!