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Still telling stories W ? Shame you asshole
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Still telling stories W ? Shame you asshole

"a man standing at a podium with his arms out"

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Comments for: Still telling stories W ? Shame you asshole
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 12:44AM

Ok everyone! DING, DING...(roll eyes) ROUND ONE!!
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 01:52AM

I'll no longer comment(much)on political pics. It's too much like trying to teach a closed minded anti-gun person about guns(guns kill? I'll blame my mispelled words on the keyboard) or getting a budist to be christian, or preaching pro-life to a pro-choice. You get what I'm saying.

I'd guess Bushs' admin. is frustrated as a bunch of Americans standin' in line at Wendys'. Less than half of the employees speakin' english, in America, the 30 year old manager "knows" your wasting his or her time, regreting their previous life choices. The place is trashed (Iraq) and all the "kids" employees just wanna know when they can leave, but still wanna get paid (oi). AND STILL NO ONE GOT SERVED (Americans or Iraqis).bla bla bla bla bla bla

Stephen Stills 1966

"There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side

It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, now, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down"
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 02:12AM

ehhhh, hey man where ya been? (beast). i love that song man!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 03:49AM

If his story is a real whopper, then what of the stories told by damn near every Democrat after 9/11.....look up the statements by Kerry, H. Clinton, Reid...and how they voted...and now they say they were deceived? Who are they trying to deceive?

Anyone who even questions the statments made by Democrats SUPPORTING the effort to oust Saddam Hussein made by Democrats needs to spend a couple of minutes on Google before opening their mouth here...those comments by Demo reps and senators are on the record and easily accessible...they are, in many respects, to the RIGHT of Bush. This is Bush's war?.....I can prove otherwise, so can you. Google awaits you.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 04:26AM

ALL politicians are too busy trying to get good public opinion, to shoot you the truth strait, or maybe the truth is againts some laws or morals(did I mispell that "morals" I'm gonna have to get a trial lawer and settle this once and for all with the Keyboard Co.) "Devious" to sum it up.
Tribucian Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 04:34AM

"What is the difference between Republicans and Democrats. A Democrat is a former Republican who got arrested. A Republican is a former Democrat who got mugged." I cannot exactly remember who said it, but those who know the other side must agree it has a ring of truth (metaphorically speaking, that is)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 05:27AM

Not just a ring,, A big Bang of truth.. Good one!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 05:47AM


You mean democrats that say "I got lied to by the Bush administration ?" Democrats that trusted the *sshole in chief not to lie about the reason for overthrowing a country ?

Is that the story that you are talking about ?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 06:22AM

post your pic. beast, please.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 07:55AM

alright Fossil_Crapper check this


Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 10:21AM

Looks like Bill fuckin' Clinton. No wonder.....
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 11:58AM

3 more years of Bush and there is nothing you can do about it so clean your crying towels once in a while and sit back and watch the show. Youir time would be better spent reinventing the Democratic party than raggin on bush before the '08 election.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 01:43PM

lmao! i knew it! hahahahahaha that was good man! but seriously.....i promise i won't n_____r head ya!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 06:51PM


What has Bush done since March of 2003 ? Zip !



Ain't I pretty ?

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 08:04PM

chicken shit!
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 10:40PM

Beast is Skert
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 11:29PM

bock, bock, bock, bock, boccccccccckkkk! wow i never tried to spell a chicken clucking.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 02, 2005 11:23AM

I know you all want to choke licking my nutz but there are some things that my wife has exclusive rights to.

The fact is that you all can't attack my point effectively so you attack me. I love this shit.

Attack away biatches.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 02, 2005 03:08PM

i'm just tired of lecturing to a non-responsive crowd. one reason i gave up teaching. some people will just never get it. that still does'nt change the fact that YOU HAVE NO BALLS! post it man! look at everyone else, they did'nt get dogged that bad. or hell, post the o.l.! hahahaha
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: December 02, 2005 07:23PM

Digger: not to change the point (well, OK, to change the point), still think that Bush has not started "Operation Cut and Run" after his speach on Wednesday?

My prediction: There are Parlamentary elections in Iraq on Dec. 15. The administration will then start with the mantra that we have achieved (not on the road to, but actually achieved) our goal of democratic government in Iraq. We will then start talking up how many Iraqi troops there are now (that process started on Wednesday), even though testimony from the Joint Chiefs of Staff in September said that only 1 Iraqi Division was capable of independent operation. Therefore, we will have met our goals and start a "phased drawdown." Translation -- declare victory and cut and run.

Of course this puts the lie to the whole notion that Iraq is the "central front of the war on terror," since we will essentially be saying that the Iraqis are capable of defending our interests in the most important area of the war on terror -- which they are clearly not. In fact, according to the administration, many of the Iraqis are the terrorists. Either Iraq is really not that important, or Bush is handing care of our national security over to the Iraqis. Either way, I don't trust the present administration to have the balls to actually do either what they say or what they should do -- rather I expect them to cave to Republican pressures regarding getting large amounts of troops out of Iraq before the 2006 election regardless of the consequences.

And you know what, the more that I think about it, the more I think that I actually am not really going to argue with that. I have long been thinking that as bad as the situation in Iraq is, and as pissed off as I am that we started this whole mess in the first place, that we had an obligation to see it through and that the result of cutting out would be worse than staying. Now I am not so sure. Perhaps Bush's cut and run strategy, even if done for weasel-ly political purposes, might be in our best interests after all. Iraq is going into civil war (if it is not already there) regardless of whether we are present to provide convenient targets or not.

I just wish our President actually had the guts to either do what he says or say what he is going to do rather than to lead people to believe one thing, and then to come up with a new definition of what "is" is and say that actually he was being consistant all along. What a weasel.
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: December 02, 2005 07:28PM

I guess that might make me a supporter of President Bush's "strategy". Wow, didn't really think that I would say that in this day and age. The guy is still a weasel however.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: December 02, 2005 09:49PM

Truth from georgia said it. Except "Iraq" as it is on the map, has been in a civil war before we "intervined" 2 decades ago (as the U.S. got buddy, buddy with the oil...coughcough ahhem hem, I mean spread freedom). Saddam Hussein never even had control him self of the most southern part near Kuait, one of the qroups the U.S. is currently "dealing with". Not to mention Al Zarqawi declaring war to the death with "The Sunni Nation". So, there are several groups that want to control Iraq, not even mentioning all the UN in there.

aDCBiatch, Biatches?, the caption WAS funner the first time I read it. Attack? I know what general direction your aiming that, but,..How bout a pic? Huh?

That's it. I'm calling everybody out. How 'bout just self pic, dosn't have to be fancy. Just a peek. A snap shot in time, if you will.

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 03, 2005 01:49AM


The Bush administration can't pull troops out of Iraq until after the US Presidential election in 2008.

If Iraq falls into all out civil war when US troops leave, republicans will lose both houses of congress and the presidency in short order.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 03, 2005 05:19AM

i don't think so,B. we won't pull out, we can't , or like you say ,it would be civil war. there is way to much for everyone to lose now. especially the iraqui people. iran will eventually invade , most likely inderectly. they don't want to butt heads with us, so they will do the same thing all the other arab countries have done for years,supply the counter insurgeants everythng they need. we cannot win now it's impossible, but we can tie! we MUST keep our forces there or the saudis, iranians and everyone else will take control causing a mini world war. the implications are staggering. PLEASE everyone support our troops staying in iraq as long as it takes to get the job done, because we will just have to load up and go back. the next time will be 100 times worse than now! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE PEOPLE SEE THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 03, 2005 09:42AM

fossil digger , i ddnt think ur so naif that ur insulting ur own country ""i don't think so,B. we won't pull out, we can't , or like you say ,it would be civil war"" ur admitting that the us forces re stuck up ,they cnt retreat or civil war will start and yet they r the ones who caused all this mess in 1st place...what a smart intelligent serviceand gov u iraqis are fucked up , insecure , having no food or security , at the edge of a civil war , theft and crimes , a country with no army ,no whatsoever control over it s own resources....but whoaaaaa..the americans as bush said faught for democracy to prevail in iraq ,cheer up iraqis now u have the freedom of expression ..hurray for bush hurray for bush ...ya dear bush , keep on fuckin em so they can enjoy american democracy , as for me i d choose it over food ,security and basically over my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 03, 2005 10:56AM

I do agree we will stay in Iraq past the '08 election, then is a Democrat is elected they will pull out but if a republican is elected they will stay until success is achieved. Maybe instead of pulling out of Iraq we need to invade Iran to prevent Israel from doing it with their nukes.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2005 02:20AM

the shit has not hit the fan yet in the middle east. if we leave any time soon, the fan will be welded in the high position. noone will be able to tell who's the shit and who's the allies. they all hate each other over the stupidest reason to hate someone else....religious beliefs, sad!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2005 04:17AM

The NEOCons are playing a dangerous game with the Republican party. They are betting they can save the Iraq debacle they jumped into. I think they bit off more than they can chew.

White boy NEOCons thought they could act as the father know-it-all to the world and they miscalculated. Oops.

Every day the US is on Iraq Sunnis across the world see the US acting as an imperialist creating a bigger divide between the US ans muslim nations. Even to "allies" like Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE.

Cheney really fucked us for the next 50 years. There is a reason bigots should not be in the highest level of government. They speak out of both sides of their mouths about freedom and bring future trouble. Thank you.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 05, 2005 04:14AM

avengerx did you come from the same alternate universe adcbeast came from, or did he actually manage to brainwash someone?
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 08, 2005 11:42PM

fossil_digger :since it s christams season , i have a present for u u knw eminem >?...well my present for u is a song for him called : suck my dick.....hear it bro ...
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 09, 2005 12:42AM

sorry you'll have to get your girl beast for that! fart-knocker!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 09, 2005 06:55PM

don't foget to vote on the politics forum folks