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Pray for the Innocent Victims of War
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Pray for the Innocent Victims of War

"a man with a long beard"

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Comments for: Pray for the Innocent Victims of War
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 03:07AM

Is that Boosh?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 03:32AM

Innocent he's not, but he is a victim. His country was invaded under false pretenses, and his people suffered(and continue to do so) even more.
straightedge Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 04:04AM

THIS IS A JOKE, RIGHT? This is like calling Bush an innocent victim of war!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 04:13AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 04:51AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 04:59AM

Let's see I believe I heard today is the anniversary of his gassing 5000 of his loyal subjects that dared to express less than half the shit you can read above
duuuuuuuuuuuuuude Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 05:05AM

he looks like an arab santa with the beard, i don't wanna know what kind of presents he brings.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 06:10AM

Bush has killed at least tens of thousands, Who is the war criminal?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 03:09PM

That would be a good point about the gassing 238240, except it's not true. []
REPUBLIFUCKS Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 04:30PM

(Insert stupid march rudiment here in 6/8 time-in two-This little dittie is by yours truly.)

We're on the march! Truth be damned! We want our way! Grease my Hand! We give not a fuck! 'Bout nobody but us, Ethics and rules, they make us cuss!

We're mostly from midwest and South,
Jesus comes spewing out of our mouth, but we use him to wipe our ass, the Supreme court gives us a pass!

(Quick edit to Frank Zappa's "Promiscuous"winking

"I wonda why?" Have THEY been Promiscuous"?

Have they been Promiscuous? Have THEY been PROMISCUOUS? (Broadway the Hardway edits to an equally topical cover of The Theme from the old TV show "The Untouchables". Giving us historical perspective that not only was this bloodless coup forecast, (1988) it's actually been underway for a while.

We look more and MORE stupid and frightening to the rest of the world with each passing day.

As for the asswipe's picture at the top of the page: Have you seen the photo of him gladhanding Donald Rumsfeld? Who do you think wiped his hands on his pants first after that one?

I'm betting it looked just like the Gunfighter episode from the Twilight Zone when they look at each other just as they swill down the magic "Fastest Gun in the West" Juice.

Can you tell that I'm not so "Proud tubby-uh amurricun"? But the other guys screwed the pooch by not resorting to the (REPUBLIFUCKS!) level of ruthlessness so they're to blame as well.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 06:39PM

116133 hat, (no my panty!)is off to u!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 06:44PM

In America, you are innocent until proven guilty.

Does that apply to Iraq also? And what jurisdiction do we have in that country?

Who will be the jury? His enemies? I bet it won't be his friends.

Yes, Mr. Bush should have given the United Nations more time to resolve it, but he did not. Now, we pay the price, no Social Security,your tax dollars to pay for the damages, not to mention paying to rebuild it after we distroy it(look at the bright side, look what happened to Japan after the war) higher debt, less countries like us now and 4 more years of the same crap!

I am beginning to think our motto should be, "You will live like us or else!"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 08:27PM

To the best of my knowledge the only people who are ever tried as war criminals are the losers of a war!

Interesting, don't you think?
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 09:12PM

Anonymous@173246 said :
"In America, you are innocent until proven guilty."

Yeah, tell that to the guys who've been locked up for years in Guantanamo bay without trial or legal representation... America, land of the deluded - you fucks really can't smell what you're shovelling, can you?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 17, 2005 11:50PM

That's why the government shipped em all off to Guantanamo. bush and co. knew that the courts would nail their asses to the wall if any of the so-called terrorists were to set foot on U.S. soil. Guantanamo was supposed to be safe territory to keep as many people as possible locked up, while safe from the Geneva Conventions or any other possible prisoner of war rights they may have been able to claim. And as far as war criminals go, Rumsfeld wouldn't go attend some bigshot meeting in Germany until the tribunal that swore out an international warrant for his arrest put it aside and promised not to haul him before a judge and prosecute him for crimes against humantity. How ironic that one of the top officials in 'The Bastion of Democracy' as we're trying to make ourselves known as, is wanted as a war criminal.
Boomboom Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 04:20AM

Katsuraki, 1st of all I am an american and agree with the majority that you said....HOWEVER, Please do not classify our british brethren with the rest of Europe. Even though there are asinine comments from Brits on here, realize that together we trampled the Axis powers and to this day work together. A better analogy would be Ivan Putin crashing a plane into the Eiffel Tower...actually maybe not, because the French wouldn't do shit!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 18, 2005 01:35PM

they should have put 7 rounds in that bastard's head when they found him in that spider hole, buried it back up, then pulled out of the country.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 03:10AM

Wow, Katsuraki, where did all that HATRED come from - I thought we British and Americans were supposed to be friends! Glad to say I have a lot of American friends, but they've all been to Britain and know what it's like - I seriously doubt you've done anything more than a little tourist jaunt here from that little rant.

Apart from anything, call a Brit a European and you're likely to get a boot in your face - a bit like calling you a Mexican. And we had a national day of mourning for 9/11, so exactly why do you think we side with the terrorists?

As for the second-class jibe - nationalist supremacism never was nice, not when the Nazis did it and no more so when an American does it. Hadn't you heard the Chinese are coming? How are you going to feel in 50 years time when they're by far the richest and most powerful nation in the world and they're calling you second class? Because it's going to happen, so you might just do best to tame that arrogance and accept there are good and bad everywhere, irrespective of nationality.

Lastly, like most British, I'm a big, big fan of Americans (ignorant tossers like you excepted) and America, and we remain eternally thankful for the friendship of the US.
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 07:38PM

I cannot follow the logic of this pic being here. He is a bad guy, we should have never supported him.

Annon 22394, makes a very good point about the future of China as the economic superpower. There are many very intelligent and good American's who are concerned about our debt and image around the world, however there are many more baffoons and yahoos who have no idea that the U.S. is even in debt and that China (and to an extent India and other Asain nations) are quickly on the rise. They will be very shocked and confused indeed. Ironically they are mostly Bush supporters who has put us further in debt and disgrace than any other President in history.

P.S. I have had much experience with the British and you are very correct in pointing out that they are quite different from the whole of Europe. Thanks for the thoughtful post.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 12:48PM

brits are cool, sadam is guilty, communist liberals and wahabis(not muslims in general)preech their shit around the world in every 3rd world country thats why the world has such a fucked up veiw, the rest of this is just bullshit
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 07:28PM

Thats right duane, everyone but you is an idiot. Keep your head in the sand, but dont worry you'll still get to pay the Bushie's tab.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 21, 2005 01:58AM

hey those fags could have attacked a military site but insted they attacked civilians, 3000 dead were lucky not more, they started it I just want to see them all dead militant or just preaching fuck em and fuck you
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2005 11:08PM

Funny, so funny, AEoN - liberal asses, drugged out hippy professors, reefer madness - watch out, there might be a red under your bed. Probably just a pile of porn, though - sad, gullible, dysfunctional, frightened little whacko that you clearly are.

So what's so wrong with idealism? We all have ideals we live by, good or bad. So yours is that anyone who's ideas make that little brain of yours hurt should die - others think maybe we should try living in peace, however hard that might be.

Most liberals know there are far too many gun totin' bigots like you running around this world to be too idealistic about it. Try visiting other countries without a tank or an assault rifle to hide your chicken ass behind before you go lecturing us on the world's evils and our ignorance.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2005 03:03AM

No chance, you get your head cut off just being American. Bet those chicken ass mother fuckers wish they had a tank or an assualt rifle. You just see the world with a Brady Bunch mentality ,everything has a sensible solution. These fuckers have proven their animals. This is war or maybe even satisfaction,but the whackos are the ones with the guns. So fuck everyone else. Your just to fucking stupid.
AEoN Report This Comment
Date: March 25, 2005 09:57AM

Hey 22394, your probably the type that would back down from bullies in high school and give them what they wanted so they wouldm't kick your ass. Sorry, I'm a realist and look at the world the way it really is.

Is peace possible? Yeah sure, If you have enough money to pay for it- Like the 500 million we've paid the egyptians since 1976 in order to keep them off Israels back.

A friend of mine is an intelligence officer that spent the last year in Irag. His job was to befriend a number of families over there and gather the intelligence required to get the remnants of Saddams murderous government. Most of the families he knew were composed of wonderful human beings that wanted freedom like we enjoy over here in the USA. The problem is with the ignorant and uneducated minions of madmen who lead them under the guise of Religion. Education is the problem. Those who don't have a clue as to what is going on are likely to be brainwashed by those offering paradise in exchange for murder. Basically, there's a rabbit dog ready to strike, do you talk to it and hope it doesn't bite you? Or do you take it down before it has the chance.

I myself curiously dabble in a little cristianity, but sometimes wonder if the world would be better without religion. If we didn't have religion though, What is our purpose? Faith drives a great many to become better than they are, and to give to those who are without.

Ah fuck it! I'm probably waisting my time. Everyone that posts on this board is most likely set in their own beliefs and could give a fuck less what I just typed. Peace.
Albert_Einstien Report This Comment
Date: March 25, 2005 10:36AM

no I agree any religion that preaches violence against anti-believers must be met with violence and headed off sometimes with violence
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 25, 2005 10:39AM

shit I forgot to change my name back
wazzanummer Report This Comment
Date: March 25, 2005 06:50PM

AEoN, just curious, where on a globe is "Irag" located? Is it near Iraq? And why was your friend there? smiling
gruff Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 12:10AM

This pic reminds me of that mugshot of James Brown from last year.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 01:11AM

yeah he will be a real "sex machine" if he ends up in prison with Iraqi guards, especially if they lost a family member because of him
yourmomasucksitgood Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 02:19AM

March 16, 2005, 9:32 pm Anonymous@94220 said :
Innocent he's not, but he is a victim. His country was invaded under false pretenses, and his people suffered(and continue to do so) even more.

Hey, tell that to the Kurds. Oh thats right, they werent Saddams people......... How silly of me! Saddams a murdering bastard that should die the most horrible of deaths!
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:00AM

what ever became of bin laden?
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2005 09:22PM

I think hes in Iran.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 31, 2005 04:17PM

High School bullies, AEoN? Never bothered me, because I had their number. And who are the bullies here, anyway? Bush and you Bushholes (yes, our holes for minds are eager to give pleasure to the Big Dick), eager to beat up on a little shit (who certainly had it coming - no argument there). Well aren't you tough guys, making the world a safer place.

Oh, but hold on a minute, I'm a little confused here. What I need is some of that straight-thinking realism of yours, AEoN. Wasn't terrorism the big threat? And Saddam was the main instigator, so that's why he was chosen, right? Not Bin Laden, not Saudi Arabia, not the disaffected, ill-educated, unemployed masses of young men across the Middle East and beyond. No, a man sitting on vast oil reserves just ripe to be carved up amongst the freedom loving good men of the West.

How many more times do we have to point out that one to you Bushholes before you get it? Ah, but wait, I'm probably just wasting my time, because everyone who posts on this board is most likely set in their beliefs...

And like good school bullies you wouldn't take on the real tough kids, like the Chinese, because you know you'd get fucked good and proper. Or even the real rabid dogs, like North Korea, because you're frightened of a pasting.

So your ethics stink and so does that sense of realism. Where does that leave you? With some vague notion about religion giving us a sense of purpose, self-betterment and charity. Well those are ideals you can frame with or without religion - my point about idealism that you dismiss in the same post. Faith and idealism do not preclude realism.

As for buying peace, where do you think war comes from in the first place? Wars have always been fought for control of resources as much as for supremacy of systems of ideals. Where do you think the vast wealth that the States can use to buy peace comes from in the first place? From the same place as Britain's - the control and exploitation of the rest of the world's resources in materials and labour, not from some sort of innate superiority. It's the resentment of that amongst the disenfranchised billions that feeds the terrorists, and it's that that 50% of us in the States and Britain object to. You can't beat the world into submission for ever - eventually you have to stop blaming the world's woes on everyone else and look to yourself. Or else you're doomed to suffering endless war and doomed to losing in the end. And that's realism.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 04, 2005 05:02PM

Saddam shame he'll be cleaning latrines with a toothbrush the rest of his life lol.Fuck the 7 bullets to his head,why waste the perfect riches to rags cinderella story that saddam is entitled to.Let him scrub&scour until his filthy fukn hands fall off.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2005 12:19PM

another no good for nothing muslim