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"This is working very well for them"
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"This is working very well for them"

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Comments for: "This is working very well for them"
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2005 04:49PM

Taken from the following news site: []

NEW YORK Accompanying her husband, former President George
H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane relief centers in
Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to the
poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated, "This is working very well for them."

The former First Lady's remarks were aired this
evening on American Public Media's "Marketplace"

She was part of a group in Houston today at the
Astrodome that included her husband and former
President Bill Clinton, who were chosen by her son,
the current president, to head fundraising efforts for
the recovery. Sen. Hilary Clinton and Sen. Barack
Obama were also present.

In a segment at the top of the show on the surge of
evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost
everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to

Then she added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of
scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is
so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you
know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she
chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."
chupalaflablah Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2005 05:44PM

Yeah, tee hee, Barb! They are all moving to your home state...tee hee!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2005 05:50PM

Hey binladen what did you do for the people of New Orleans ? did you drove there and took water & food ?, did you got off your fat ass ?. No you only blame somebody else..
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2005 06:01PM

I'm sending a few quid over to you poor people to help out. It's funny to see the US begging for money now, after all their bluster, bombing other countries and trying to enforce their way of life on other people. Just remember who saved your asses though, punks!
chupalaflablah Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2005 06:28PM

We haven't begged, in fact many countries are still waiting on replies from us, ie. Germany, Cuba. You are right. We should not enforce democracy on other countries.But I tell you one thing, we definitely need to remember this when all the third world countries come crying to us about food, water, wars, tyrants, oil and money. Put some air in your gas tank and see how far it gets ya, BinLaden.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2005 08:47PM

you Brits would be speaking german,if it wasn't for help the US gave you guys during WWII.
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 12:20AM

On September 6, 2005, 3:47 pm Anonymous@20262 said :
you Brits would be speaking german,if it wasn't for help the US gave you guys during WWII.

Oh my god, not that tired old lie again... We all know the truth of it, sonny. Now go sit in the corner; the adults are talking...
ownd_u Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 04:13AM

i sent some canned chitlins.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 08:44AM

Sorry, BinLaden, first of all, we as a country have already raised more than we are being given by other countries as a whole. Second, we didn't ask for shit! Some of these second-hands are pledging a whole 1 million or maybe 1.5 million. We've raised over 250M within our borders so far. So fuck you, the countries helping are doing it out of their own will! We don't "ask" for a damn thing like you sorry fucks!
BinLaden Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 10:25AM

ninepointfiver: Look, everyone knows you needed help - we know that Bush is too stupid to think of asking for aid until he's told to ask by whoever is really in charge over there. Us brits have sent over rashion packs and cash, as have loads of other countries. Hell Iran is even sending you over some oil out of pity. It became blindingly obvious after a couple of days that you lot have no idea what to do in an emergency (except go off to another country blowing things), so more mature countries have stepped up to save the suffering.

I suppose you'd rather not have the help and watch more people die? I sent some money over - you're welcome!
chupalaflablah Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 10:26AM

chupalaflablah Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2005 02:26PM

On September 7, 2005, 5:25 am BinLaden said :
I suppose you'd rather not have the help and watch more people die? I sent some money over - you're welcome!

Well, if you truly feel that way about the situation, shut up, sit down, and quit bitchin.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2005 07:02AM

Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!Praise Allah!!!