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beauty to beast
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beauty to beast

"a woman with a skin rash on her face"

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Comments for: beauty to beast
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2008 04:21AM

Plymouth, UK -- Women who are dreaming of silky smooth skin and considering a chemical peel.... Holly Nuttall would like to have a word with you.

Holly Nuttal, a 30-year-old woman from Plymouth, England had the same dream of fresh, smooth skin. She trotted down to a local salon and began the seemingly painless 15-minutes treatment, never knowing the horror that was about to await her.

Three days after the procedure, she didn't see the fresh, smooth skin emerging that she expected. Instead she found a blotchy, swollen, scarred face staring back.

The swelling continued, and eventually Nuttal found herself in a Derriford hospital battling for her life as the swelling began to restrict her windpipe - making it difficult to breath.

"It was horrific," says Holly about the ordeal. "I thought I was going to die. I sat in [the] hospital and wondered if my face would ever stop swelling."

Doctors treated Holly with morphine, steroids and anti-histamine, which helped to reduce the swelling. Her skin however still bears the blotchy, chicken pox-like blemishes from the severe allergic reaction that resulted from the treatment.

"Now I have to deal with the blisters and rash," said Holly. "It's not awful, but they are a reminder of what can happen if your body reacts to a chemical beauty treatment."

Holly, has filed suit against the salon, claiming that it should have first conducted a skin test for potential allergic reactions to the chemicals that would be used.

"Women should be aware of the awful consequences if things go wrong," Holly said.
Mint Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2008 05:13AM

30 years old...maybe 15 years ago. I've heard of shaving off a few years but COME ON
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2008 05:19AM

No Mint, in England, The women get old after just a few minutes...
blinkermann Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2008 02:58PM

I think this happened from too much web surfing -- leaning too close to the screen.

Also, I have my doubts as to whether this is the same chick. The eye color looks different . . .
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2008 03:46PM

Blinkerman hit it right on the nose,definately not the same chick.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2008 09:24PM

Danny Vice said...

Her hair is blond and her eyes are in fact blue. The photo to the left is a studio, color enhanced photo, the photo to the right is a cheap home photo.

When writing the story, I watched several interviews of this woman, and she does indeed have blue eyes. The photo we received for this comparison makes it look like her eyes are gray or green, but that is not the case in person
September 26, 2008 9:26 AM
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: September 30, 2008 05:52AM

Yeah..guess if its on the internet,its gotta be
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: September 30, 2008 10:16PM

what are you trying to say lando?