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"a comic strip of a man and woman"

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Comments for: Dumb_Americans
RedNeckTrousers Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 08:37AM

George_W_Bush, are you stupid or what. Stop insulting the prezdent! I hate it when people like George_W_Bush come into thse cyberspace and attacks the smaRt peeple of an Merica. George_W_Bush, you are a asshole, a jerk and one ugly prick!
irish_guy Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 12:52PM

the whole world is laughing at a country who elected such a stupid man.unfortunetley its your kids and troops who will pay the price.i lived in the states for a long time and could not belive how stupid the voters are.whoever has the most fireworks wins.funny but scary
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 01:54PM

Maybe you assholes should get jobs, contribute to society and stop drawing cartoons and bitchin about its "not in my name"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 03:59PM

Yeah, those Leaches should stop drinking their friends beer and get out of their mama's house and get a job
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:13PM

destructor Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:34PM

War would have been avoided if Saddam allowed weapon's inspectors into his country in 1998.

The less tax, the more businesses can exist without the possibility of being forced into bankruptcy. The economy has a weight taken off it's chest and unemployment falls.

Affirmative action is racist, so is this cartoon it seems.

The Bush education plan is indeed based on dumbing down schools and stifling the education of anyone with merit. However it's not being dumbed down by southern rednecks, who's average IQ is 100.

Bush isn't dumb.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2005 05:34AM

If Bush is dumb and he is kicking the liberals ass what does that make them..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 06, 2005 08:43AM

well Anonymous@238240 I think it is that "liberals" are still thinking that playing fair in politics should be the way to go. Ofcourse I am not "liberal" or "conservative" in the American sense and I think both parties suck ass! It overdue to play hard when dealing with fascists like Bush and Kerry and all the other corporate mouthpieces that pass themselves off as "politicians"! Hang them all!
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: August 07, 2005 09:19PM

Considering that all Prezzy elections in the last decade and a half have been won by 51% says that Americans can't really tell the difference between the two liars they are voting for.

The fact that astonishingly low percentages of registered voters even vote indicates that a change in president generally makes little difference in people's lives.

Irish, you'll recall the 2000 elections where the thing was actually stolen in a very American coup (eg. create confusion).

On top of it all is the fact that capitalism is an economic system that /requires/ someone to lose. It requires bankruptcies to occur in order for other people's investments to pay off. So regardless of the party in power, the dictates of capitalism force their hand.

If we could somehow see what would have happened if Kerry had won, I'd bet you that he'd have invaded Iraq too. Business needed the markets. Arab lands are one of the last areas of state-controlled economy left, so we "had" to go in.