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"a woman in a red garment"

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aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 05:54AM

Though I deplore the rebel flag, Alley makes just about anything look great.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 06:15AM

There is nothing wrong with the rebel flag, the flag of the confederate states. Many Americans died fighting under that flag. It is part of our history. Like when we stole this country by killing the indians.....never forget your roots!
Dr_Bob Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 07:01AM

Is she Dawn and is that the crack they are talking about?

No wonder the south will rise ...
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 03:43PM

Are you kidding? The South has risen. Who do you think is setting the agenda of this country? But for Nixon and Reagan, the states of the old Confederacy have supplied the President of the country for the past 4 years (Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, George Bush I -- OK, maybe some argument there --, Bill Clinton, George Bush II). James Carville (Louisiana), Lee Atwater (Georgia), Ralph Reed (Virginia), Karl Rove -- all of the major behind-the-scenes political guys are from the South. Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, Trent Lott, Bill Frist . . . you get the picture.

The South will not rise again, it has risen. We own y'all. Not that it is necessarily a good thing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 03:44PM

Meant to say 40 years.
Anarchia Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 04:53PM

Does this mean that slavery is coming back?
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 05:59PM

No, slavery is gone forever. Too inefficient. But we are heading back to share-cropping. No raise in the minimum wage since for almost 10 years; doing away with the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage requirement for Hurricane Katrina federal contracts; tightening bankruptcy standards; individual accounts for Social Security and medical costs and soon-to-begin slashing of federal programs; more responsibility dumped on states and localities (which are easier to control). No, not slavery; but then share-cropping always was a better system anyway.

Under share-cropping you have all of the benefits, but none of the costs. Under slavery you actually had to take care of the people or you lost your investment. Under share-cropping, if the individual does not produce, or gets sick or disabled, you just kick them off and find someone who can produce. Besides, under slavery you had responsibility for non-productive assets (children, aged, etc.). No, with share-cropping you just sit back and collect the rents, with your only care making sure no-one actually accumulated enough to get loose. Of course we call it under new titles like "individual responsibility" and "taking charge of your own life."

Truth is, the North lost the war when we convinced you all that Labor Unionist and Big-Government Liberal were about as close as you can get to calling somebody a m&*^@r-f*&!#r in mixed company. Your collective security system is gone, but we are keeping ours. You all derisively call it the "Good-ole Boy Network," but believe me it is doing fine.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 08:07PM


Did slavery ever stop ?

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 08:08PM

Aside from all of the political nonsense permeating this site, the one thing I can say about southerners is that they are some of the nicest and most genuine people in this country.
I've traveled all over the US by motorcycle, and never felt like a stranger in any of the southern states. The old saying "southern hospitality" is very true.
JohnMcClane Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 01:56AM

Long live the south ya'll. Just can't help but love can ya.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 06:20AM

You fucken racist redneck mother fuckers are all gonna die!!!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 06:21AM

chupalaflablah Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 07:51AM

Not everyone in the South is a redneck or racist. I am very sarcastic about race to make a point, but if you are human, how can you hate your race? *The human race.
chupalaflablah Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 07:52AM

I think I'll listen to Free Bird now.....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 09:35AM

...Sweet home Alabama, where the skies are so blue....(you know the rest of this song, you KNOW you do)