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"a firefighter sitting in a chair in the snow"

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kermit Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 04:21AM

Extremely beautiful work.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 04:49AM

someone's got some skills......nicely done smiling
Mint Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 09:29AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 10:49AM

that must of took some time
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 02:30PM

may we please move beyond the post 911 hype.
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 06:37PM

what a waste of talent
Bill Report This Comment
Date: January 10, 2005 01:59PM

Hey dimwad...we're still talking about Pearl Harbor aren't we? Really the only difference between Pearl Harbor and 911 is that there was a lot less talk and more action back then. America was united with a purpose to defeat the enemy. America now is more divided than I've seen in my lifetime. Blame it on politics, but the real power lies within the people. The people are divided not just the government.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 10, 2005 10:11PM

Here's an article about it. The ice scuplture was done by a women from Canada following 9/11. Guess Canadians aren't so bad afterall "eh?"

There is a price to helping to heal the world's pain.

You relive that pain when, in thanking you, people tell you stories of exactly what losses you've helped them overcome.

That's especially true if, like Darlene Racicot who created an ice sculpture of an angel comforting an exhausted New York firefighter holding the American flag post Sept. 11, you have the imagination and compassion to put yourself in their shoes.

"We were only imagining what their pain was like before," Racicot said Monday.

"Now we've heard from the families, ordinary people like us, who were left behind. There's a lot of pain and I'm certainly feeling it now."

After receiving hundreds of e-mails from people around the world, including many touched directly by the tragedy, Racicot and her husband Rick know in detail the dimensions of the loss she tried to console, through her choice of sculpture for the recent South Porcupine-Porcupine Winter Carnival.

Working steadily at replying to the outpouring of emotion, in the three days since The Daily Press covered the beginning of the phenomena and published her e-mail address with her permission, Racicot has been left sleepless and wrung out.

"Some I can just send a brief thank you to," she explained.

"To others you have to say more " their stories bring tears to your eyes. You have to think of what to say in response to things like that.

"They all say "thank you,' say how the image helped them to heal and they say it so beautifully."

As much as that's appreciated by Racicot, it tears her heart and her empathic nature.

She has replied to hundreds of e-mails already, with hundreds to go, while people are cued up on the Internet to get through to her. Rick estimates another 70 e-mails came in Monday by 5 p.m.

The backlog grows despite his wife wearing herself thin to reply to them all.

People may have to expect longer waits for replies as her family insists she take care of herself first.

Another thing straining Racicot's tear ducts is the enormity of the praise she is receiving.

"I'm so overwhelmed," she said. "One e-mail read, "Many people came to our aid, but you helped us rise above it.' To me it's a bit much " I'm just me. I don't feel deserving " there are others that gave so much more."

Regardless, as Susan Blanch, producer with news radio station WCCO in Minneapolis, Minn., told Racicot, "You don't have any idea the impact you've made here."

Blanch has arranged an interview with Racicot on their Tim Russell Show at 10:40 a.m. today and was impressed with the South Porcupine resident's compassion in their first phone contact.

"She started crying as we talked about people's reactions and I'm going to start crying just thinking about it," Blanch said, Monday. "It was so sweet " she's such a neat lady."

In another display of character, Racicot gave Blanch the number of the artist who's painting of two smaller angels kneeling at the firefighter's knees, had been digitally modified to a new pose in the e-mailed image Racicot based her sculpture on.

The artist, Gray Lineback ([email protected]) also contacted Racicot along with people from Australia, Sweden, England, Japan, Israel as well as from across Canada and the United States.

Racicot hopes Lineback will be interviewed at the same time, in a conference call.

The second, supercharged stage of Racicot's fame began at 7 a.m. Saturday, shortly after the Daily Press hit the stands.

Her husband handed her the paper and the phone at the same time, before she was fully awake.

"This amazing lady, a poet from New Mexico with her own Web site, was screaming excitedly on the phone, "I've found you! I've found you!'"

Known online as Sky, she wanted permission to start pages on Racicot's sculpture, titled From Fire to Ice. The results can be seen online at s 7;yangel@golden&# 109;

They include the text of Saturday's Daily Press article, phone and e-mail conversations with Racicot on topics like construction techniques and additional images with people to give a sense of the sculpture large scale, which shocked Sky.

The site closes with the type of words Racicot has difficulty associating with herself, but represent American feelings nonetheless.

"I know all our hearts have been touched by an angel " Darlene, you are that angel, Sky."

"She's on a mission," Racicot said. "She said, "I'll leave no stone unturned until everyone in the world has seen this picture.' There's a button on one page for people who want to e-mail me."

Sky will have lots of help in spreading the image.

Racicot has responded to a steady stream of e-mails requesting permission to post the image and others saying it's already done.

The sculpture image is also on, and can be downloaded from The Daily Press site as "wallpaper," for computer desktops.

Courtesy Timmins Press - Ontario

Wallpaper Download

1024x768 - 800x600

Racicot places no limit on postings, but is absolutely firm that any money made from the image will go to Sept. 11 relief.

A company contacted her Monday for permission to produce lapel pins with the image. Racicot is putting all licensing decisions on hold, until she can turn them over to trusted relatives in western Canada who have experience in charitable licensing.

Racicot is still trying to take it all in.

"Susan (Blanch) told me it's because North Americans hear of bombings overseas, but don't really associate it with home. There are no monuments to those kinds of occurrences and mine is the first."

"I am the flag,' an online tribute to the American flag, complete with images of it being raised on the moon, Iwo Jima and Ground Zero.

The site now ends with Racicot's sculpture. Between a waving American and Canadian flag, is a message reading "America thanks you. You have touched our hearts. Sculpture created by Darlene Racicot, Timmins, Ontario, Canada.'

"I saw that and said, "My God! That's our flag up their beside theirs, on a Web page dedicated to the American flag,'" said a touched and overwhelmed Racicot.

"It's a little too much for me," she said of the licensing requests and the e-mails that demand an answer through their poignancy. "Everything is coming a bit too fast."
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 07:43AM

fuck you, crazy liberals and whacko conservatives. people died that day. don't use this shit to push your own agenda.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 10:48AM

but calm down, bill is just another integrist
u should not fear terrorism but people like this guy
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 04, 2005 01:27AM

okay...this 9-11 shit is well past its time of honor....move on people.
dar Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2005 09:00PM

Just to clarify things, I created that sculpture in Feb.2002. 5 months after Sept 11th. I am not an artist, I don't paint, sculpt or do anything else but put our abundance of snow to good use every winter. I am a nurses aide working in palliative care. I am a wife and a mom who lives a simple ordinary life,in a small town in Northern Ontario,Canada. I didn't have much to give those people in their time of need, so I gave what I could. That was four years ago,I have refused all licening of the image (which by the way is protected by copy right and I would appreciate it if it was posted along with picture displayed on this site) and neither myself nor any one eles has profited from this in any way, shape or form. I didn't make it for recognition, money or to boost my carreer as a sculptor(understanbly since that is not my profession) as some ignorant people out there may think. I made it from my heart my "agenda" was to simply send a photo to the New York FireFighter that inspired the sculpture to let him know there were people out there that were thinking of and praying for them. I chose him because I didn't know a single American citizen. I poured my heart and soul, every ounce of energy,and a lot of tears into making that, for 300 hours over 5 weeks, shoveling and chopping away at 6 dump trucks worth of snow bank in -35C temps without the windchill factor. I quit my job devoted 6 months to answering over 300 thousand letters from all over the world from people who suffered terribly from that day and continue to suffer,all of them were touched in some way by the sculpture. Many of them shared thier experinces and their pain with me. I wasn't obligated to listen to or reply to these people but I did because it was the right theing to do. The IAFF brought me to the NYC fire fighters memorial in Oct.2002. It was the greatest honor and most humbling experience of my life. I witnessed the sadness and grief I watched the pain and tears on the faces of 70 thousand grown men of 343 families and little children without there fathers. I am very much aware of the people who were murdered that day. I have devoted the last four years of my life, to having this sculpture made into a permant bronze and marble monument honoring those hero's. There are some of us out there that still live with morals and values people who genuinly care about humanity. The negativity of Sept.11 should be laid to rest and the positive is what should be remembered. Thank you to who ever has stood up for me in the above email. To the others who were quick to pass judgement,Im not a crazy liberal nor a whacko conservative and I pray everyday for those who died . I am really sorry that you refer to it as "shit" but unfortunately that was all I had to give in the aftermath. The way I see it its better to have given all that I could than nothing at all.
Hey_Sous Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 02:35AM

I just wanna know....where did she get the yellow snow?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 05:13PM

The title of the sculpture is "never forget" you can read more about it at
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 06, 2006 12:13AM

how did u make the yellow snow???
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2006 04:19AM

anon25117, whatever your take on 9/11 it ain't "hype".
brainylobster Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2006 01:08PM

anon 107110 the first post worth giggling about... lighten up people, if this was a victoria's secret snow sculpture, we would be more moved to post for the fun of it all!!!!