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No Nudes Allowed here at plus613. Post On The Other Side
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No Nudes Allowed here at plus613. Post On The Other Side

"a close-up of a sign"

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Comments for: No Nudes Allowed here at plus613. Post On The Other Side
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2007 05:48AM

right, they're never posted here....wrong! this buy even blurred out the good, quit yer bitchin'
Mint Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2007 05:57AM

edited or not its still useless porn..take your wanking to porn613.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2007 06:40AM

I have to agree with anonymous,it is not porn,its art! Mint i knew youre a fag!
SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2007 11:21AM

Anonymous Wrote:
> right, they're never posted here....wrong! this
> buy even blurred out the good, quit yer
> bitchin'

Fuck you. I'll bitch if I want. Two band-aids and a cork hardly classifies as blurring out the inappropriate parts. If you wanna share porn with everyone, including children, fuck off to another site. But that's not even the real issue. From what I understand the heads who own this site made porn613 so's people could enjoy trading their pictures on this side without having to tread through a bunch of smut. Not everyone on the internet thinks with their private parts like you. Keeping the nudes on the other side keeps plus613 at a higher standard. By the way, what have you posted in the last several days to help support plus613?

Mint- edited or not its still useless porn..take your wanking to porn613.

That's what I'm talkin about! There's no reason those nudes cannot be posted on porn613 with the other nudes.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < br /> I have to agree with anonymous,it is not porn,its art! Mint i knew youre a fag!

Art? Those pictures look nothing like the artistic nudes that I've seen. Those pictures have no artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire. Artistic or not, they're nude and belong on porn613. With 27 categories, I'm sure there a place for them.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2007 01:41PM

post by pulse on May 8, 2005, 10:06 pm
Today is a momentous occasion for this website. plus613 has given birth to a darker, nastier sibling. Today we launch..

In an effort to clean up this website, and make it a more generally user friendly place to visit, we have decided to create a spinoff site focusing only on adult material. As part of this, we will be removing ALL adult/erotic images off plus613. Instead, they will be visible at Any future adult/erotic image uploads are requested to be uploaded to this new website only and not to plus613. Any porn uploaded to after this changeover will be removed.

We know some users may be upset by this change. It's the largest change in plus613 history. It's been a long time coming. The sheer amount of complaints about the porn on the website has simply become too large to ignore. There's clearly a lot of users who feel the same way, and have wanted us to do something about this for a very long time. We hope we can make at least 2 of the 3 types of users this website attracts happy with the move. Those who come here only for porn will not have other images in the way anymore. Next, those who come here only for funny/cool/whatever types of images will no longer be bothered with the porn. Unfortunately, those who come here for both will now have to visit two websites - but hey, that's not a bad thing. Now you get twice as much 613 each and every day!

We hope you'll all enjoy the changes, and support us in this next chapter of the plus613 story.

Please visit [] and tell your friends too!
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: April 25, 2007 03:51AM

It also says anybody without a open mind should not view any of the pics on this website.I really dont see the big deal on this.The nipples were covered and so was the bottom,those pics can actually be classified as art.Oh by the way the rules also say nobody under 21 is allowed on this website,and i have seen a couple of comments admiting their kids were looking at the pics,so i guess rules apply to certain people and not other people.A rule is a rule no matter which rule it is.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 25, 2007 12:40PM

a red velvet cropping (bullfighteresque)might've made the recent set art. but hey there are 4 different posts of the baileys girl still here, i saw 'em last night on a voting binge. a couple were woberto and i can't remember the other 2.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 25, 2007 11:57PM

There are some inconsistencies here. For example, Pulse says all adult/erotic images should be uploaded to porn613, yet there is still an Adult category on Plus613.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 31, 2007 11:12PM

Flim is off because of hurt dickster ,Long John Donger !! Audie in disrepair and Oscar got Penilious Cox with Babes Hen outed from work ! Adios , Arthritis , Social Sec. Office ! P.S. Hair Cancelled !